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Posts posted by DoomAngelBlade

  1. Here is some lil RP I will put here.

    **'Okay commander... Scanners reveal another corporation here'** -Navigator

    **'Copy that. What are their relations to us?'** -Commander

    **'Friendly'** -Navigator

    **'What tech here?'** -Commander

    **'Emm. Same as us.. Maybe some lower** -Navigator

    **'Copy that. We have no interest in this area. Let's get out of here. Set coordinates to 188,395** -Commander

    **'Computer is calculating our route there'** -Navigator

    **'Move a ship towards the system'** - Commander

    **'It will take one minute sir'** -Navigator


    (50 seconds pass without any chat)


    **'We are ready to in five seconds, sir'** -Navigator

    **'Copy that. Initiating jump in Three...Two...'** -Commander

    **An crew opens the door to the control room and yells 'Don't JUMP!'**

    **'What the? Who are you! Anyway. Get him the hell out of here!'** - Commander

    **'Open the Front camera on screens! It's vital!'** - Crewsman

    **Displays show the front and reveals the planet in jump route**

    **'Holy shit! We almost initiated the jump sequence! You fucking saved us! Engineers. Check what's the problem of such calculation mistake!** - Commander

    **'Yes sir'** - Navigator.

    **'Well. If not you - we would crash into the planet. I'm giving you a promotion and you are free from orders for today.'** - Commander

    **'Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!'** -Crewsman.







    It seems that my Ship wants to suicide... Brilliant :D

  2. Not mining. Salvaging. It's good stuff cause if you need to get to the level of place you are - you can destroy some wrecks and get turrets from them so you will have stuff.

    I got AVORION TURRET from them.


    You know... It's awesome to have AVORION MINING TURRET. With 50 EFFICIENCY! I can MINE AVORION!

  3. Thing is. . .


    This is russian website with a game inside.

    This web-site is really popular because it is a database with all games smaller than 500 MB(They have another website for big games)

    What about RUSSIAN language?

    If you will add russian translation - people will play it more

    (If those people from Small games will not do it by themselves.. You know . . . they crack all games almost instantly and making their own translations to popular games and so on)

  4. I salvaged around 40k IRON from that scrapyard and went to church that had really good prices at resource trader. I started selling 100 Iron alot times to get 10k iron left in total. I need cash anyway.

    During SELLING I checked right side and seen.. That I get IRON somewhy.


    I was clicking fast.. Maybe thats the hint.


    Anyway. I sold Iron for 200k and Got in total like 4k iron back. Also I had one time when it gave me money and 3k iron instantly.

  5. I don't think that this is a BUG but the way it is realised is HORRIBLE actually.


    I bought mining licence for 15k for 15 minutes. I aint counted the time or used a timer.

    When Licence ended.... I was salvaging xanion which is rare and hard salvaged(10k hp is no joke when I have only 700) and INSTANTLY relations went down for 19k because I Was salvaging without licence! I seen the chat and seen that I received WARNINGS to stop salvaging. But that spam was less than one second because I had like 5 turrets firing at XANION SHIP wrecks.

    I think you better change it from "Amount of attacks\damage" or how you did it. . . . To time.

    Like 5 seconds after warnings.

    "You are not allowed to salvage wrecks here. Get a licence to do so"


    "Warning. Salvaging without licence is not allowed"


    "This is your final warning! Stop salvaging or be destroyed"


    "You are not allowed to salvage wrecks here. Get a licence to do so"


    "Warning. Salvaging without licence is not allowed"


    "This is your final warning! Stop salvaging or be destroyed"


    -19 000 relations.


    Awesome D;. I just lost a place to loot XANION. D;

  6. I tried to salvage something from those salvage fields... You know. Xanion there while I'm on Iron is good thing.

    But I got crash and a message before crash: you don't have enough crew to control all your armed turrets.

    Did you pumped up those wrecks with explosives? Because If yes - that explosive killed some people.. and game.

  7. [subject name]

    I just spotted a group of ships. I'm at location where Iron is placed actually. And I found enemies that have over 10k hull.

    Those enemies were made of Xanion. Whole bunch.

    Want to know if that is something new like "Pirate Boss" Or something.


    I'm putting everything I found here.

    1) Wrong numbers at ship editing.


    It says that it will cost 100 cr and 20 iron.

    It takes 50 cr and 10 iron. Upon deletion : same sum is refunded.

    Same at resource trader. I sold minerals for 15k and 420 and got only 15 019


  8. 1 and 2 in same time.

    1)Local shield generator

    2)Ship shield generator

    These 2 blocks in same time will be awesome

    Like Ship shield generator is used but when it goes down - Local shield generator is used to protect most needed parts(Engine, generator or so on that will be in game... Or turrets... In this case)

  9. Emm. If ur looking for glitches in code - I can't help you. But if u looking for glitches - just post ur version and I'll try to grab all the glitches around. :D

    You can post uber glitched versions . Why? Cuz it's not final release! That's why :D

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