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Posts posted by IamTheGreatest

  1. I wanted a good way to have the player ability to own/create player warp gates.


    This is especially useful if you are "owning" your own sectors and want gates to other sectors.


    I have set this as a command from chat, but it will cost 1 million for each gate, so it isn't so "cheaty".


    It is op since you can set the exit to literally anywhere, (make sure this is a sector that exists or you'll have problems.


    You CAN have multiple gates in one sector, but be aware that there is no label to where they go.


    How to use:

    open map and find coordinates of where you want the gate to exit TO. write down the x/y coordinates.

    Let's say you want to go to X:63 Y -326 you will type this:

    /gate create 63 -326 and press enter. Poof. as long as you have the required 1 million credits your new player warp gate will appear.

    the exit when you go through the gate is a wormhole, because i wasn't sure how to actually reference the exit.




    Mod Download:



    Credits: Aki for his Avorion Commands Package as I used one as a base for the command aspect.

    Required: Aki's Commands Package:



    I downloaded the files and put them in their corrosponding folders. When i attempt the gate command it recognizes it, takes my million credits, then does absolutly nothing. Is this me putting something in the wrong spot or am i doing the command wrong? I do put in thhe commands just like you do.

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