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Posts posted by 19MT70

  1. Do you mean stack a 2nd starstrider behind the first, so it's got the engine pods at both ends?

    The whole concept for these was a sort of ball, or short cylinder, with spikes/wings coming off on the left, right and bottom. the top has two engine pods at 45 degrees as I didn't want a big spike upwards to get in the way of the camera.

    Generally make the overall ship wide not long, trying to break the stereotypical long ship design.


    Yes, one some distance behind the other. I understand your goals for your use but someone else using it could make a hell of a destroyer or cruiser that way.

  2. Is it possible that you blocked the exits to your hangars? If even a single piece of any other block is inside that extended area beyond the hangar entrance sides of the hangar block, they won't leave from there.


    That's my experience as well. If you want any sort of decorative element around a hangar you have to use spacer blocks around the edges of the openings or use nothing but hologram blocks. An interesting thing to note is that you can completely cover a hangar entrance with hologram blocks and it will function fine, allowing some interesting visual effects and designs.

  3. You could turn the latest into a destroyer or even a cruiser by duplicating the front for use as a rear section with a long narrowish beam connecting them. You could use that beam to add more shields along with generators to power the additional load or maybe add small hangars for a few salvaging fighters. For a destroyer you could choose one or the other of those enhancements while for a cruiser you could do both. If I were to add hangars I'd design pods for them to attach to the beam I talked about, trying to keep the style you've already established.

  4. That looks really cool, I might take some inspiration for my next vessel if you don't mind :) I really like those four side pods, something I once tried, bur it ended up really horribly :D


    Please do. At this point pretty much everyone is inspired by another ship design.


    Be warned I rushed and forgot to avoid the .5 grid so probably best to deconstruct and copy on a better grid setting.

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