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Posts posted by Splutty

  1. I'm not sure how you're testing this, since if I replace an trinium armour block by a trinium glow block, I lose tons of hull.


    If you're going by the 'preview' stats, then those are extremely unreliable.


    Best thing to test would be to just build a 1 block standard ship, and replace your primary block with different materials, and see what that does.

  2. Whether that works or not also depends on where your turrets are placed :)


    If you have a fairly flat ship with turrets on top, this will work fine, but if you have a cigar or sphere with most of the turrets at the front, it won't, really.


    Forcing them to reacquire their targets on switching the turret bank off and on would already help enormously in all cases.

  3. I wholeheartedly agree with this.


    The way it is now (with the max number in the notifications) looks extremely 'dirty'. It updates too fast, and it takes too long for your brain to process the expanded numbers (also since they're variable length, it would help if they're always in the same columns)


    I would like to have a toggle to have the old notifications and display back as well.


  4. So I have a bunch of captained ships, but since the patch, they all get stuck on each other, ram into stations, can't break (despite having inertial dampeners), and basically just act like drunken skaters.


    When I fly the ship myself, I have none of these issues.


    I think there's something borked with the AI flying routines. Since my 'flyToDock' now just rams the station at full speed, even though under manual control, the ship stops just fine.


    I'm not sure if the flight routines just haven't been updated, or whether I'm doing something wrong in the design of my ships.


    Here's a picture of how they get stuck:






    I've attached the xml for this ship, if anyone wants to have a look.




  5. We just don't care about armour :)


    For the most part, unless you're really into ramming stuff, it's not going to matter. A hull block that extends into your ship with a decent volume will have more than enough hitpoints for the occasional accidental collision.


    As for shield penetrating NPCs, I find there are very few of these and they don't do enough damage to shoot your guns off to begin with.

  6. Known problem, unfortunately. What I do is make sure all my ships have a captain, so I can 'Escort Me' the ship I want to actually be in to the ship I got spawned in.


    Also make sure the orders for the ship you spawned in are still correct (or just re-order it). Sometimes it forgets the orders, sometimes it doesn't. I have no idea why or when.

  7. That's a great idea! Factions being a bit more 'fluid' overall would be nice to begin with.


    And the fact you can't really mount turrets (aside from the initial 2) on stations, kind of make the defence station a problem. I'm using a large ship with very few engines and no cargo for that.

  8. We've seen this issue before. For some of us it eventually results in a client crash.


    It does seem to get worse the more sectors you have loaded, and as you've noticed, restarting the client makes this disappear for a while.


    I think it has more to do with the client getting all the info of still active sectors than a memory leak.


    But that's just my guess :)

  9. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way.


    The ships you leave in sectors also don't do anything. If you've given them orders before you left that sector, they'll stop executing those orders.


    The sectors that exist but aren't loaded also can't accept new ships. The reason the escort works is because it's you moving from sector A to sector B and the ship comes with you at the same time.


    It can't follow you some time later.


    I ran into this when I was working on my good hauling scripts :)


    ps. I'd love for it to work, of course! But for the time being, it can't and won't :(

  10. The fighter angle is what I'm actually thinking about, but I'm not quite sure if fighters are capable of doing everything I'd want them to do :)


    Work in progress for me, but not very high on my priority list either. Stopping AI ships from crashing into stations is what I'm actively looking at now.  ;D

  11. I think I found what's causing it.


    My mods output quite a lot of debug text, and when I disable the debug text, I no longer get the message. So somehow it thinks I'm chatting too much when my mod is coughing up tons of text..


    I haven't looked into it much further, but disabling my debug logging seems to have fixed my problem for the time being.

  12. I'm unable to chat at all, since no matter what I do, I get the 'Too many messages' error.


    I've tried to find a place to turn this off (I personally HATE this feature in all games that have it), but have been unsuccessful.


    Any help?

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