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Posts posted by Satanisten

  1. lol that looks awesome! Very unique!


    Your going to want to make a few adjustments however.

    1) The crew is going to be very tight, you will have barely enough crew space for gunners / miners however this may still be okay if you hire only mechanic and engineers as they become lv3 they give 2.5 power so you need much less crew space then. At the start it may be tight.


    2) Missing battery upgrade, battery upgrades are a real life saver and at the base 20GJ on a ship of this size it would drain instantly you hit max power usage. Later weapons / miners etc start to become VERY power hungry when they are strong.


    3) 0 Cargo hold is going to make it a pain maintaining credits since you can not do any trade runs which btw can net you 50 million + easily lol

    Another note is you won't be able to do story mission that requires cargo space thus you can't reach the centre.


    This is an awesome design for sure!

    Just make sure when you build to make sure you have sufficient crew, enough extra power / battery power to make use of energy, don't skip on cargo.. paying crew wages is much easier when you can make large trade runs and stock up on lots of money.


    Other than that the stats look very good :)


    well thank you for your advice, im still flying around in my nutshell as my mainship, feeding of wracks :s

    But i can tell you, that i already planned in individuall customization, the red cube-like module can be expanded and replaces with anything you need :) may it be cargo(actually i would build a completely different ship for cargo-related dutys), or more energy capacity combined with the needed crewquarters^^

    at the moment the red cube is only made of rock, no more no less :P

  2. So yeah, i had a desire to build a ship i would love to fly and here it is^^

    *this is my first seriously build ship, so pls dont hate(also dont pick on my grammer pls, im noob english c: )


    this is the backview.


    this is the backview c:


    you need around 13.802.168 $  and 1253914 Trinium^^

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