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Posts posted by Mottenkugel

  1. It would be nice to have some kind of Folder Support in the Build-Menu´s Saved Ships Window.

    Over time the Window becomes very cluttered and it is hard to find the correct Plans. It would help if, for example, the Autosaved Ships would save in a seperate Folder.


    Keep up the great work, Thanks!

  2. Great changes! I like the new Blocks. I also like the possibility to turn the ships systems on and off now (looking forward to shortcuts, maybe even configurable directly in the power tab )


    My ship has very good acceleration, but that makes slow precise movements a little inconvenient. So I thougt about turning the engines off to move around stations with thrusters alone. Works fine for up, down, left, right and backwards, but I cannot move my ship forward with thrusters. I think that makes no sense, because thrusters engage to slow the ship down when flying backwards, so they should have the power to move the ship forwards too.


    Thanks again for all the great work! Keep it up!

  3. I'd kind of like to see ship specific speed limits removed altogether and replaced by a much higher universal speed limit. Acceleration is enough of a limiting factor. But I suppose the forum would be flooded with complaints from people not being able to steer battleships at 5000m/s.


    No speed limit would make sense, but if you remove the limit, you would have to be able to set the throttle to a specific value.

  4. Hello!


    Currently you can control ships with a captain in the RTS-mode via simple click-commands. It would be nice if I could control my player ship the same way. At the moment, when you are in RTS-mode you cannot control the player ship at all, at least in my game the player ship does not respond to any commands in RTS-mode (and yes, it has a captain).


    I would love to see the Addition of a "cockpit-Block". This block can be placed anywhere on the ship, and if you zoom in all the way, the camera will be fixed to the block, looking in the specified direction. I personally don´t need a designed cockpit or anything, just the ability to fix the camera to the ship on a specified location would be useful.


    Please add a key to change between RTS-mode and normal view. Zooming all the way in and out should still be possible, but it should not change between RTS and normal mode.


    Thank you

  5. Hello Everyone!


    The first thing that happened after logging in my singleplayer world was: I wrecked my ship after about five seconds. First thought: WTF. Then I read the patchnotes, loaded said ship into my creative world, removed 2/3 of my thrusters, added two directional thrusters and thats it. Behaves like a dream. Time to figure it out was about one and a half hours, and it was fun. Its always fun to solve a problem. I personally like the changes. The rotational speed is fine now in my opinion.

    One thing to add would be a key to disable the break thrust after releasing the controls to enable full newtonian physics. Rotating the ship would then not change its moving direction as long as you dont accelerate in any direction. I think Freelancer has that. I always liked it because it gives you a choice. You can use it, but you dont have to.

    Over all, I like the game very much.

    Thanks for all the good work!

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