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Posts posted by Yoshuar

  1. If the ship and its docks are strong/big enough you should be able to "carry" docked ships/drones/fighters/frigates through hyperjumps and -gates.


    So you could build real motherships, carriers, capitalships or haulers that could carry supply ships, damaged allied ships or utility drones.

    Or build multisegment ships that snap together and seperate on behalf - for example for multivector assault!

  2. Animated blocks -

    - Joints (at wings or ailerons, sweep wings) - best activated by pressing a key

    - Iris Shutters (to close and open windows, topedo tubes, engine outlets, cannon holes aso)

    - Spacedock doors

    - Rotating blocks (f.e. for building rotating radar antennas, spinning drills of mining ships aso)


    Or building ships that look like they "live" - like giant snakes, dragons, jellyfishs, cephalopodes, sharks aso


    Like in Galactic Civilizations III

  3. Please add blocks or sytems with cloaking field ability - like integrity field, hull polarization or shields. 

    The more blocks/upgrades and the highter the rarity, the better the cloak. 

    Better cloak could mean - bigger cloakfield, more mass that can be cloaked, longer duration of cloaking, enemies need to be closer and need  better scanners to detect you.

    Counter Systems for detection or disruption would be nice, too. 

    And a fade out animation or the ships blocks will be temporally changed to colourless glass blocks.

    To balance the invisibility - the shields and weapons should be offline (would be unfair in PVP if not)

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