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Posts posted by siegemode

  1. I found this bug when salvaging station wreckages near to the core (spawned in as wreckage), but have also verified it on a station destroyed by player (me) near the edge of the galaxy. What happens is that only one 'chunk' of the wreckage will display a number of resources or cargo contained. All other 'chunks' of the wreckage display no resources, even though they definitely contain some. Also, all cargo that was on the station will be in the 'chunk' that displays the resource values.


    This seems to primarily affect station wreckages, but ships spawned in as wreckage in the zones near the core (with the station wreckages) sometimes do not list any resources either. Very rarely, this will happen to a destroyed ships' wreckage, but typically only on very small pieces that get broken off.


    Version: Avorion Client Beta 0.11 r7857


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Find or create a station wreckage.

    2. Select each of the pieces ('chunks') of wreckage individually and observe the listed resource values. Remember to be within 5km for resource values and 0.5km for cargo values.

    3. Observe that only 1 'chunk' per station wreckage will display resources or cargo (or both).


    Screenshots below:


    No resources shown:







    Resources and cargo shown:







    Salvaging resources from a ship wreckage, even though none are displayed:







    Thank you and keep up the great work!!  8)


    EDIT: I Just realized that I posted this in the Beta Branch bugs forum when it should be in the regular bug reports. Sorry!

  2. I have found that the massive wreckages near the center are actually station wreckages that contain LARGE quantities (sometimes millions) of resources and also sometimes goods. If you select the pieces of the wreck, most of them will show no resource count, but they can still be salvaged normally. Look for core blocks like generators, etc. as they give the most resources and money when salvaged. Typically, one piece of the wreck can be selected and it will show the resource count and any goods in its cargo holds. I'm pretty sure this is a bug where the one 'chunk' of the wreckage displays the resource counts for ALL of that station's wreckage chunks (it seems to mostly effect stations). However, the blocks that show resource counts are the only chunks that will actually contain cargo (from what I have experienced) so I typically find and focus on those. Resource counts are visible from 5km away, but you have to be within 0.5km to see any cargo on board. Cargo salvaged from these wrecks isn't considered stolen, so its pretty much free money laying about in space. Being that these are stations, they typically have a LOT of cargo and they can quickly fill your cargo hold!


    Also in this region are Resistance Outposts, which are part of the main quest line to defeat the end boss. These outposts are typically closer to the center than any other faction stations and I have seen an instance where one spawned as a turret factory. Due to its proximity to the core, the turret factory had a high tech level and therefore produced some VERY powerful Avorion turrets.


    My impressions of this area is that we are experiencing the aftermath of the Xsotan invasion and the wrecks are the remains of the factions that once inhabited these areas. After conquering the area, the Xsotan set up their breeder farms. I remember hearing somewhere in the story that the Xsotan consumed everything as they went, which is why the breeders look like asteroids. The asteroids (and everything else) are being consumed to produce new Xsotan ships. I wouldn't be surprised to see missions to destroy breeders or special loot or resources that can drop in the future as the game continues being developed.


    Some Screenshots:


    No resources shown:







    All the resources and cargo:




    Looks like this was a Chemicals Factory





    MANY resources:




    A Solar Power Plant wreckage




    Salvaging resources, even though it says there are none:






  3. Thank you everyone for the great replies! If I would have paid attention to the stickies (oops), I would have found this thread which details how to make better gifs. OP updated with new fancy gifs!


    The ship is AWESOME and I would love to use it, however there are no thrusters in it when I build it...anyone knows why? and can it be fixed? :o


    This ship was built in the latest BETA branch and utilizes directional thrusters (as well as gyros and dampeners) which, to my knowledge, have not yet been implemented in the regular (stable) game.


    Info on beta branch and how to access here.

  4. Today, on "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous", we take a look at how galactic billionaires get around town... In style!


    I present to you my "Luxury Cruiser", built on my beta branch MP server (DTU).


    With over 1.2 million hull and 1.2 million shield (without upgrades), 30k cargo space (without upgrades) and 31k omicron rating, nothing says "Get out of my way, I'm trading here" quite like this ship. The outer hull is entirely Trinium armor with (mostly) Xanion internals. It is decently maneuverable for its size, and utilizes gyros and inertial dampeners.




    Action Shots:




























    My favorite feature is the Xanion engines, which glow yellow and are designed so that when boosting, the "exhaust" is visible from the nozzle cones. (gif):







    Details and scale:









    Full gallery


    XML: SiegeCruiser.xml


    Stats overview:

    Hull: 1.23 mil

    Shield: 1.28 mil (without upgrades)

    Cargo hold: 30k (without upgrades)

    Firepower: 31k omicron

    Crew: 661/3040

    Volume: 54.9 mil m3

    Mass: 1.26 Mt


    Approximate Costs: If you have to ask, you can't afford it.



    ~12.2 mil credits

    ~80k Iron/ Avorion (dampener)

    ~360k Trinuim

    ~820k Xanion

    1 Naonite (optional; green light on top)




    P.S. I had a hell of a time making the 3-frame gif above, if anyone can offer some insight to how to make the 360-degree ship gifs I've seen in other threads, please let me know!

    Figured it out!

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