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Everything posted by LogicSocket

  1. Yeah you really need to implement a mechanic that if player is in sector with station that has broken docks they get repaired. For immersion you could have little repair ships fly out and fix it ;D
  2. Shame you quit Avorion just because of thrusters Kane
  3. Hi picklelord, sure i'll post the code so you and others can play around. to define the new faction: local Dweenle = {} function Dweenle.getFaction() local name = "The Dweenle"%_T local galaxy = Galaxy() local faction = galaxy:findFaction(name) if faction == nil then faction = galaxy:createFaction(name, 0, 0) faction.initialRelations = 100000 faction.initialRelationsToPlayer = 0 faction.staticRelationsToPlayers = true for trait, value in pairs(faction:getTraits()) do faction:setTrait(trait, 0) -- completely neutral / unknown end end return faction end Create ship function for the new faction: function Dweenle.createShip(position, volumeFactor) position = position or Matrix() local volume = Balancing_GetSectorShipVolume(Sector():getCoordinates()) volume = volume * (volumeFactor or 1) volume = volume * 0.5 -- Dweenle ships aren't supposed to be very big local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local probabilities = Balancing_GetMaterialProbability(x, y) local material = Material(getValueFromDistribution(probabilities)) local faction = Dweenle.getFaction() local plan = LoadPlanFromFile("data/plans/Dweenle.xml") local ship = Sector():createShip(faction, "", plan, position) Dweenle.infectShip(ship) -- Dweenle have random turrets TurretGenerator.initialize(random():createSeed()) local turret = TurretGenerator.generateArmed(x, y) local numTurrets = math.max(2, Balancing_GetEnemySectorTurrets(x, y) * 0.75) ShipUtility.addTurretsToCraft(ship, turret, numTurrets) ship:setTitle("Dweenle ${ship}", {ship = ShipUtility.getMilitaryNameByVolume(ship.volume)}) ship.crew = ship.minCrew ship.shieldDurability = ship.shieldMaxDurability AddDefaultShipScripts(ship) ship:addScript("ai/patrol.lua") ship:addScript("antismuggle.lua") ship:addScript("story/Dweenlebehaviour.lua") ship:setValue("is_xsotan", 1) return ship end Code that will spawn the new ships: function onSpawnDweenleButtonPressed() if onClient() then invokeServerFunction("onSpawnDweenleButtonPressed") return end local x, y = Sector():getCoordinates() local faction = Dweenle.getFaction() local right = Entity().right local dir = Entity().look local up = Entity().up local position = Entity().translationf local pos = position + dir * 100 for i = -3, 3 do Dweenle.createShip() Placer.resolveIntersections() end end To answer your question about how I got the ship plan is this bit: LoadPlanFromFile("data/plans/Dweenle.xml") you can build a ship, and save it then copy that xml and place it in data/plans/ folder. Hope this helps! -LS
  4. If someone can let me know that this works for them I'd appreciate it.
  5. Would love if someone made and shared xml for Planet Express from Futurama. Thank you. -LS
  6. Hey there vrenth. here you go: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2262.0.html
  7. Hello everyone. I created a mod that allows you to add a special Ancient Artifact. This is a system. (it goes into one of your system slots) as soon as you plug it in, a one-way random wormhole appears. This wormhole is temporary, and will vanish after a small amount of time. Using this will suck your ships energy out quickly so unequip it when you have created your wormhole. You can simply plug it in again to make a new one, even in the same sector. Credits: Aki: for his bit in wormhole discussion and code sample. Also for his inventory mod which I used as a base to create my own command to add my artifact to the game. (mine will not over-ride his so no worries. Instructions to add the artifact: hit enter and paste this: /lsartifact artifact ancientartifact Legendary Installation Instructions for the mod: unzip/unrar and copy data folder into your steamapps>common>avorion folder and merge. Mod Download: https://mega.nz/#!MVUn1DaJ!iYfrDtAQQIbpDcohtmxwJBG0OC8pGYsNgl_64x0h24U
  8. Try to see if avorionserver.exe is running if it is still running after you exit game Close the process and restart the game. I had this happen several times.
  9. I have successfully been able to create my own factions including custom ships for them. Ideally creating a certain amount of these and then drawing them from a table on faction creation would be the key to populating the galaxy with them. I'm still looking into the best way to that bit.
  10. I would love to see a small npc portrait when speaking/hailing ships. Perhaps there could be a database of these and when speaking it would randomly choose based on faction/alien type. I would also love more dialog options and the ability to have a more direct impact on relationship with factions based on dialog choices. I loved the old Starflight mechanic of speaking to an alien race and being able to choose what "posture" when talking to them such as obsequious, neutral or hostile. Another thing that would be interesting is a crew slot for communications officer for dealing with hailing ships. Thank you for reading!
  11. You already can as long as it has a captain. you can select it, then press f and give orders. You can also zoom out with your mouse wheel, into rts mode select the ship and (i think right click) a spot and it will fly there. cheers
  12. This mod creates more to do for pirates. One of the first mods I tried out was CivilShipCapture by Albert_Eichel. I quite enjoyed it but I wanted the ability to do more with piracy hence this mod. This mod will conflict with his, or any mod that modifies: civilship.lua , shipgenerator.lua, pirategenerator.lua. What does this mod do: Hijack option: You can attempt to hijack/board another ship. If successful your new ship will be equipped with a skeleton crew so that it obeys orders. After all, you did board it with members of your crew. There is a chance it will flee the sector or attack you if you fail. Notes for hijacked ship: The game mechanics disallow auto installing turrets(from what I can see) so once you have hijacked a ship, no real need to get close to it, just select and choose build. place whatever you want on it then exit and give it orders. very handy for many things including mining. Ransom Option: You can attempt to demand ransom from other ships. If successful they will pay you 2k credits. There is a chance they will flee or attack you instead. There is a chance that even after they pay you, they will flee or attack you. Both of these new options work on almost any ship in the game, meaning you can now communicate with non-civil ships including other pirates. Be aware that obviously these interactions will worsen relations with that ships faction. Installation Instructions: download and unzip/unrar somewhere, like your desktop. open the new folder named "Pirate The Galaxy". Drag or copy the data folder into your steamapps>common>avorion folder. Play! Download: https://mega.nz/#!FNUwAIib!nzaW62lQ6lGStgSIpy8XbAqr2XL8XrljWyZv5OrYJgk
  13. Hi all, part of a mod i'm working on has the ability to build your own space diner. let me know what you think! you can wash your ship at the built in ship wash, or order yummy pancakes and other sundries.
  14. Hi there, in the meantime there is a folder steamapps>common>avorion>documentaion that has Avorion Script API Documentation. Hope this helps. -LS
  15. So I created a custom races/faction modeled after examining the Xsotan files. "The Dweenle" (Old Starflight game alien race) I had to use my own command to spawn them but it works. Next I'll have to figure out how to randomly have them living throughout the galaxy. Stay tuned. This would be a good thing to have a template for all modders so as to create custom galaxies with our own races and factions. They have their own custom ship that i created then placed in the plans folder.
  16. Thank you Aki! works like a charm. For my uses I have scripts attached to a system that allows for dialog options: function onStartDialog(playerIndex) ScriptUI(playerIndex):addDialogOption("[Create WormHole]"%_t, "popWormhole") end function popWormhole() if onClient() then invokeServerFunction("popWormhole") return end local player = Player() local sector = Sector() local ship = Entity(player.craftIndex) local x, y = random():getInt(-400, 400) local wormhole = sector:createWormHole(x, y, ColorRGB(0,1,1), 25) wormhole.translation = ship.translation -- you will need to get away from the wormhole first end EDIT:I changed wormhole.translation = ship.translation to wormhole.translation = random():getFloat(75,150) this solves it being right on top of the ship :) cheers
  17. Thanks Cepheni, I saw that I'll just have to tinker until I can get it to work. Problem is figuring out proper way to make it work.
  18. Yes, please allow for us to edit the database of names so that we can have custom universes. I had been looking through the files but cannot seem to find it. I would love to create a star flight mod with alien races as well as custom ships for them.
  19. At the very least I'd love to see turrets resizeable like the other blocks of the ship.
  20. I'm trying to get a function to work to create a wormhole: function onWormHolePlanPressed() if onClient() then invokeServerFunction("onWormHolePlanPressed") return end local generator = SectorGenerator(Sector():getCoordinates()) generator:createGates() end Anyone know why this isn't working or know the proper way to do that please? Thank you -LS Changed subject so it gives some idea about what's inside, Aki.
  21. I have a nice little ship for you all. This will give you a Trinium cargo freighter just like the ones you see npcs with in the game. I've added to it so as to give it nice shielding, energy, cargo,and crew quarters. enjoy! xml download: https://mega.nz/#!BZ0FxArJ!qddFcUKSTvxJCRoHaj9Fid-nIBRZ5VWRox3yqEHL_wo
  22. interesting mod. I have a question for you, what would be the proper way to do the same thing, but with it being a random exit location and I was trying to have it so if I have a system equipped on my ship there would be a dialog for it and choosing option, it will spawn the wormhole. Much appreciated -LS
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