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Posts posted by Warrax

  1. Hi Pob


    Regarding the first block ...

    I would suggest "transforming the first block to a type that suits your design.


    Some one may better explain this than I, but ... When you transform and merge your original block, it can throw off to your midlines for x, y and z.

    But doing the transform and merge, it may open up your scale-ability more, but maybe save the xml before trying.


    I am pretty sure you cannot undo.  Good luck



  2. Ok, correct me if i am wrong but ...


    Aren't massive ships already dissadvantaged?

    I mean, massive ships need massive crews, and jumps take longer to cool down from?  Maybe?


    i too do not relish the idea of "types" and forced categories.

    Instead of imposing catteory restrictions, other means , smart-subtle means could be employed by the devs ...


    Such as:

    1.  More nuanced economies of scale - both positive and negative effects


    2.  Higher penalties for running deficits on crew


    3.  Enhanced variations in the materials mix, and stats bonuses

    3.a. One crazy idea is to make some combinations "potentially" reactive.  Lol, like if you mix Avorion with Ogonite, maybe your ship could spontaneously combust (kk, i know i am going to get rage on that suggestion



    And, i am not saying do ALL of the changes in one big change.

    This thread is good too, because everyone has a different perspective.


    As for me, i like the massive ships, but i think it would be cool if there was a good reason, ie a clear advantage, to using smaller ships.


    In the meantime, i will just continue having fun, and enjoy reading your game-posts



  3. And yes, I know this is an ugly dastard of a ship, but this was strictly for proof of concept.


    Took a cuppla tries to figure out the raising arms, so now I will try this on a real fighting design.

    Thanks for the advise by the way.  Appreciated !!


    Enjoy, the very rough "Intrepid"










    Like I said, the Intrepid is rough ... but little did I know, that this turned out to be a learning experience (regarding angles and arcs).



    Here again is the technique with clean angles put to another use.  Used in the construction of this major part for the Jackal.









  4. Hi everyone


    I recently tried Space Junk League or something like that ...

    I have no idea how i stumbled onto Avorion, but as soon as I did, I dumped Space Junk League like a bad habit.


    Even though Avorion is in Beta, I like it loads !!

    I like the fact that you truly get to build your own ships, i  like the community, and most of all, i look forward to one day getting into a stable and large multiplayer server of Avorion.


    In the meantime, please check out the Creations Section here in the Forum.

    I have posted a few ships myself, but there is a large array of styles from many talented shipbuilders that you can draw your own ideas from.


    In the meantime, play safe and GO FOR THE CORE !!

    Warr  ;)




  5. Ah ... k, thanks Blonder ...


    Here is my first attempt - yes, I realize it looks like space junk, but a first attempt, its not so bad, lol


    Hmm, btw to see my pics, I think you need to be logged in.  Eventually I will start posting pics online, so its easier to see, and in better quality.



  6. Interesting technique shown in your video on shipbuilding.


    What I actually do now is plan my designs (any software will do), then while building, I use the scaler function in the game, and leave it open.  I use my sketch and build the pieces in big chunks or blocks.




  7. In a recent post, i outlined the ships classification system that i will adopt and apply to my ship designs.  The system is linked to the number of upgrades the ship has.

    One idea in this system, is that ships with less than 4 slot upgrades are referred to collectively as scouts.


    My Classification System is thus:

    My FORMER Classification System is thus:

    [*]Scout I  (or Skow)

    [*]Scout II  (or Shuttle)

    [*]Scout III  (or Voyageur)


    [*]Heavy Fighter





    [*]Heavy Cruiser  (or Assault Cruiser)

    [*]Battle Cruiser




    [*]Mobile Fortress



  8. Function !!


    Here's Argento, Audax and Algaard under construction.


    Its standard for me now to check my elements before I put on the cladding (armour).

    Yes, yes, I add the colours myself.

    But for anyone starting out, you may also find this sort of thing helpful in your functional designs



    Argento, naked.  1 screen






    Audax , naked.  1 screen






    Algaard , naked.  3 screens












  9. There are seven (7) eight (8.) ships that I will be posting in the coming days:


    Screen Shots

    Argento - A cute little starter ship



    Arrius (renamed from Exeter) - My very first ship built on the inspiration of the Jackal and the Stadtvogel (see above) (Titanium)



    The Aegoran - (Titanium + Naonite), yay, my first shield.  Small but fun ...



    Audax - Latin for "audacious".  Made outa Trinium



    Jackal.  Believe it or not, this is a transport ship, 4900 Cargo space.  Wing Pods are also posted separately.



    Algaard - Dad did a great vid presentation of the Algaard.  Please check the link and enjoy his video.

    Thanx again, Dad !!






    Aurum - on the drawing board, and wow - its massive, with 15 Upgrade Slots - but alas only on the drawing board



    Posted XMLs














    Wing Pods - https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0U2m7lZM_RJdUwweG14M2ZJZ2M/view?usp=sharing

    (Ship) - not yet



    With Avorion Material:


    Without Avorion Material:



    Please lemme know what you think.

    And ... if you have any issues, please let me know, I will do what i can to help.


  10. Great thread ... Thanks LordHavoc.


    I have a few ideas that i wanted to share, and if anyone tests it out, or already has, please share and/or correct me  :)


    Idea #1

    I have been using Excel as a basic architecture support software.  So far, its been working very well - i recommend for any builder, especially novices, as a solid plan when u start pays off in the end.


    Idea #2

    I approach my ship construction in three phases

    Phase One - Functional Layout

    Phase Two - Armour build

    Phase Three - Copy/paste (of components built in bulk, separately)


    Idea #3

    Not a necessary step, but in my Excel sketch each type of block (thrusters, generators, batteries, etc) each have an assigned colour.  After my Phase 1, i can easily scan the "organs" of my ship design to ensure everything is there - plus with the colours its easy to see.

    As a bonus, when adding more functional blocks in a later build, its much easier to see what i have and make improvements on the fly


    Idea #4 (not yet tested)

    In my Excel design, i can get a pretty good estimate of my core blocks "volume".

    When building to a specific dimension to attain that added slot, i can calculate the "drawn volume" during my design, to see whether i need to scale up a little - even before i go in-game to build the design.


    By the way - thanks everyone.  I enjoy hearing about your ideas



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