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Everything posted by akagetsu

  1. Well it's pretty clear who's more beligerant on the forum. Glad to say it's not me. Dear DoomAngelBlade, We're all just as excited and impatient for the next update. But screaming around here won't help with anything. Maybe you should think of trying to help? Get some more people to play the current version of the game. Increase the number of members on the forum. Spread the word about the game in any way. Try to volunteer to help out koonschi with testing or idk, whatever he needs. Do something useful and productive! ;)
  2. Sweet, so when do I get to test it? :-*
  3. Whoops, sorry. I have 13.04. My bad, I didn't check. Here are the specs for the version I'm on right now:
  4. I'm on 64. And umm...I...Don't know..? ???
  5. Sweet, sure thing bro! :D I'm on Ubuntu 13.10 right now! :)
  6. Don't feel bad, bro...I have no idea either.. we all speak a different slang of geek around here o.O
  7. See, I told you he's on the job! :D Oh yeah, what ever happened to that other guy who said he wanted to make youtube videos of Avorion? Might do a collab when v0.4 is released and I'll actually be able to play! :)
  8. Summer haze I guess... I can assure you the creator is working hard on the next update! :) I am waiting for the linux release since I'm running ubuntu on my laptop. Thereafter I'll obviously be more active on the forums too. I do moderate everything though and come in periodically to check in what people talk.
  9. I hope your mom gets well dude...
  10. Looking forward to this! :)
  11. Yeah I'm working on it...but I don't know how to do it yet because my laptop can't run Windows anymore and I'm on Linux. Prolly gonna record gameplay at university, that should be fun with a lot of background noise! XD
  12. Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to have your attention please. Because you all have shown such great interest in Avorion and provided such great suggestions and insights on it, I give you the new and fresh batch of features that @koonschi has confirmed to be in upcoming versions of the game! Get them while they're hot! Thank you again for being so supportive towards @koonschi and his awesome game #avorion! Keep the suggestions coming, don't forget to post your screencaps and funnies, smile to strangers, be ethical to cats, don't hit women and play nice....I'm watching! ;)
  13. I'd personally say you are doing a great job! :) You write better english than a lot of people I know (and I live in London) .. Keep up the good grammar! ;D
  14. Yeah, wouldn't want to shout at people, hehe. But yeah, I think it's a good initiative that when we talk about the game on twitter to use the hashtag in order to make it more popular! :)
  15. Since I started university, my gaming time has been reduced to almost null... The only game I've actually played in the past few months was Avorion. Apart from that I sometimes play Dota2, Sins of a Solar Empire, a few months back I played some Dungeon Siege 1-2 and Guild Wars 2. I recently bought Terraria but didn't get to play it more than like 5-6 minutes :( I've also bought all the Dungeons and Dragons CRPG games on gog.com (they are my favourite games of all time) and I'll hopefully get around to play them in the summer! :D
  16. akagetsu

    Startup bug

    So I installed the game on the uni computers and they are setup so that if you don't plug in headphones the audio is automatically disabled. (I have no idea how they did that so pointless in asking me). If I have headphones connected, thus having audio, the game works perfectly. If I have no headphones connected, thus no audio, the game doesn't start. Well, it loads up the cmd, shows me the blank screen that says in the bottom "Loading..." then just exists.
  17. 1. Sins of a Solar Empire 2. Galactic Civilizations 2 3. Freelancer 4. EVE Online 5. Dust 514
  18. Also, you are all very VERY encouraged to add content to the wiki if you think something is missing or to edit the stuff that's already there. I'm keeping a constant eye on every change that goes on there so if you mess something up I'll be more than glad to repair it! :)
  19. I don't know how relevant this is to you guys and I don't even know which of you, apart from our great overlord and leader koonschi, even use twitter. Whenever I post something about the game I just #avorion exactly like that, all lowe-case letters. In the hopes that this will increase awareness about the game, I encourage you all to use it like that at your own will! :)
  20. A wild TeSlightReturn appeared. TeSlightReturn used Prove Not Bot. It's super effective! 8)
  21. Currently the planets are just eye-candy in the background. But that shouldn't stop you from following your dreams..you can still hope and try to land one and hopefully make contact with the alien races living there! :)
  22. Some people just want to see the world burn...but thank you for being considerate of me! :-*
  23. It's stuff like these that make me proud to be part of the human species! Curiosity! :D
  24. I don't like to cuss, but for the love of fuck...they are called FACTIONS not FRACTIONS...
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