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Posts posted by ChaoticVayne

  1. Ah good, another video to thumbs down and have my friends thumb down.


    Your YouTube videos do not belong in the Creations subforum.




    That's fine, I'll still downvote until you decide to actually make a subforum for videos. Thanks :)


    Yep, no thank you, because this is an awesome impression to set off to people. I hope the things you make/do/enjoy get put down in the same friendly useless fashion as you have accomplished to my hours of recordings.


    Bugger off now. Ty.

  2. Ah good, another video to thumbs down and have my friends thumb down.


    Your YouTube videos do not belong in the Creations subforum.


    They DO belong here. And telling people do downvote the videos, just because you don't think they belong here, is just wrong.

    Consider this a warning.


    If you think something does not belong on this forum, then why don't you just report it and let us decide? There is no need to be hostile towards other people.


    We are here to have a friendly chat with other people and share our experience with the game, so be nice and supportive. If you have criticism, make it constructive. We don't need hostility in here :)


    Hey, thank you for sticking up for me! I didn't want to comment back and I will be generous and nice on all other posts, but felt like I needed to defend myself on that one!!!


    Thank You Again!!

  3. Glad to have you man! I went ahead and thumbed it up cause of reasons.


    I'm going to be honest here, straight of the bat. You need to talk more. Seriously, I'd love to have that voice wake me up in the morning. So smooth dude. So smooth.


    I celebrate your first baby steps towards internet celebrity. Godspeed sir!


    I greatly, beyond words appreciate the comment and the honesty!! I pledge to work on my commentary. Thanks for the support!!

  4. Ah good, another video to thumbs down and have my friends thumb down.


    Your YouTube videos do not belong in the Creations subforum.



    Correct me if I'm wrong, which clearly in your standpoint I am, but pretty sure the creation link says videos. Sorry it itches you the wrong way. Dislike it all you and your 2 friends want, you won't make me lose sleep.


    Thanks and enjoy,


  5. Hey everyone, my friend gave me this link so I figured I would pop this in here. I have a small YouTube channel and have started a Let's Play on Avorion. I love the game so far and I am a huge fan of Space faring games, building, management and statistics. If you care to take a gander the link is below. I am still working out some of the mic to game audio kinks so I do apologize for that in advance. Thanks Again!!




    Avorion Season 1 @ -

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