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Posts posted by Noctunus

  1. +1 Besides the escord order needs some fixing cause when you have multiple escord ships they tend to attack each other a simple passive following command would be really nice.

    One could also think about decoupling the behavior in movement and stance.

    Something like
    * Hold position
    *  Follow
    * Patrol sector
    * Directly Attack+Follow everything tagged as Enemies
    * Attack everything tagged as Enemies (without neglecting the move order)
    * Return fire (Only attack agressors to the current or guarded ship/station)
    * Only point-defense 
    * Passive (Don't shoot back or follow even if attacked)
    * Passive flee (Try to flee if getting attacked)

    As I think about it that would probably fit into some kind of a AI-Behavior/Captain-Order tab into the ship panel to be able to specifically change the behavior of the ships captain on a deep level - this would most likely clutter the UI if not done in a pretty clever way.

    Well - that went a bit overboard with my thoughts - adding a follow command would be a great starting point but I think the whole AI behavior thing could be improved a lot by decoupling some things.

    • Like 1
  2. +1 I was about to post the exact same thing. Especially when you have some turret designs you just want to add to numerous places over the ship the complete reset gets pretty annoying.

    On top of that I'ld also suggest that it yould be real nice to just be able to choose turret designs without having to enter the turret design mode. I personally have made me some turret designs which I just paste on other ships and entering the turret design mode, klicking on the saved design button, applying the design, exiting the design mode (and the reset of the camera) is pretty time consuming compared to the suggestion that you could simply choose premade designs in the building mode itself.

  3. With two or more ships it's pretty easy to pass the check if enough sergeants/lieutenants/etc are available with transferring crew from one ship to another.


    Steps to reproduce:

    - Create a big ship with lots of crew (specialized - untrained are not working) with sufficient military personal

    - Create a second big ship and transfer the needed gunners/miners/mechanics and so on from the first ship to the second


    For me there is no restrictions on how many crewmen I transfer to the second ship - only drawback is that I'm now unable to use untrained crewmen but in most cases this is only a small hit for not being forced to get military personal.


    I think this is not intended and for my feeling there is only a check missing if the military crew is sufficient while transferring crew from one ship to another.


    Tested with the current beta branch [7633] so I assume that this is a general issue also on the stable branch.

  4. Well my first thought upon reading this was "crewmen have levels?". The point that I didn't even know that the specialized crew from stations provided any kind of benefit is a sign of a UI problem that must be worked out before you even get to upgrading crew. That could be as simple as including a hover text on the bars in the crew menu (but that doesn't help if you never hover those bars), or maybe explicitly stating in the crew shop that those crew are better in some way. I don't know, I suck at thinking about UI design.

    The UI design is another point. This isn't very well designed for a huge amount of crewmen as the scale is dependent on the crew capacity and as we need a insane amount of engineers with only a few other specialists like gunners/miners or the leading positions like sergeant everything gets a bit unusable here.

    I fully agree that the UI should be altered/redesigned  to have a better feeling about the levels of the specialists.


    Having an XP for each individual crew member is an immense strain on memory though. Right now, keeping track of the amount of engineers on your ship is as easy as having one 32-bit number for all of the ship's engineers. If all of them need to keep track of their XP level, you can maybe store the number as only 8-bit and have them level up once the XP number reaches 255. But then, large ships can have over a thousand engineers, and now you're talking 8kb of memory for just one part of crew on a ship.

    In fact we must have an individual crew representation right now as the specialists you hire are Level 1 and promote automatically over time (on an individual basis). Even in the script documentation you can find a representation for a single crewmen: http://stonelegion.com/Avorion/Documentation/CrewMan.html

    So the option to "upgrade" crewmen is (for my feeling) just "a small addition" to the possibilities which are already there.


    A solution to that could just be to have a general "Profession XP" for each job on the ship, possibly also divided between the levels of profession. Applying XP would not be done to an individual, but to the group itself, so that if you were to apply 100 engineering XP to the level 0 engineers, 10 of them would be promoted to level 1.

    I know what you mean but for me it doesn't feel "right" to just "apply" some sort of "Profession XP" to crewmen. We already have a profession progression system which is working quite well (but is not as obvious as needed to be intuitive to everyone).


    Either way, I think this is maybe a little bit out there for now. This is a pretty large scale change that only adds to the theme of a minor part of the game. Factions and weapons that are currently being developed should probably come before this is considered.

    Sure there are many many points which are on a much higher priority level as this suggestion but that alone doesn't make it bad. I just wanted to know what you think of this feature in general (and maybe hope that the dev could leave a statement if this does fit into the bigger concept)



    So - any other thoughts?

  5. I think all of you know the struggle finding a sufficient number of Mechanics/Engineers for big ships. In the meantime while flying from station to station hiring every mechanic you find you most likely try to bypass the shortage by assigning a huge amount of Crewmen to the positions - which are superfluous as soon as you get the desired number of professionals.


    My suggestion is - why not have the option to "upgrade" the Crewmen who have worked in a specific field for some time to the profession?


    For balancing reasons:

    • this could also mean that the difference of the hiring cost is being charged while upgrading
    • the number of crewmen which gather experience to have the "upgrade" option could be limited to the amount of LVL3 professionals in the field (maybe also a fraction - e.g. only 1/10th of the LVL3 mechanics are "training" the crewmen)
    • the upgraded crewmen could start at LVL0 and need the same time 1->2 takes to reach level 1 (just to illustrate that they're some sort of freshmen)
    • LVL3 professionals could be assigned as "trainer" training 1 crewmen at a time [edit: loosing or reducing their workpower]


    This would solve some of the problems finding a sufficient amount of professionals for really big ships and add some more depth to the crew system.


    What do you think?

  6. I know the struggle with not ruining the design by adding some more thrusters that's is a bit more agile. With a ~1.8Mt / 0.17 bill m³ ship it's pretty hard to have a reasonable flight feeling as when you add more and more thrusters to make it a bit more maneuverable you also gain massive thrust in these directions.


    Currently with my design I ended up with a more or less good feeling as long as I don't want to strafe with the ship as the thrust in left/right direction is so massive that it just feels not "right" considering the "main engine" thrust in comparison.




    The "this doesn't feel pretty well" situations usually come up when thrusting up to max speed is taking ~20s with the main engine [without boost - with boost it's ~5s] - 8s up/down and ~5s left/right (and as you can see in the screen the raw specs are not extraordinary except for the brake thrust ... which also does not feel well when stopping the ship only takes ~6s).


    Don't get me wrong - the flight model feels much much more reasonable now and the new blocks are a very nice addition but it somehow still does not feel well for such "massive" ship constructions ...

    Or am I somehow abusing the flight-model by strictly using directional thrusters only plus not using any armor at all (everything you can see in the picture is either system block, thruster or reflect/hologram/glow block)?



  7. +1


    Still in r7633. With nearly maxed out graphic settings ingame everything runs smooth - only some minor drops for big battles. But the galaxy map is around 16-18fps. The zoom factor and even zoom in into parts of the map which are not visited yet does not change the fps.



    OS: Win10

    CPU: Intel Core i7 5960X (8-core 3GHz)

    GPU: Nvidia GTX 980



    Just retested it and I can confirm that the map is performing well at client start and the performance is getting bad over time.

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