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Posts posted by Weylin

  1. yea. im hoping we get something like this.

    it would make a lot of sizing blocks easier if we where able to go into a mode that let us select a number of vertices and let the game auto draw in the shape.


    since that way the default shapes list could be kept simple and uncluttered while accounting for for odd shapes like in this thread


    That whole thing was one of my main reasonings for this here.


    I mean, I'm thrilled that we have this much already. This game is really a step above the others as one of the first that has scalable building blocks. I've been nagging Space Engineers for fucking ever to have scalable slopes and corners because of the massive visual improvement it allows.


    Scalable slopes basically means you can produce just about any curve, angle, or elogation you want.


    Try making an X-wing in Space Engineers. It's gonna be ugly as shit under the most ideal circumstances, but THIS game is entirely capable of making one properly.

  2. You can be stopped and fined for carrying any of the following.

    Some are obviously bad, but others may surprise you to be stopped for, especially those which are turret components.


    Acron Drug - A drug that makes the organism that uses it dependent on it. - illegal

    Explosive Charge - A military grade explosive. - dangerous

    Fluorine - A pressure container filled with pure fluorine. - dangerous

    Gun - Hand guns. Used by robots and humans. - dangerous

    Industrial Tesla Coil - Tesla coil used for melting of metals in factories. - dangerous

    Military Tesla Coil - A repurposed tesla coil that can shoot directed high-intensity beams of electricity. - dangerous

    Morn Drug - A drug that creates a very strong addiction and hallucinations. - illegal

    Rocket - Ammunition for rocket launchers. - dangerous

    Slave - An unfree life form forced to work for almost no food. - illegal

    Toxic Waste - A tank full of some glowing liquid. Highly toxic. - dangerous

    War Robot - A big robot that is highly armed and very deadly. - dangerous

    Warhead - Explosive heads for rockets. - dangerous


  3. Being able to create designs as though it's a 3D editing software would be helpful in a lot of situations and make it completely unnecessary to have different block shapes on the pallet. Enclosed volumes could still be calculated and assigned to different types.


    If there's no practical way to implement this, perhaps someone could make an external converter for turning 3D models into ships in game? I know there's an intuitive way to do this, but I lack the mental capacity to do such acrobatics

  4. I find trading really tedious at this stage of the game.


    It would be a huge relief if we could just mouse over a sector and see what goods a sector is dealing in.


    There's really no reason for a module on something that's as simple as taking a snapshot of what you literally just looked at 10 minutes ago but lack the mental capability to memorize it exactly and don't want to spend all day tabbing into notepad to copy the entire stock in for every given sector.


    I am literally this close to writing a parser that extracts economic station info from explored sectors.

  5. Can we have the option to store and retrieve ships at the repair dock?


    Doing so would cost a fraction of the credit value of your ship, but crews would be considered off duty and not require payment, and the ship could be retrieved from any repair dock in the galaxy.


    Additionally, these stations would have an option to "Set home", so your drone will always respawn there, and you can withdraw a stored ship.


    In this way you can amass several backup ships, or just swap when you feel like flying something else, or making a new ship but don't want to lose the current one and all its crew.

  6. Turrets right now are way too akin to weapons in Borderlands 2.

    Seeing his playtime on it, I wouldn't be surprised if that was his inspiration :P


    Anyhow, I've been on a long search for a game like this, one with scalable building blocks, and I would very much like to see creative freedom spread to turrets.


    There's so many turret types I'd like to see and design, but the game just doesn't do that.


    Perhaps I can mod it, but not until I understand how LUA works

  7. Currently, the camera in this game feels very "snappy" and rough overall.


    I suggest adding a subtle acceleration to the camera, so that it swings, rolls, and zooms with a substantial quality to it.


    This will immediately give a professional quality to the camera, and make it much easier on the eyes.


    A game setting slider for scaling the effect may be desired since people prefer varying degrees of this, or possibly none at all.

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