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Posts posted by Elmruik

  1. I've managed to fix the agoods problem:


    in \scripts\player\cmd\agoods.lua, the code should be:



    if onServer() then
        package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua"
        require ("goods")
    function initialize(name, quantity, ...)
    local player = Player()
    name = string.gsub(name, "_", " ")
    if goods[name] ~= nil then
    	local ship = Entity(player.craftIndex)
    	local good = tableToGood(goods[name])
    	ship:addCargo(good, quantity)
    	player:sendChatMessage("Server", 0, string.format("Error:%s is not a good!", name ))



    am i missing something i altered the code but still can use the command?

  2. getting a error when i try to install the mod fleetcontrol at a server from gamed, which apprently has no %appdata%

    folder. would be glad if someone had a anwser ^^



    Error while adding file "data/scripts/commands/fleetcontrol.luax ":


    data/scripts/lib/fleetcontrol/common.lua:13: module 'utility' not found:

    no field package.preload['utility']

    no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/utility.lua'

    no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/utility/init.lua'

    no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/utility.lua'

    no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/utility/init.lua'

    no file './utility.lua'

    no file 'data/scripts/lib/utility.lua'

    no file 'data/scripts/lib/utility.lua'

    no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/utility.so'

    no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.2/loadall.so'

    no file './utility.so'

    Error while adding file "data/scripts/commands/fleetcontrol.lua":


    data/scripts/lib/fleetcontrol/common.lua:13: module 'utility' not found:

    no field package.preload['utility']

    no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.2/utility.lua'


    no idea how to fix that lol im not very versed in coding either i just kinda fiddle around with it till it works

  3. Eurekas were had! I found out how to add systems to the [/inventory upgrade] spawner

    Look at lib\cmd\upgrades.lua. you'll find strings that essentially go: {function (str) return str:find("^{SEARCH WORD}") end, "{NAME OF UPGRADE found in the systems folder}", "{<<<repeat last}"},


    As an example, I managed to get it to spawn the XSTN-Ks by adding these to the list

    	{function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey1") end, "teleporterkey1", "teleporterkey1"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey2") end, "teleporterkey2", "teleporterkey2"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey3") end, "teleporterkey3", "teleporterkey3"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey4") end, "teleporterkey4", "teleporterkey4"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey5") end, "teleporterkey5", "teleporterkey5"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey6") end, "teleporterkey6", "teleporterkey6"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey7") end, "teleporterkey7", "teleporterkey7"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^teleporterkey8") end, "teleporterkey8", "teleporterkey8"},


    I will not try spawning them with a level lower than legendary though. Don't want to risk yerg-ing anything on my end mid-testing ;D.


    Other snippets for the newly released vanilla systems:

    {function (str) return str:find("^loot") end, "lootrangebooster", "lootrangebooster"},
    {function (str) return str:find("^shieldimp") end, "shieldimpenetrator", "shieldimpenetrator"},


    Good for DarkPaapi's Unique Xsotan Keys mod, now you don't have to type a long string of code and have to manually change the seed everytime if you want to try them.


    so i added the booster and impenetrable code to the lib but i still cant spawn them is there some other code i have to modify?

  4. i actually got it to work finally. but if anyone knows of a good server id love to get a group going and play.


    jeah im searching for some multiplayer servers too, can we get into contakt?


    i actually joined your discord server. also is there a way to modify the ai of the salvage and mining fighters. i currently have multiple squads of each and lets say i have to squads of miners they both fly at the same asteroid. anyway to set it up where they will target separate toids?

  5. Go into your files path: data/scripts/commands open the LUA file that says inventory and do ctrl+f and search for number 12 once you find it there will be a line of code that'll read weapontype = limit(tonumber(w), 12, 0) change the 12 to a 16. i havent figured out how to make the mod recognize the new upgrade types yet so if anyone knows how to do that i would appreciate it.


    Yep, it worked, thanks a lot!


    no problem just hope someone can figure out how to get it to recognize the new system modules so i can ad them to my ship.

  6. Go into your files path: data/scripts/commands open the LUA file that says inventory and do ctrl+f and search for number 12 once you find it there will be a line of code that'll read weapontype = limit(tonumber(w), 12, 0) change the 12 to a 16. i havent figured out how to make the mod recognize the new upgrade types yet so if anyone knows how to do that i would appreciate it.


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