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Posts posted by TrevorJD

  1. > Improved shapes of asteroid fields (only affects newly discovered sectors)

    It would be helpful if there was a command to force a reset of sectors. It would delete the sector data file, for one sector or all sectors, allowing it to regenerate under new rules. It should perform a check for player structures (stations, ships, satellites, beacons, etc.) and fail if improvements exist but still have an option to force the issue.
    e.g. /regeneratesector [x y / all] [-force]

    > Added QoL option to mark all items below/above a certain rarity as trash + auto-research 'trash'

    While this is a delightful idea for subsystems, IMO the wide range of the RNG in turrets dramatically reduces the value of this feature (and IMO turns the research "mini-game" into a chore rather than a fun activity). I have *many* Common and even Petty turrets that have much higher DPS than some of the Exotic and Legendary garbage that is produced in the "Research" station.

    For the auto-research thresholds, perhaps you could add two options, by rarity for subsystems and a DPS/slot slider for turrets.

    For the greater problem of research being a chore, perhaps a rework of the RNG constraints such that a Legendary iron only overlaps with Petty & Common Titanium, etc. up through the materials. As mentioned in my suggestions post, I feel research (and any turret inventory) would be greatly improved by adding a secondary sort control and a bunch of check boxes for damage types. (e.g. Allowing me to see only Plasma weapons sorted by DPS/slot then by range)

  2. Hi folks, I have a player on our server with what appears to be corrupt data for their current ship. As a result, Avorion is hanging when they try to log in. The server sees them connect and disconnect, but their client hangs. Sometimes it gives Press Space to Continue, other times not. I've deleted the files under Players on the server but the ship still exists in game. Is there anything I can do to help this player?



  3. Noticed today that a player I'm allied with was resting in one of my well-defended systems. He managed to aggress the Xsotan in the system and my system defences just sat back and laughed. IMO an alliance should include a defence pact. That is, generally speaking, your enemy becomes mine and vice versa.

    Politics are complex of course. The Xsotan case is simple; everyone starts neutral. In cases where one member has poor relations and the other has good relations, the third party should invoke a temporary case fire; the faction would not attack the player with the poor relations unless they start a fight. If the shooting starts however, the faction becomes hostile to all allied ship and reputation adjustments are made. That would require players to be more thoughtful in who they ally with.

  4. * My biggest gripe about the game is the turret selection / filtering. It's great that DPS/slot was introduced with Black Market (although I feel that should be rolled into the base game) but the problem remains that when I'm trying to add Armed turrets to my ship, it's a nightmare with repair, force, mining and salving turrets all hogging the screen, making it very difficult to spot the ones that do damage. I suggest a dropdown to select between Armed and Unarmed turrets, checkboxes to Filter damage types (or different Unarmed types), and two dropdowns to Sort by DPS, DPS/Slot and range. That way I can say, for example, "Show me all Plasma turrets sorted by DPS/Slot then by Range."

    * Split existing block - There are some wonderful ships on the workshop that are beautiful and while they include large sections of Framework for players to customise, it's common for those blocks to be very large so it's not possible to simply convert them wholly to, for example, a shield generator. Given the nature of the building system, it's quite tricky to delete the framework and build in the gap remaining. It would be great if we could select an existing block and hit a key to cut it in half. Then we could just convert the new, smaller piece.

    * The chat window could use an overhaul. One of the great features of WoW and EQ was the ability to have multiple chat frames and use checkboxes to select which information gets displayed in each. It would be nice to see that level of flexibility.

    * "We have no turrets or fighters!"  Periodically I get this message pop up in my chat but I have no idea which station or ship is complaining! It would be great if the message were prepended with the ship or station concerned.

    * I'd like to see the Favourites window selected by default in the Server Browser. Sure it would only save me one click but it should be a similarly trivial fix.

    * A couple of players on our server recently fought one of the centre bosses and now everyone on the server is being notified of Xsotan spawning in great numbers and of a convoy. For players still banging the rocks together outside the barrier, these messages are so much spam. Perhaps they could be restricted to those who have completed the 'barrier quest'.

    * RCON - Please add a broadcast command that pops up a message that can be seen even if you're in build mode. This is important for admin warnings like "Server reboot in 5 mins".  It would also be great if you could work with Battlemetrics to get your game on their supported list so we can monitor and manage it from there.

    * Discord integration - It would be great if the game offered built-in support for bidirectional chat with Discord. There's a mod out there that kludges in a bridge but it was written for ver1, requires a lot of faffing about, installing python and running a python script. I've found it tends to hang and the developer noted that "Avorion doesn't support sockets" and that they "stopped modding years ago".

    * Text selection in dialogs - Chat boxes, filters, notes, etc. At the moment to remove a whole bunch of text, the standard method of shift-selection doesn't seem to work, so I need to position my cursor at the end and hold down backspace for however long it takes.

    * Loot "blips" filtering - It would be great if the coloured spots at the edge of the screen that show loot off screen did NOT show up if they were prohibited from pickup. It makes it hard to clean up loot after a fight, trying to remember which are wreckage clouds that you've already flown through.

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