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Posts posted by Cruiser

  1. Easy to replicate. At least it is for me.



    Launch seperate serverfiles on PC (SteamCMD one).


    Start game.


    All is good, till I start jumping around in sectors like a madman.. Eventually, and usually after 10 jumps, galaxy map becomes lag'ish..... Like I'm running a CPU at 200 celcius (overstatement).


    And since all I have to do, is close client and restart it instantly, I fear this is some sort of memory leak from the client.



    (I use the same PC for both the standalone server and the client).




    Should probably also mention I have no life, so I play a mere 8 hours daily, when I'm not at work.


    Added cropped win10 system info.





    Not saying it cant be my GPU, but a GPU that overheats, does'nt cool off in 11 seconds....

  2. I actually complained to koon directly about this.... I think it was a month ago, or so... Via FB.



    I actually found out the following things, about ship designs and gates.


    1: If your ship is physically unable to fit inside the gate, you can not use it, simply because you can not fit inside it.

    - Ever thought of cramming an elephant through a regular door? This is the end result :-D


    2: If your ship weigh too much, it will not be accepted through the gate. This is regarding MASS.

    - For help on this, don't go over 10 slots, and you shall be fine. As long as you don't make a ship that is 1 high, 1 long and 3487956 wide.


    3: Find and use hyperspace jump boosters. these are easy to get from enemies.

    - They can increase jump length, increase or decrease time used on getting the drive ready again (last version, i ran 72 sectors with a 0 second recharge timer, but ultimately, that is pointless, due to the fact I have to wait for the prehistoric navigation computer to do some calculations).


    4: build and use hyperspace blocks to increase range.

    - use them alongside boosters.




    some of this info comes from Koon himself, and some of it, I learned the hard way.





  3. I'm sorry I don't share your enthusiasm about this ship. It shares my own general lack of detail in my designs. Its mobility is fine for a ship that size, but I wouldn't say almost as smooth as a fighter, either. The thrust is abysmal.


    Also, there's no room for Titanium and Naonite on such a late game design in my opinion. Avorion hull is also a waste, it's not as strong as Ogonite because you can't make armor plates out of it, it's heavier than Trinium (in case you wanted to have something mobile) and using hull to cover your ship requires more mechanics and power than using armor plates does.


    Im sorry for all the guns showing, but I was in a lazy mood, when I took the pictures.

    Save the design, create a creative galaxy, apply the plan. Takes a whole minute.



    I'll explain.


    But first, I play and build, I don't use creative to construct my ships.



    Thrust: it caps regular on 1.000'ish m/s. On cold start firing booster, you reach 2.500 m/s before you consider releasing the booster. And whats the point of going from 0 to 1.000 in 2 seconds, when your enemies wont go faster than 300'ish? outrun them?


    Titanium was used on inner construction, since I was concerned about the way it would handle. Using one of the lightest materials in the game, offered me, at the time of construction, a good template to use.


    Naonite; main yawn thrusters. Used because I was afraid it would shine through the hull, when firing. It didn't, but i am not going to upgrade 120 thruster plates, just to remove the naonite.


    Avorion; Already stated it was for the looks. nothing else. And besides, do you even think that an enemy armada would stand a chance against 2 or 3 of these ships? Even without the shield booster, we are talking 1 million shield power and enough firepower to make even me cry :D

    I tested the ship in an ogonite sector on the inside of the barrier. an enemy armada popped up to attack the residents, I jumped to drone, told my ship to engage enemies, made popcorn and saw the fireworks. And before someone starts to emo about settings on game, it's full collision, insane setting.


    For crew; When I built the ship, I already had the crew ready and lined up. nearly all the crew are specialists, so that's not a problem.



    For design, I said i was lazy, but I also didn't want to shutdown a running unlisted server, just for some picture. (yes, some of us actually have a nice PC that runs both the stand alone server and a client, without any kind of problem).


    And ofcourse, you are correct. It does lack severely on details. But i didn't build this for the details, I built it for its purpose. Attacking enemies and defending allies.. Had I gone for details, I would go for the high challenge, Prometheus and Daedalus from SG-1... Or even better yet, the replicator ship from the SG-1 episode, where apophis brainwashed teal'c (sorry, but I can't recall the episode name, season or episode number).


    And you should see my first design, but seriously... I will not be responsible for your "death by laughing" :-D



    Now, please don't take all this in a negative way. Im only trying to explain my choices. But as always, it is not easy to understand what another person means, when they are writing. It is almost certain, that it will be misunderstood :)



    Just saying :)

  4. So yea, build this little thing. Took me roughly 3.5 hours total, not considering the time spent on gathering materials.







    Im sorry for all the guns showing, but I was in a lazy mood, when I took the pictures.


    As for information, I can tell there is a 123% shield booster in place, several xsotan artifacts and a few hyperspace range boosters/time decreasers.


    range should be roughly 14 scr with a 180 CD as stock, but not entirely sure....


    As for performing in battle....... Well, only your own stupidity will be able to stop you. I will lets ship stats speak for themselves.








    Also to note, I consealed all 3 thruster areas... Yes, THREE!


    And as you can see, this is a heavy ship, but it handles almost as smooth as a fighter.




    As for materials, I will bet you all are thinking I made this out of pure avorion. Sadly, that is far from the truth.





    Titanium: 111.272 - mostly used for inner compartments like crew quarters and cargospace.


    Naonite: 89.982 - Not really sure what I used it for, but I think it was energy storage and some thrusters on the wings.


    Trinium: 219.746 - mainly used for armor blocks to fill out gaps, as plating for my front positioned ramming block and thrusters.


    Xanion: 848.640 - computer and hyperspace drives.


    Ogonite: 24.023 armor and platforms for weaponry.


    Avorion: 90.127 - Because this just looks so much better than all the other materials.



    Awesome, right?


    Oh yeah, thats right. I almost forgot to mention the fucked up firepower. Yes, I can indeed throw out nearly 600k Omicrons pr second and butthurt pretty much any kind of enemy I encounter. But the firepower is a 1 second burst with about 10 seconds CD. Not so extreme anymore, but still impressive, if you ask me...

  5. I have to say, this is playable, but it needs some twerking on shield and thrusters. Personally, i changed most shield generators to avorion, stripped and rebuild most of the thrusters.


    Trusters are tricky, since they have odd sizes. But for people using this ship, i recommend ripping out the thrusters you can find, and add new .05 thrusters in stacks. Yes, that actually works (for the time being). Remember that you can remove and replace enough thrusters, so brake, roll and turning ability increases. Keep them in trinium for optimum performance.


    Downside is, ehen you flip the ship, thrusters will gloe through the ship.



    Also, and this is probably not intentional on the creators end, but gate and wormholes, are all a nono.... Even on the small version. Tried gates, smashed ship, and wormholes just flip me the middle finger while lol'ing at me.


    All in all, you have here, a nice ship. Can, with the right upgrades, carre more firepower than you will ever need (i booted it to 42 armed turrets, with possibility for another 4 +5 turret chips, if you dont want shield upgrades)

  6. There is a, well, ingame hotfix for your problem.... It will be costly on your credits, even in the long run, but salvage fighters of exceptional or better status, and of "higher grade material" ( e.g. naonite fighter vs iron ships) will get the job done freakingly fast.


    Upside: You can go fuck up the Xsotan/pirate/bandit ships, that probably spawned in on your ass, while you were stripping down other ships/stations.


    Downside: once the initial target is obliterated, they will search you out, and start hovering around like stupid little insects, meaning you will have to keep an eye out for their return, and give them new commands.



    Same thing goes for mining fighters.


    Just make sure, they have an efficiency of 20 or higher. Otherwise the gain is just....... well, pardon my language, shit...

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