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Posts posted by Hyper_Foxy

  1. You can sort of bribe factions already by claiming asteroids and selling them to the faction you want standing with, and there are already stackable system upgrades that reduce hyperdrive cooldown. Two or three good ones can get it down to nothing.

    that is true but personally it seems like a missing part of the game. pirates want either your cargo or your money so why not have it so you can fully bribe them straight away before they attack or just as they jump in. but only have it temporarily available such as you bribe them for 5 minutes of non hostile time.

  2. [bribery System]

    Pretty self explanitory, you bribe anyone your not on good terms with be it costing 10k credits for 1k reputation or something.

    if possible that would be really nice to bribe systems that are enemies with you and you cant find another system to go to.


    [station Restocking]

    a mod that refreshes what stations have in stock be it equipment dock or trading post their stock refreshing would be nice.

    be it 15 mins to a hour is fine.


    [map reveals]

    ability to purchase system maps for surrounding sectors to show you whats in them.


    [hyperdrive cooldown reduction]

    reduce the cooldown time of hyperdrive for large ships but at the cost of alot more energy.


    [friendly ships]

    disable the pvp aspect or have an option to disable player to player combat for servers who have the mod installed


    there will be more to come.


  3. to change the range of it do i just change this where 30 is to something different?

    if object:getNearestDistance(ship) > 30 and not object:isDocked(ship)then

                error = errors[object.type] or generic or "You must be docked to the object for this."%_T



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