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Posts posted by quikieee

  1. the portal is in sector with astroids call one to 8 in roman numbers (I, II, III ... VIII).



    not the ones with a big material-astroid in the middle and the religious ships around it (one of them is usually called "Adept" or "Priest" or something other religious title, which you can talk to and than either ignore or make 'em attack you)

  2. disclaimer:

    'my' galaxy was started on 10.3 beta and changed to 10.4 beta during play and i used mods, some of which i changed/modified during play (no new saves). if any bugs/feedback sneaks in which is due to those facts i'm sorry, allthough i think i ignored those.





    - Materials need more unique traits. what i read about 10.5's gyros/dampeners makes iron feasable till avorion-tier, but i would love more like this for the other materials (e.g. faster recharge OR longer reach for hyperspace-cores, faster vs. stronger shields etc.). ogonite for example i solely use to mount weapons.


    - Change fighters from entities to blueprints. as of right now fighters are useless, especially combat-fighters. the first ones of a squad often die in cross-fire before the last one even left the hangar. And than i often sit around fiddling my thumbs waiting for them to dock again before i can jump, otherwise i'd lose them. Overall a waste of credits, imho.

    "Blueprint"-Fighters is i imagine them would not be lost if destroyed (leaving them behind count's as destroyed), but instead be start a cooldown (5-30minutes) until they are usable again. this way i don't need to wait a decade for the dock again, i could emergency-jump out of a fight etc. and would be weakend / losing their utility for a time. but would feel like never wanting to touch them again. it would still be limited to 1 active fighter per blueprint and if the cooldown is long enough they wouldn't change combat-balance in an ongoing fight.

    Also this way they could be made resarchable and buildable at fighter-factories.


    - upgrade drone: i'd love to be able to upgrade the mining-turrets at least on my drone, this way it would be feasable to park my capital-ship next to an astroid field and jump out into the drone, fly into the field and mine (or collect/salvage/etc) and return. as of now, the drone has no use except a couple hundred starting-iron (if any at all)


    - save AI-building-patterns. i'd love to be able to interact with an ship or station i come across and select "save pattern" to store the layout and use it for my own vessels (espacially stations to be honest)


    - non-story quests: should give faction-relations, especially wiping out pirates. also i never did the ressource-shortage ones as they were annoying (look at good, look at wiki who produces, look at map searching for producer, get there and hope for enough goods, return... too much of a hassle). turn them around from "bring me" to "bring these goods to XYZ", this would enforce more exploration as well.


    - "order" crew. big ships are annoying to get enough crew. how about a "recruit crew"-function at habitats. it might take time, similar to shipyards building ships, but would make getting crew less about "luck"



    - i liked the non-mouse-controls for capital ships, but missed the capability to use thrusters to move along the x- and y-axis in this control-mode, especially when docking. switching between control-mods while holding down free-look-key (as the camera jumps around a bit during control-mode-switching) did feel a bit janky.


    - renaming saved-ship-designs ingame, and changing the positions (drag & drop e.g.). if i am building a bigger ship and quit building mode regularly (to "feel" maneuveribility e.g.) i end up a with a bunch of numbered patterns. if i delete them ingame i end up with a couple of designs, two empty pages and the last few non-deleted designs.



    - round corners: it might be a neat addition to add round corner/edge blocks. e.g: right now the edge-block has 2 sides completly touching it's dimensions and 2 non-touching sides with a straight line inbetween. if this straight line would be bended on round edge-blocks it might be easier to create less-blocky crafts without using a huge amount of blocks to create the illusion of round shapes.


    - colours with pattern. easy as that, add (a few) colours which arent mono-coloured but have some kind of pattern or shadings or something, might make it easier for bad visual-builders like me to create less bland crafts.




    - there is a bunch of suggestions about filtering etc floating around, i'm not going to repeat that, but a small summary:

    LIST instead of icons. switching to list-mode would make sorting-functions, UI-scaling, etc-issues much easier to solve (i think) and also allow for better scrollability etc.

  3. nice mod, at least a reason to use fighters at all (though you still need to babysit them quite a bit).


    a few features i'd love to see which ain't named in the topic:

    (allhtough i've got no idea how doable they are)


    - target-priority by amount

    - target-priority by quality

    maybe even some kind of mathematical formula like amount * quality / distance. even better of course if it would be possible to tell them to ignore some kind of materials.


    it's a bit sad if you see all squads run after a 5 iron-wreckage while there is a tasty 50k avorion-wreckage just 200m further the other direction. i'd love to be able to only mine/salvage the interesting stuff and after that let the worthless stuff despawn while i continue on. especially as it's a tad boring to wait to let all your fighters land again before you can jump again (not your mod's 'fault', but it would make salvaging/mining a bit less tedious)

  4. Question:

    Is there a specific reason why you made the income tick once per minute?

    I changed your config-file (nice addition btw!) to give me 10times the ressources every 10 minutes, as i dislike the notification-spam on the right side anyway. but maybe there is something i'm overlooking which may be an argument against increasing this timespan (besides 'loosing' ressources if quitting after 9 minutes)




    No idea if this is easily doable nor if I personally would even like this change, but you could make the mines require some kind of goods to be able to work. Maybe 1 Energy Cell for 10 materials which would require some maintance by the player instead of a "buy & forget"-mechanic. This is not a fleshed out idea in any way, but a possible direction this mod might be going and maybe worth of thinking about.

  5. I'm having trouble adding upgrades. I try to put them in like I "think" it would be, but I just get an error message.


    For upgrades I tried


    /inventory upgrade Turret Control System M-TCS-5 Exotic 5

    /inventory upgrade Turret Exotic 5

    /inventory upgrade M-TCS Exotic 5

    /inventory upgrade Armed Exotic 5


    But none of them worked. Also tried /inventory available upgrades, but it just gave me an error message.


    As for the weapons, they seem to be random when I add them in. Could there be any way to also determine the seed of the weapon? This way we could look through a turret factory for the seed we want, and load that specific weapon in.



    take a look at scripts/lib/cmd/upgrades.lua, at the very beginning there is a list of the "proper" commands for the various upgrades,

    for your example it would be any of those:

    /inv upgrade mtcs exotic 5

    /inv upgrade mil exotic 5

  6. Ammunition 5 does not seem to work i tried many ways,


    /agoods Ammunition5 26

    /agoods Ammunition_5 26

    /agoods Ammunition 5 26


    it's "Ammunition_S", like in (i guess) Small.... as there is M (like medium?) aswell for example

  7. I found close to two dozen of those when mapping the ring from the outside (had bad luck finding the "entrance"-sector"), i don't know about the spawning-rules, but it might help.


    Also don't forget to equip the scanner-upgrade which shows valuables (secrat crates, claimable astroids, etc). best would be exotic+ for sector-wide scanning of course.

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