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Posts posted by Splutty

  1. It's your intel onboard graphics card (you running on a laptop?) it looks like.


    I know there have been complaints about those (seems some people get huge black blocks instead of shield animations), and I read in the news section that some things at least got fixed. No idea if your problem is fixed, though.

  2. Sounds like something my players may enjoy. ServerSide? ClientSide? Do you modify the existing trade AI to prefer player stations for their own routes (if that is how that works), or whole new scripts being processed?


    Completely new scripts for player ships. And for now it only works on your own factories.


    I use tiny bits of the trader mechanic (mainly the docking sequencing), but everything else is completely AI ship driven.


    So you're going to need at least a hauler with a captain for it to work.


    I'm currently experimenting with where I want to run it, but it's designed to run server side.

  3. Was this on beta or stable? Because on beta it should be fixed as of patch 10.5 as stated in the patch notes here:

    [uBR] Fixed a crash in UITextBox when a new text was set and scrolling was too far right


    This was on stable, and I saw that fix, but I don't think that applies to this issue. I'll wait for the new branch to go live, though.

  4. So I have a new ship design now that doesn't crash into stations, I still think the calculations are off, but at least my mod still works.


    A version for the latest version by Evil33: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,2896.msg22268.html#msg22268


    Short description: After you've done all the adjusting in this post, you'll have a 'Haul Goods' order on your ship, which will automatically try to figure out what needs to be transported and what can make a profit in the sector you're in. Obviously you need a ship with a captain and some cargo space.


    If you want to easy install with commands instead of changing the orders list for ships, then the first part is enough. This gives you a /haulgoods command instead of an entry in the Orders menu. I actually prefer this option myself :)


    You can give multiple ships the 'Haul Goods' order, and they will all work together so they don't start doing the same thing. You can see all that at work if you open your console window, quote-key by default.


    It only works in your current sector. I mainly use it to run all the supply lines of my factories (0 profit is considered a valid traderoute for my AI :), but I've tested a bit on trade runs in NPC sectors as well, which seems to work.


    It produces a fair amount of debug logging, which you can disable at the following place (if you run into problems, turn this back on):

    function debug_msg(message)
    --	if (true) then return end


    Easy installation with commands:

    The haulgoods_cmd-v0.9.2.zip file contains 3 files:





    If you unzip the zip file into the data\scripts directory of your Avorion install directory (generally with an 'extract to..' option), these will be put where they belong. These are all server side, but can be installed on your client side as well for single player.


    Usage: Target a ship you want to use as a hauler (needs a captain), open your chat input (enter by default) and type /haulgoods start


    The commands are:

    /haulgoods start

    /haulgoods stop

    /haulgoods status


    Always make sure you have the right ship targeted (you can do this from your fleet list)


    By default debugging is on, and you can follow what's going on in the console window (quote key by default), which should show you exactly what your ship is doing (or more than one if you give more than one orders)


    If you want a button in the Orders list of your ship, then follow these instructions:


    Installation of a menu entry for 'Orders' on a ship:



    As always, make a backup before making changes!


    Changes to be made to data\scripts\entity\craftorders.lua.


    In InitUI(), around line 119 and below make the following changes:


    At the end of these lines there might already be some entries extra (from for example the salvage mod) but this is how it should look by default without changes:

    local splitter = UIHorizontalMultiSplitter(Rect(window.size), 10, 10, 6)
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(0), "Idle"%_t, "onIdleButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(1), "Passive"%_t, "onPassiveButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(2), "Guard This Position"%_t, "onGuardButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(3), "Patrol Sector"%_t, "onPatrolButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(4), "Escort Me"%_t, "onEscortMeButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(5), "Attack Enemies"%_t, "onAttackEnemiesButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(6), "Mine"%_t, "onMineButtonPressed")


    Add the following line to the list and change the 6 in the first line to a 7 as well.

    	window:createButton(splitter:partition(7), "Haul Goods"%_t, "onHaulGoodsButtonPressed")


    The 7 can be a different number if there are already more entries than the first 6. If that is the case, you need to change the last number 6 in the first line to something other than 7 as well.


    For example, the list looks like this in my file:

        local splitter = UIHorizontalMultiSplitter(Rect(window.size), 10, 10, 9)
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(0), "Idle"%_t, "onIdleButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(1), "Passive"%_t, "onPassiveButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(2), "Guard This Position"%_t, "onGuardButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(3), "Patrol Sector"%_t, "onPatrolButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(4), "Escort Me"%_t, "onEscortMeButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(5), "Attack Enemies"%_t, "onAttackEnemiesButtonPressed")
        window:createButton(splitter:partition(6), "Mine"%_t, "onMineButtonPressed")
    window:createButton(splitter:partition(7), "Salvage"%_t, "onSalvageButtonPressed")
    window:createButton(splitter:partition(8), "Clean Sector"%_t, "onSalvageAllButtonPressed")
    window:createButton(splitter:partition(9), "Haul Goods"%_t, "onHaulGoodsButtonPressed")


    Then at this spot:

    function checkCaptain()


    copy the following code between the 'end' and 'function'


    function onHaulGoodsButtonPressed()
        if onClient() then
        if checkCaptain() then


    There doesn't seem to be a nice way yet to add commands to a ship from other scripts. If anyone knows how to do this nicely, please let me know.



  5. Grep is very useful, indeed (or the Windows equivalent, but I find that one to be very slow)


    There are a ton more commandline linux/unix tools that are very handy in helping debug things.


    I've installed gnuwin32 (http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/) on pretty much every Windows machine I've had since it's been available.


    If for nothing else than being able to use 'less', which doesn't have any problems displaying and searching through a 9GB textfile.

  6. price variance broken down is roughly price*0.5*relationfactor for full stock and price*1.5*relationfactor for empty stocks.


    building a factory is defined in stationfounder.lua and Minefounder.lua:


    local diff = resultValue - ingredientValue
        local costs = 3000000 -- 3 mio minimum for a factory
        costs = costs + diff * 4500

    where resultValue is the accumulated Value (good.price) of produced goods and ingredientValue is the accumulated Value of all ingredients.


    Yep. I found it and adjusted the price of my beans to a more reasonable level. I'm still working my way through all the scripting and documentation, but I'll get there, sooner or later!


    Thanks for the help :)

  7. That's the buying of the goods for NPC factories and such. What I was looking for was the actual price when you build a factory.


    I'll continue looking if I ever stop building stuff... >< Money isn't really a serious issue either way.


    Edit: Thanks for those code snippets, though, I'm going to have to look into those as well if I want to finish my little trader code.

  8. An Avorion server uses pretty large amounts of disk space, so that's your main problem.


    My current server which has me on it and a few friends is up to 5GB, which would still easilly fit on a USB stick :) But it can potentially grow much much larger if your players create a lot of sectors.


    Furthermore, whether there's a release for ARM Linux would depend on whether there's a build for it. Pretty much only the dev can do that build.


    Assuming they build the server with gcc, it's just a question of doing a cross compile for the ARM architecture, but I have no idea if they would do that to begin with.



  9. Flickr is notorious for not wanting you to link pictures anywhere without including the full link so they can do all their tracking and advertising and such :)


    It won't even allow you to actually see the full size picture unless you have javascript enabled.


    If you really want to do an include of a picture from flickr in an image link, open the source code for the page you have your picture on, and look for "og:image", that will give you the link to an actual picture.


    Or do a 'view page info' if you use Firefox, and there should be picture links in there as well.


    For you for instance, that'd give this one:





    PS: I expected the Eve Obelisk! :D But this is nice as well!

  10. So I was thinking on how to make farms in space, and of course my first thought was making a nice glass dome.


    Hint: Don't.. It's nearly impossible with the way the game uses blocks :D


    So I gave up on that, but I still wanted something that at least looked somewhat like a farm in space, and after a ton of messing around, I built this:







    And a bit more closeup:





  11. You want the turrets spaced out a bit, but having said that, the AI is utterly retarded, so it isn't really your fault.


    They keep moving and jittering, so the lasers can never actually lock on, and when they do, the ships are generally too far away.


    Known issue :)


    I have a bunch of salvager ships in my sector, and I make them small with lots of turrets.

  12. When typing/pasting something too long in one of the number boxes of the Block Stats window, the game crashes.


    Easiest way to reproduce it:

    Open the Block Stats box, type in any box 1.6(and hold the 6 for a few seconds), click on the box to 'enter' this number and the game crashes.


    Following exception in the log:

    Thu Mar 16 01:47:19 2017| <Splutty> I'm probably going to crash :)

    Thu Mar 16 01:47:29 2017| An exception occurred: basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 41) > this->size() (which is 7)


    This suggest the max size in that box is 7, and anything longer than that will crash the game.


    First time I noticed was because I accidentilly pasted a URL in there.



  13. Hmm. We might want to make a thread with all these factory additions, not specifically one mod, just what people could add or change.


    Right now I'm too busy building stuff, though!


    Edit: On a different note, have you been able to figure out how the price for a factory/mine is being calculated? My bean farm is costing tons of money to build..

  14. Might be easier to just chage your single player galaxy into a multiplayer galaxy. You'd still have to copy/keep all your player data somewhere shared, though, and I'm not sure how to go about that right now.


    If the client works anything like the server, you might be able to add command line arguments as to where it's all stored. I haven't really looked into that too much.

  15. I feel Captains have unexplored potential.


    Would it be possible to treat Captains more like "heroes", where each Captain is unique? Having their own stats, personalities and so forth would be far more interesting than "Here is a captain for your spaceship". I'm sure other ideas like upgrades and equipment can be bounced off this as well. I'd quite like to see a ship captained by a Captain with the "Cowardly" trait turn tail and run from pirates, for example.




    The cowardly trait would be extremely useful for my salvager!

  16. There are already plans for putting in 'ship weapons' that you will basically have to build your ship around :)


    Mass Drivers obviously being one of the more logical ones.


    Wrong! The dev said NO!



    He will not implant ship block based weapons.


    That's something different than what I was talking about. I wasn't talking about block building new weapons. I was talking about just large weapons that need stupid amounts of energy, so you're going to have to build an energy generator around it.


    I'm sure I saw a post from Koonschi where he mentioned mass drivers for that. But maybe I misread that.

  17. I've been thinking about this same problem. The issue is that Raw Oil and Coal from an asteroid are silly, since both are products from bio degradation. So unless the asteroid is from an exploded Earth type planet, they're not going to have either.


    So what I thought was to make a Coal Compressor type factory that takes Carbon and makes it into Coal.


    For Oil, we can use bio oils, but that wouldn't make sense for a lot of things like Plastic factories, so I added some things for Plastic, based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polyamide_11


    In goodindex.lua:

    goods["Castor Bean"] = {name="Castor Bean", plural="Castor Beans", description="Beans mostly used in the production of Polyamide 11 bioplastics.", icon="data/textures/icons/coffee-beans.png", price=321, size=0.2, level=5, importance=0, illegal=false, dangerous=false, }


    In productionsindex.lua:

    table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Manufacturer ${size}", ingredients={{name="Castor Bean", amount=1, optional=0}, {name="Energy Cell", amount=1, optional=1}}, results={{name="Plastic", amount=5}}, garbages={}})
    table.insert(productions, {factory="${good} Farm ${size}", ingredients={{name="Energy Cell", amount=1, optional=1}, {name="Water", amount=10, optional=0}}, results={{name="Castor Bean", amount=12}}, garbages={{name="Oxygen", amount=1}}})


    I've just added a Coal Mine for now :)

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