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Posts posted by Pob

  1. This is an amazing ship design, must of taken you ages to build it.



    Um how did you manage 0 sec cooldown on the warp?

    Some hyperspace systems reduce cooldown. It's only useful up to a point because it doesn't affect the time it takes for the navigation computer to calculate. Getting to 0 is possible, but useless.

    there is a minor benefit, after a jump you hyperspace engines draw power to recharge, the additional power load means you could have a short period after a jump where using power hungry weapons will cause an issue.

    Granted the window is small and it's very unlikely you jump straight into combat range so it's not really that important and is probably impracticable 

  2. That's an interesting issue, a limit on spawn rates might slow it down but not stop it altogether. eg if there's 2 Xsotan spawns still active in a system, then no more will spawn in that system until one set is killed.


    Maybe make bandits/pirates rep with other factions constantly tick towards a value?

    This could effect other factions as well, so that some will never get on with each other.

    Could also effect the player as well, you've not been in a certain factions space for a while doing things to raise your rep and they'll no longer love you, they shouldn't start hating you, just not loving you, although if they are very xenophobic they might start disliking you.

    Also rep with other factions could effect the amount of rep gained for actions. 

  3. I can see a couple of major issues with the original idea, let's start with that it's basically a copy of "From the Depths" weapon design, however FtD uses fixed block sizes, which makes single function multi block objects much easier to structure.


    The other major bug bare I can see is NPC's, in FtD all NPC craft are actually hand made, where as here in Avorion we've got random seed generated ships.

    This is a major issue, trying to combine single function multi block objects with random seed generation is a real pain, esp. to generate balanced and effective weapons.

    granted you could make hand assembled multi block weapons and randomly stick them on, in the same way turrets are, however size is a major issue here, in FoD the most powerful craft often have around 50% of their volume dedicated to weapons and up to 90% of each weapon's volume inside the hull of the craft.


    Being able to blue print or copy and existing turret would be very helpful, esp in terms of ship design ascetics, being able to do so easily is an issue for game balance.


    Personally I like the current turret system and loot structure, my only real issue with it is that they are the wrong shape, esp for the cone of fire, I'd like more of an enclosed turret or ball mount eg http://3huit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/yamato_89_01.jpg

    Something where the default position of the gun is looking straight up from the surface it's put on.


    One thing you could do is have weapon mounting blocks, this is a block with a mounting point on only one face, each block can only mount one weapon, the dimensions of the face and the volume of the block determines the maximum weapon size you can put on it, you could have the block size have an effect on the weapon, so a giant block will give you a giant gun, could be stats as well or could just be for looks.

    So a cube 2x2x2 could have a maximum weapon size of 2 on it, by making the smallest dimension the largest turret size we don't get a repeat of thruster panelling. 

    If stats get effected by the total volume of the block, then you give a reason to make a non-cube mounting block, but careful limits need to be put in for balance.


    Make 2 variants, turret mounting and spinal, you stick a weapon on a turret block and it becomes a turreted version, stick the same weapon on a spinal mounting/limited arc (I'd give it +/- 10 to15 degrees from facing direction, so 20-30 degree cone)

    Also limit the number of mounting blocks you can put on a ship for balance.


    For random seed generation of ships, you add in the mount blocks and you need to make some form of check to make sure the point is not covered by a block. Or take x number of random standard hull blocks with external faces and turn them into mounting blocks after generating the ship.


    Down side is the loss of mounting guns on slopped blocks.


    One other advantage of this for the player would be to separate putting on weapons from the building/placing blocks interface.

    It could still be in the ship building section but it would be a separate menu & tool, not lumped in with the block selection tools.

    So clicking on the + will just bring up the expanded block selection, clicking on the weapon placement, will bring up a window with just weapons in it and restrick building to just weapon placement and removal, placement points could also be highlighted to make weapon selection, placement and removal easier.

  4. I can confirm this is happening for me as well - on Win7. And not with any level of activity in the sector. Even completely empty sectors. I have to hold the weapon group button down.

    Same here, on win7, even in empty sectors it can happen, press 1 to 4 and the group will switch on the group will flash on then off again instantly, if a group key is held down it will turn on, however all other groups will turn off.

    As I like to have auto targeting guns on a separate group this get very annoying.

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