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Posts posted by raz334

  1. Omicrons are a joke, if you play the game long enough you come to realize this... There is a DPS mod available elsewhere  use that instead.


    Also keep in mind that each weapon acts differently, and this has a HUGE impact on Actual Damage dealt...


    in other words for the sake of argument lets say you had a weapon that had 10,000 Damage per second, but overheated after one second and required 60 seconds of cooldown.


    Lets also say you had a weapon with 200 Damage per second and no cooldown.


    Assuming both weapons have 100% accuracy. Then using them against an enemy who has 12,000 shields and a shield regeneration rate of 166 DPS.


    The 10k DPS weapon would never break the enemy shields, however the smaller 200 DPS weapon would break the enemy shields in about 5 minutes of continuous fire,


    This matters because Omicron is calculated ONLY by the maximum damage a weapon can instantly inflict, which is ofc the 10k DPS weapon that would be ineffective on the enemy by itself in the long run.

  2. Yea, if you had bothered to read the latest postings you would have seen thats a known bug.

    Also if you look for my feb 15th posting there is a version of it that i altered that makes the inventory show up.. it is only partially functional though so don't expect alot. And no i don't have any plans to try and fix this again, fortunately i am not the author just a random user who wanted to make it work.

  3. well im stuck, so im just going to provide what i have and let you finish it...

    I tried to create the namespaces but the result was that the research option vanished o.0, i've made several attemps.  on the bright side the problem is found and i also took the time to reformat all of the autoresearch.lua to be much easier to read.



    local researchstation = require("researchstation")

    function onClickAutoResearch()

    if not cbAutoResearch.checked then researchstation.onClickResearch()




    local researchstation = {}

    function researchstation.onClickResearch()

    --function onClickResearch()


    I should probably point out that i actually changed the amount variable back to the Array Index that vanilla uses. I did manage to test that and it does work fine with that. I honestly don't know what the original author was doing when he switched it, maybe he was unfamiliar with Arrays?


  4. Wow, that is a really long message, i'll do my best to answer everything..


    "I'm not sure I understand. How does an index always remain zero? Do you mean it's zero-based, i.e. the first element (index) is "element 0", like with most programming languages' arrays (eg. name[0] = "Fred")?"


        Yes it is an array index


    "See, in the original, amount is keeping track of something. For every iteration of the for loop, the amount gets incremented. However, with your changes, amount is no longer changed, ever. It stays the same. In fact, it gets set to its current value (which is in fact a little pointless, but I digress)."


        No, it is not staying the same, the itemIndices[  ]  is a function that is determining the reference

        number for the amount, so this function actually changes the value of amount each time it is ran.


        I have actually commented out the entire lines of amount = amount, they no longer execute in my revisions


    "And this is why I'm curious. I wonder what amount was in charge of keeping track of, if completely taking it out of the equation solves the bug"


        No, no no, don't remove it lol, It is keeping track of the number of items i believe, because when it was

        a plus one on the index, every item was being either not displayed or displayed twice over.



    Ouch, on the namespaces, so with java we work with packages and those are quite different. I was reading up on this namespace stuff and well im confused as hell on it !

    Any chance you could provide me with the declaration code for that InactiveGate you have?  maybe if i see an example of that i might understand better.


    in Java i would use the keyword package somename; and then just include that into the calling file and then reference it similar to this


    function onClickAutoResearch()

                if not cbAutoResearch.checked then researchstation.onClickResearch()




    but seeing as package is already being used and that file is already included, plus i just tested the changes and of course it didn't work...

  5. The original vanilla file was using an index type of variable for the amount, im not sure if your aware of this, i would assume so. Anyway an index variable always starts at zero, which is why the vanilla files had to add a plus one to the increments. Now i am not familiar with the uvalue command as it is not in java, however after testing it i believe it is safe to assume that the increment is not needed for it.


    Also i only got the inventory and autoresearch fixed not the manual version like in vanilla...

    I have however been working on this and i believe i may have an idea as to the problem, which i may need your help resolving.  It appears that this section in the autoresearch.lua is not calling back to the onClickResearch() command like it should...


    function onClickAutoResearch()

    if not cbAutoResearch.checked then onClickResearch()



    ps. you really should use returns and indents in your code. it was quite the headache to find this.  Including a slightly cleaned version of the file for your sake.


    Included file is useless to users...


    **Changed Posted File to better reflect clean code, only in the beginning though**


  6. Thanks i should have thought of that !


    Also glad to see your not upset about my getting involved with fixing it, not sure if you've used this site before but check this:  https://www.diffchecker.com/h7d1BTUD


    It's comparing the vanilla file and the modded file, so that all the differences are easily readable.  unfortunately i am not very skilled with lua languages im more of a java programmer, but i'll do what i can to assist you.

  7. Here, I've fixed the items not being found issue so the Auto Research option will work now, sometimes, usually at least the first time per restart of game.  It was just a simple math error in the previous code.


    Unfortunately the manual research still does not work, if anyone could post the original games Research station file, i might be able to figure out whats wrong with the Auto-research version but im not going to wipe what i have just to do that.. Enjoy


  8. Small ships have the ability to hyperspace very quickly and easily, think tactically and you realize this becomes an Incredible advantage in combat... seriously everything has to be spelled out for people these days.... Warp out after unleashing your bombardment, heal up, warp back in and line up for another pass. Do it in waves with all your buddies to keep up the heat and that big ship literally doesn't stand a chance. The only think it might be able to do is warp itself away, since players don't get hyperspace jammers other than the quest related one... at least at this point in the game...

  9. sorting options needed in placement mode are,

    -> Sort by Raw DPS

    -> Sort by Shield DPS

    -> Sort by Hull DPS

    -> Sort by Type

    -> Sort By Weapon Cooldown Time

    -> Sort By Overloaded Power Consumption

    -> Sort By Bonuses, such as:

            *Target Tracking

            * Guided

            *Multiple Projectile



            *all the other bonuses....


    Weapons currently in the game are severely unbalanced due to a flaw in the calculation of bonuses or lack there of. I have seen uncommon weapons with significantly more DPS than Legendary weapons of the same type simply because the legendary weapon had no bonuses and the uncommon one had nice bonuses. Proper inventory sorting would at least allow players to find what they are looking for easier as well as lay out a numerical system for tracking the worth of such bonuses and more accurately balancing weapons.

  10. Something Crazy going on in my game right now... I claimed a sector for myself a few days back, thanks to a mod i was able to build an equipment dock which i put hanger bays on and bought fighters for it so it could defend itself and the sector... Welll today while im playing i get a message informing me it has been destroyed ! now im watching the fighters i bought that still show up as being owned by me go on a rampage within my own system, and they still show up green to me :( which makes them really hard to target, whats more they are damn near impossible to hit which sounds about right so, i'd say the ship size(s) thing is pretty well balanced already... im going to lose all my stations, battleships, mines, etc... to my own berzerker drones. Anyone have something similar happen?


        It literally has 1 hp, but i can't even nick it with a stray bullet....




  11.   Take away the Earth physics, and you get something quite different than most people would expect. The truth of the matter is that if you put enough maneuvering thrusters on a Ship the Size of the Sun and have the power supply and all the requirements to make it functional it can be made to maneuver like a ship the size of a human.


    You do know that mass matters even in space when you accelerate, decelerate and manoeuvring right?  However the size have no effect what so ever.  So you analogue are flawed, adding more and more mass would come to a tipping point where the mass of the thruster it self would add more mass then it would manage to over come.  Specially if you are talking about sun size object that probably have their own gravity to overcome (Depending on it's mass).


    One huge flaw I see is the placement of manoeuvring thrusters, not only can you make an unbalanced ship (not that important) but you can hide them behind armour.  If the thrusters where to be placed only on the outside of the ship they would be prime target and this would be much more hurting for larger ships.


      Yes of course mass matters, and of course you could very easily reach a tipping point, I thought i addressed this but you must have missed it.  Without an opposing force to resist the addition of new thrusters and assuming that each new thruster had greater thrust than the mass of itself, the net gain would be additional thrust. Now would that be enough to propel something or even make a significant difference to something with a Sun sized mass. Not likely unless it was an equally oversized thruster. The point that your missing however is that players are playing with their build and tweaking the balance until they get their ships balance just right to make them as they want them. Real life engineers do this anyway, a point that some previous posters also tried to get across and were quickly dismissed by those who can't seem to think outside of the box.

      As for an object being hindered by it's own gravitational well, Have you ever been held in place by your own gravity? All mass including your own body has gravity, and so does earth. The earth's gravity is far stronger than ours so why is it then that we can move, or let's reverse the scenario since it would fit the sun sized ship better. We have a sun sized ship with a gravity well and some other objects that have been attracted by that well, the ship then decides to move,  will the ship be held in place by the objects in it's own gravity?  I hope by now your seeing how silly this idea is.


      I Agree with you on the Thrusters needing to be exposed on the outside of the ship, at least in terms of realism to a certain extent, since in reality hot burning thrusters would cause damage to any surrounding armor pieces that were close enough to come into contact with the jets stream.

      This is of course assuming that the propulsion systems were anything like a jet engines. However The particle effects in the game suggest something similar to Ion Engines which NASA currently has working Satellites using already and has plans for more, >  http://www.space.com/22916-nasa-ion-thruster-world-record-test.html <<  This type of engine exerts Charged particles or Ions for propulsion so while it should not damage any hulls I could see this killing a person shielding and possibly even integrity fields as well, If they chose to allow the Exhaust from it to be covered by armor.

  12. so for those who don't know if you have admin rights on the server you can access

    the debug menu using the command.

    /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua")


    within this debug menu is a button called "Set Gate Plan" I used this wanting to setup one only to my surprise it converted the ship i was flying in into a Gate, and now im not sure what to do next. Setting a warp point and trying to warp to it has not worked... Has anyone used this successfully before and if so how is it properly used?  Thank you.

  13.   Have any of you bothered to look into the laws of physics as they exist in actual outer space? Much of the assumptions this argument is based upon are only valid within an earth like atmosphere, with the forces we live through daily.


      Take away the Earth physics, and you get something quite different than most people would expect. The truth of the matter is that if you put enough maneuvering thrusters on a Ship the Size of the Sun and have the power supply and all the requirements to make it functional it can be made to maneuver like a ship the size of a human. That said it would of course be an incredible feet of engineering, and anyone inside that sun sized vessel when it chose to pull a 180 degree maneuver would be exposed to some fatal G forces without some kind of inertial dampening system.


      My point is, The game actually does the simulation aspect Very Well. The fault comes in with the players who rather than accepting the weaknesses of the larger vessels chose to pour endless resources and mental energies into conquering those weaknesses.

        The only Fault i can find with the simulation aspect of the game is that the Maneuvering Rads are Currently Capped at 2.00 Rad/s which with a smaller vessel would be easy to exceed. I suspect the designers did this to prevent players from accidentally creating a ship that was to difficult for them to control.


    Now then someone mentioned taking away large ship Integrity Fields, Well believe it or not the Integrity Field is Actually very close to becoming a reality. A Great deal of research still remains to be done but the basics of it are already understood. If i Said it was as simple as polarizing the Hull would that be enough to explain it? probably not, Basically it involves connecting one end of a flowing charge to the hull and emitting the other end through some kind of a plasma field just outside of the hull which forms a repelling barrier against anything that carries a positive or negative charge, which basically means everything. Incase your thinking that the repelling force might allow something to slip through it, experiments have shown that the force it repels at is equal to the force exerted toward it, meaning the only way to get through the field is by breaking it down entirely.

      The fields are also usually designed to deflect objects rather than absorb, something the game actually lacks, since this would be a percentage of damage reduction that is not in the game.

  14. I was playing Avorion on a metered connection today for several hours i estimate about 3 hours. During that time It managed to burn up an estimated 3 GB of Data !! If i account for the possibility of other things potentially consuming bandwidth that would still put it's data usage in the ball park of about 500mb - 1GB of Data Per hour, and that was just to sit around in the same sector the entire time i was just trying to keep the sector active on the server i play on. This is a rough estimate as i was not anticipating a need to monitor the application specifically. This is highly unusual for a game, could a Dev please take a look at their network coding and see if there is something going on that maybe shouldn't be or could be made more efficient?  Thanks.

  15. Can you mod aliens to be more challenging with tougher ships in intense mode or whatever the hardest mode is and also make the aliens weapon drops have potential to be better than turret factories? would be awesome lol


    Just getting into the modding of the game, while i thought this was going to be easy my initial attempt seems to have broken crew recruitment even though i never touched anything to do with crews... so, your probably better off asking someone who has been making mods for the game already. I'll need time to figure out the inner workings of this game before I could make any promises.

  16. Thank you for pointing that out, its fairly close to what i needed, however i don't see what im looking for.  I am trying to find the means to modify the vanilla weapons that spawn on AI ships to rebalance them in the game, I have already found the Turret Factory mod made by others but i don't want to use it until the AI 's have an equal buff so as not to unbalance the game... I have noticed in turretmerchant.lua file a function is called that seems to hint at it possibly being what im looking for


    TurretGenerator = require ("turretgenerator")


    Anyone know anything about how i might go about implementing a rebalance of AI weapons?


    ****Edited Found what i was looking for under the lib directories, thanks for the help ***

  17. Greetings, I am a Student of Application Development and I am looking to build mods for Avorion. However I am finding it a little bit tedious as locating which files and function need to be altered to achieve the desired effect are scattered about in places that require me to dig around. I am hoping that a Avorion Developer would be willing to Post here or to send me a copy of the LUA architure designs so i can more easily find things when i am modding. Thank you. I understand if your not able to.

  18. Does this just make a text based command for giving the player trade goods or is this a command to add trade goods to a station? Suppose its probably the first isn't it :( guess you guys didn't search very hard run this command from inside the game with admin privileges to get a graphical point and click interface to add trade goods


    /run Entity():addScript("lib/entitydbg.lua")


    anyway.... anyone got a mod to add trade goods to a station from inside the game??

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