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Posts posted by Identitools

  1. The most frustrating things in multiplayer is the abundance of "player owned loot" in sectors, they are everywhere, we can't touch it and the owner probably didn't care much.


    So, the loot are cramping the servers, does not serve any purpose and i think they should have a timer. If the "loot owner" don't take it, after a certain time, everyone can take it.


    Also this makes the vulture play more interesting.

  2. My name is sheep, dangerous sheep.




    But you can just call me DANGER 8)


    More seriously, can someone explain to me what represent "dangerous" cargo in Avorion, what differences from illegal towards authorities?

  3. Yep, bien entendu qu'il y a des français qui jouent. Pour ma part je préfère rester en anglais, je n'ai pas de problème avec la langue et ça me permet de rester à jour. Faites un petit effort les gars :)

  4. still gets the connection refused error.... sometimes it is connection fine and sometimes not.....


    whats the problem ... other servers are reachable


    I gave up on this server, i log on someday and i saw my ship destroyed, other dude too, we were the two richest players... Don't know what happened, then, the server was gone.


    I'm on a vacation from avorion, waiting better times...

  5. They are almost free, they don't augment mass nor volume, they don't bring the need for more crew and mostly, they makes you able to do VERY MATURE THINGS :




    Wait for it








    I'm not ashamed.


    But seriously, use them, beyond the blinding bloom they may be useful someday (simulating hangar bay for example)


    More seriously you can almost make thin GLOWY ANNOYING bars of them, sector size and basically this is a way of griefing for almost no cost. I feel this is a bit wrong, the block have some uses but this is too easy to abuse them. Maybe limit the volume of those block at no more than 2x the current volume of the ship?

  6. For now when you encounter a station they magically produce goods. When you makes one they have a fixed price plus the cargo space you want to add, they are always the small type tho.


    I suggest for each goods a factory block, so based on scale of this bloc a factory can increase the cost/production and makes more flexible setup. Also it will makes more sense in designing stations.


    This is the basic idea but this can be extended real far, multi factories stations, more complexity...

  7. Well, the game scratched a little my old Diablo 2 itches with that randomly generated loot, rarities grades... Then i said to myself : why not going far deeper into that way? Why not some "sets" that can procure bonus if you "wear" it entirely, "uniques"...


    Gotta go nuts into that idea but in Diablo 2 we had "runes" and "gems" you can insert in weapons, shields and so on, maybe we can do a similar system to pimp out a little more our ships, ideas?

  8. I had 26 millions in bank, found some NICE deal (-60%) on electromagnetic charges, tons of them into this XXL factory, instabuy, got like 5k left in the bank.




    After some traveling, never finding someone who wants to buy it, i finally go in the wiki, found out NOBODY will buy those "useless" goods, go back into the game, 1 millions credits pay for my crew members is due in 7 minutes. Still 5k left, cargo almost full of shit.



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