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Posts posted by Phyne

  1. This was basically in the starting square. Maybe I'm not as hardcore a player as other people here, but I was getting smashed by these fleets for quite awhile before I made a ship capable of defending myself.



    I did eventually go digging around in pirateattack.lua myself and made some simple changes. I understand a lot of this is probably my preference and there's nothing necessarily wrong with these things:


    I turned off the two hardest pirate attacks, the ones with the mothership bosses, completely (at least until I get closer to the center and would expect such attacks). Regardless of how beefy I made myself, those things along with the multitude of pirates/raiders were death sentences. The fact that they spawned every 1 in 5 attacks was a little much for me.


    I removed about 1-3 generated ships from each attack type. I essentially wanted the first couple threat levels being no harder than the vanilla attacks, so I could at least start the game in relative peace.


    I know this is a vanilla number, but I increased the updatetime by a hefty amount so I wouldn't get attacked so often. I'm not sure why pirates are so interested in shitty little iron ships. I think it could be cool to scale that number as you get closer to the center of the galaxy.


    Lastly, I modified how the threatlvl was calculated. This I DO believe is something that is flawed. As you have it now, it simply multiplies rndscale by attacktype, meaning an attacktype of 1 with a rndscale of 10 is equivalent to an attacktype of 10 with a rndscale of 1. I think the pirate type contributes WAY more to how tough that pirate is instead of their scaling. Plus, there are a ton more ships at higher attack types. I changed the threatlvl to be 3 * rndscale + 7 * attacktype.



    Anyway, I look forward to what you add in future versions.

  2. Really great work you've done here!


    Just a little help here though... I love the variety and increased difficulty this adds to the game, but, it's just a bit much for me. A pirate attack at a threat level of 50 something absolutely devastated me and the faction whose sector I was in. The defense force disintegrated before I was even able to engage the pirates.


    How easy would it be for me to scale back the difficulty of the mod? I was thinking something like favoring towards the lower end of the threat level spectrum, making the higher difficulty attacks super rare.


    Do you think you could assist in this?

  3. I've slowly been developing a sector of my own with all sort of factories and such. It was super cool for awhile to have AI cargo ships trading with all the various stations. My friend also placed a couple stations of his own in the same sector. All of a sudden though, all of the cargo ships/loaders in the sector stopped moving and are kinda spazzing in place.


    I've tried exiting the sector for awhile, restarting the game, physically pushing them with my ships, etc. Nothing seems to work. It kinda sucks because they'd bring materials to the stations for them to produce!


    Is there anything I can do to fix them?


    Game version: 7448

    Playing on a private server with one friend

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