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Everything posted by unbekannt1984

  1. You could sell that ship to a scrapyard, that way you don't have to see it being destroyed.
  2. Hi, you don't need Dropbox or anything else for a few screenshots. Let me explain you how I do it: 1. Upload within Steam, 2. open the screenshot in Steam (big preview with comments on the side), 3. right-click - copy link location (link looks like this: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/169289173820567251/26E8C88E6D335BC64E293054F2B2310943413A76/) 4. put that link in the middle of Image-Tags here, you are done :) And there is one:
  3. ^^ Did you try to rotate those Gyros? There should be an arrow that indicates which rotation is improved... Get my Galactica from http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1717.0.html and try it out, it has 2 Gyros, none of those is buffing the roll-speed :)
  4. I tried 3 times and the current front was the best I got. Well, I didn't really use yours, it has got so many blocks and so little HP. Twice the volume or twice the length, width and height ( = 8 times the volume)? Well, the fastest and easiest way seems to be to try: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2733.0.html On the other hand: If you are going for twice the volume, mine has got that much, it just needs a facelift :)
  5. I offer another TOS-Galactica... I love the look of the one Delvar made, but it was too small for me and it was missing some hull-hp. By the way, it uses Directional-Thrusters and 2 Gyros... Those Gyros become stronger on material-upgrades, so the turnrate becomes better with better materials. The length is about 42, since the "real" Galactica should have a size of about 1260 meters, it's scale 1:3. Feel free to scale it up by 3 and get 27 times the volume :) Well, it doesn't look as good as Delvars' and I still dislike the fore-section, but here it is: What's next? Forget the XML-File?!? - Just kidding... If anybody is able to do a facelift on my Battlestar, please do and share it here. EDIT: I forgot: I filled the main hull of my Battlestar with red hull-blocks (to get the correct volume and some mass), you can safely remove those. In the nacells, there are hullblocks, too, I just didn't use a special color there. Please don't remove all the directional-thrusters (upper part of the nacells) and don't use combine on them - the game loves to combine directional thrusters, even if those are facing into different directions. TOS_Galactica.xml
  6. +1 Maybe you could add some options on the position, too. I'd suggest putting the resources below the buttons on the top right (left is the group-overview - so that spot is reserved).
  7. I took a look at some factionwar-scripts... Maybe it's time for me to try to write a little mod, a "/you_are_doomed"-command (that starts a faction-war) :)
  8. Hi, I'd like to wipe-out an NPC-Faction in the game that dislikes me. So, do I just get a few big ships (with enough firepower) into their territory and shoot them into pieces or is there a better way?
  9. Well, there was a new Beta-Release, too. How about trying to build your own Turret-Factory? Would that be an idea? Or how starting a war with a faction that you dislike? If you start another galaxy, you'll still have the plans of the ships that you've built so far, so you don't need to start from the scratch.
  10. Yes, found it now: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2300.0.html
  11. Well, if you are running the game on Linux, we could write a script that installs the mod. Nothing complicated, just a few patches that the script would apply automatically. In Windows-Land it would become a little more complicated, since you usually don't have the GNU-Utilities installed (but you could install Cygwin to get those). The tools that are needed for it are the programs diff, patch and the Burn-Again-Shell (BASH). Optionally git would be a good tool, imagine that script auto-updating the MODs from the git-repositories.
  12. Well, if the developer sees that there is a working, well tested mod, he could decide to put it into the game. So, it's not impossible to get that working for everyone - this way or another. Habe ich mich beschwert? :P
  13. http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1322.0.html Well, out-of-sector production can be simulated... Maybe get the sourcecode of that MOD and try to improve that? EDIT: I forgot, there's also http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1607.0.html that gives you the chance to get mines for producing the resources you need. Since the oosp-MOD keeps the production active, it should keep these mines running, too.
  14. Come on, missing Mad-Science-Lab and Alien-Circle are another topic/bug, take a look here: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2522.0.html
  15. Did you complete "Operation Exodus" yet? That mission will take you far away from the center, so you could complete "Easy Delivery" at least twice on your way back.
  16. Jetzt mal eine ganz blöde Idee: Habt Ihr mal probiert das MOD-Paket neu zu installieren? Es könnte ja ein MOD auf dem Rechner nicht mehr up-to-date sein... Also am Besten erstmal über Steam "verify files" (das sollte für ein sauberes Avorion sorgen), dann das aktuelle MOD-Pack nochmal draufpacken und zum Schluss nochmal probieren.
  17. Well, 1. From Beta-Patchnotes (February 24th).
  18. You are using the current "stable"? In the current beta that problem was fixed once or twice, so it should be impossible: From http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1756.0.html (Patchnotes Patch
  19. https://packages.debian.org/sid/games/steamcmd
  20. sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install steamcmd ^^ That's how it works on Debian/Ubuntu (64 Bit at least) :)
  21. I've got just 2 questions: Did you disable the safe-mode? This protects you from changes that would destroy the entire ship. Did you delete the start-block (the block you got when you started the ship)? That one may not be deleted, safe mode should protect you from that, too. I usually start a game in creative-mode, make a new layout there, then switch to the normal game and just load the new layout (your whole ship is changed within a second, you don't loose anything).
  22. Dann wird ohne den Server.log wohl kaum etwas zu finden sein. Wo du den finden kannst, steht im "Read this before posting."-Thread ganz oben im Bugs-Forum.
  23. The last update to the Beta-Branch was Febuary 24th, so it is possible that that causes your problems. Have you had a look at the RAM/SWAP (or virtual memory on Windows)-usage of Avorion while playing? For me the game became unplayable when Avorion used 4 GB of RAM and 2 GB SWAP (the whole PC doesn't run normal at that point).
  24. Probiert er es immer zwischen den gleichen Sektoren? Welche Version von Avorion ist installiert? Beta oder der halbwegs stabile Zweig? Hast du mal probiert die entsprechenden Sektoren zu löschen? Also den in den der andere Spieler einloggt und den, in den er springen will? Kannst du Ihn evtl mal versuchen mit dem /teleport Befehl zu bewegen?
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