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Posts posted by metritirodogiy

  1. Ahh, yep that makes sense. Seems reasonable that they're not construct-able at the moment, since the current found-able stations only include  trades goods manufacturing stations. If they're faction owned only at the moment, that would explain why I've seen mentions of them and the screenshots of them in operation, but are unable to construct them.


    I'll keep an eye out for 'em then.

  2. I've seen a few references to them (turret factories), and possibly a screenshot, but I can't for the life of me find out whether they're currently construct-able, and if so, how to do so. It doesn't seem to be listed within any of the station founding tabs insofar as I've tested, but I also could've missed it somehow (not large enough founding ship, needs to be attached to an asteroid).


    I'm not too concerned, as it's not an immediate requirement, but once I progress a bit further, being able to arm my other ships without playing the lottery against enemies or trying to find sufficient shops will be quite convenient.

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