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Everything posted by Dirtyredz

  1. This still works both in beta and 15.8, if your having issue please descibe what's choking on and I'll he'll out.
  2. Thxs i was going to push a new mo ve version here soon anyways. I appreciate the help.
  3. remember to only edit the files while the server is offlines, I sometimes hear people forgetting that. saving a document usually helps too :)
  4. from what i can see your file structure looks good, did you follow the other instructions (im assuming yes) editing the server.lua is essential as thats what gets the mod started. secondly this mod does nothing by itself except force Entity scripts (scripts/mods attach to a ship) to follow the ship your piloting. the mod solves the issue of other modders having to write the same code for each mod and costing the players/server performance hits when 10 mods are all doing the EXACT same thing. by adding a script path to this mods config file. this mod will track the player entering/leaving of a ship and keep any scripts in the config attached to the players current ship. What mod are you trying to use with this mod? can i see your config file? also showing me the server.lua file you should have edited just to be sure would be helpfull.
  5. It works on sp as long as you installed it correctly including editing server.lua, sp is technically a restricted server. If installed propperlly you'll see a new icon in the top right, a box with a mouse icon. Click that and youll open a menu were you can enable disable various ui's
  6. I get it, i was thinking somthing completly different. Ive been working on improving that, but have been busy.
  7. What do you mean badly placed?!!!
  8. Would need too know more before helping you.
  9. I plan on adding this on the next moveui release. Been a hectic month my apologies.
  10. Version 1.5.0 --Updated Loglevels --Added 3 new config options to control the size of asteroids --Fixed bug where MaintainNaturalAsteroidLimit was always set --Fixed bug where server announcement wasnt working. --Fixed bug where the asteroids were generating twice. Download here: https://github.com/dirtyredz/Regenerative-Asteroids/releases/download/v1.5.0/Regenerative-Asteroids-v1.5.0.zip
  11. Im working on fixing the mod today, thxs for reporting this.
  12. THXS for spotting that, i should be back to modding in the next day or so, recovering from the new years and taking care of my family.
  13. lol, copy paste error. my favorite kind of bug :) thxs for noticing, ill be updating the mod after the new years with the fix.
  14. 1.4.5 doesnt have the updated loglevels, Ill update loglevels and hotfix it thxs for checking on this.
  15. Looks like you didnt install the entire mod. This mod has a dependance on another mod that I developed Its packaged with the zip file. double check Loglevels is installed properly along side regenerative asteroids
  16. 2.1.0 --Added PowerSystems UI --Added Notepad UI --Adjusted core moveui to use local data storage, increases client and server performance. --Decreased the amount of space used by FactionNotifier --Dynamic UI's now shrink and grow depending on the individual UI. https://github.com/dirtyredz/MoveUI/releases/download/2.1.0/MoveUI.v2.1.0.zip
  17. Version 1.4.5 --Hotfix, dont delete claimable asteroids. https://github.com/dirtyredz/Regenerative-Asteroids/releases/download/v1.4.5/Regenerative-Asteroids-v1.4.5.zip
  18. Version 1.4.4 --Added MaxNonMinable config option, Deletes any non-minable asteroids past the config option default 1500. https://github.com/dirtyredz/Regenerative-Asteroids/releases/download/v1.4.4/Regenerative-Asteroids-v1.4.4.zip
  19. Thanks for letting me know. I haven't recieved any issue or complaints in the past, so the growth might bed negligible. Either way ill review it and see what can be done.
  20. I'll need releasing my next version soon , where moveui uses significantly less interactions between server aswell uses client dude data storage so the mod stores its pixel and other Serbs on the client. As for the screenshot i still hacer too fix that.
  21. The mod uses another mod of mine Loglevels, use command /consolelevel debug to see all hidden console messages. you can open the console with the ' key I havent had any issues with the mod in a very long time and we activaly use the mod on the Rusty Servers, If your stil having issues, i would need to see an error from the console or a copy of the server log which can be found in %appdata%/avorion/galaxies/ if on windows or /home/user/.avorion/galaxies if on linux. Hope this helps for now, you can contact me through here or on my discord aswell: https://discord.gg/52YZMPt
  22. Just use my regen asteroids mod http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3055.0.html You can use /regen start in any sector to turn the sector into a regenerating asteroids sector. Do it in your start sector and problem fixed.
  23. Something like that is possible yes. It would be in a different mod then this one, but possible yes. Ive already made several changes to this mod, i just med to update it here on the forums.
  24. you need to remove/add to the inventory object not the item object. local inv = Player(callingPlayer):getInventory() for index, slotItem in pairs(inv:getItems()) do local iitem = slotItem.item inv:remove(index) iitem.trash = 1 slotItem.item = iitem inv:add(slotItem,index) end Untested, but this should help yopu get close to what ya want to achieve
  25. Block cordinates is seperate from sector cordinates, you want to use entity pos like you did in you last example. Adjust the vectors from the entities position to hwere you want it. heres a snippet of code I use to spawn another entity behind and below the original entity. Perhaps you can use this to get what you need. local plan = entity:getPlan() local position = ship.orientation local sphere = ship:getBoundingSphere() local behindAndDown = ((ship.look * (-1)) + (ship.up * (-1))) / 2 position.translation = sphere.center + behindAndDown * (sphere.radius + plan.radius + 50);
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