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Everything posted by Dirtyredz

  1. NOTE if your having issue with Alliance licenses, Check out this bug report and fix: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3862.0.html
  2. 1.1.0 -Added ScrapyardLicenses Special Thxs to dnightmare, for working with me and collaborating on how to get this to work. -ResourceUI now had valid currency format Special Thxs to dnightmare, for adding this in. -MoveUI should work with alliance ships now.
  3. could not execute function 'Scrapyard.updateServer' in '"data/scripts/entity/merchants/scrapyard.lua"': data/scripts/entity/merchants/scrapyard.lua:293: attempt to index a nil value stack traceback: data/scripts/entity/merchants/scrapyard.lua:293: in function 'updateServer' this error happens when an Alliance ship purchases a salvage license. Here is a Temporary fix until Koon can fix it: https://www.diffchecker.com/6MwNfeoY Just grab it all or replace the specified lines shown.
  4. Looks promising, cant wait to try it out. As we discussed earlier, im hoping to get the MoveUI ScrapyardLicense up and running, Just today, I lost track of time and ran out of time on my pathetic 60 min license. costed me my ship and faction rep. This Mod and ScrapyardLicense that you started will be a big help. Thanks again
  5. Entity():HyperspaceCalculation and StatsBonuses.HyperspaceCalculation
  6. Our US and EU servers have been wiped and updated to the latest Beta branch (the fighters patch) ENJOY!!
  7. I would like to see if i can get a --password option for server params Also a way for the scripting API to KICK a player WITHOUT needing an admin online Thxs in advance.
  8. control to what extent? flight? build? orders? And this would only be relativly possible if the sector is loaded via AliveSectorsPerPlayer
  9. Dirty Server Manager Updated to version 1.2.3 Supports @avorion 0.14 r9252, server.ini options Check It Out: https://github.com/dirtyredz/Dirty-Server-Manager Updated Server.ini default config options Removed Enablerestart command changed disablerestart command to work properly with how the auto restart cronjob works new disablerestart feature, ./manager disablerestart 30 this will stop current restart sequence, and re start the sequence for 30 minutes. apache_install will now properly stop galaxies running php webserver. fixed error message in stop-web when php_server is not running apache_intaller will now place backups config files prior to modifying the configs. fixed manager always saying its out of date help command now displays all available commands in the manager/ directory, with descriptions of each.
  10. yes clients need to install this mod aswell
  11. Yeah i know that ;) Koon says that the fighters will now interact differently, which means any exsisting code has the potential to not work and deffinetly wont take full advantage of the new api, and fighters new interactions. if you want to modify the exsisiting code prior to the patch, feel free. Im not stopping anyone, simply suggesting its better to wait.
  12. theres actually little point to fixing this mod currently, The new patch brings new scripting api, and new fighter interactions. The best thing to do is wait for the patch and then recode, or make a new mod. Im leaning towards a new mod since from my understand the fighter interactions will change drastacilly, that a good majority of the code might not be necassary at all.
  13. check out http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3507.0.html you might find it useful.
  14. Many thanks, to be honest i never even considered having a comma seperated, was so focused on getting to to dispaly properly. Ill see this gets into the next patch Thxs.
  15. MoveUI A mod designed for custom UI elements to be displayed on the players screen, and give them the ability to move those UI's around on thier screen. The best way to show off this mod is with a video so here ya go: Heres also a couple picture of the current UI's I have available: CargoNotifier Tired of getting stopped by the local faction because you forgot you had that suspicious cargo left in your hold? Well no more, for this UI will display 4 separate alerts when carrying: Illegal, Suspicious, Dangerous, or Stolen Cargo. DistCore This UI will display how far you are from the core of the galaxy. ResourcesUI Tired of being frustrated that you cant see your resources all the time anymore? Well this UI is for you, It will display credits and resources on your screen at all times. ScrapyardLicenses This UI will show all ScrapyardLicenses that are currently active. The UI will only countdown on Loaded Sectors. It will aslo change colors depending on time remaining. ScrapyardLicenses UI also has the ability to click one of the lines to show that sector on the galaxy map. SPECIAL THANKS AND CREDIT: dnightmare For his original idea, and work. He started this idea while working on: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3850.0.html He continued to work with me on the best approach to make this UI possible. Thxs again!! ObjectDetector This UI will display when your C43 Object Detector Module, has detected a valuable object inside the sector. not only will it detect it, but it will display what was detected, and maintain the UI until you leave the sector, so you always know if thiers a valuable object inside the sector. SPECIAL THANKS AND CREDIT: dnightmare He and I infact started work on this together, but he beat me to it. So I took his work and incorperated my work in to his. Thxs again!! PVPSector This UI will display when you are inside a Player Enabled/Disabled Sector. Remember with all these UI's they can be Moved, Enabled, Disabled, or even restricted to specific situations (coding skill required) I look forward to everyone feedback, and I welcome ideas for more UI's that I can add. FactionNotifier This UI will display the factions that are present in the sector. The names of the factions will be colored in relation to your relationship status with that faction. If you have any one of the 4 cargo licenses for that faction the UI will display the license you have for that faction to the right of thier name. allowing you to quickly identify if youll be safe to transport goods in the sector. Clock Simple UI to display your computers current time. SPECIAL THANKS AND CREDIT: dnightmare PowerSystems A simple UI that displays additional details about your power systems. Notepad A UI that displays notes added via the MoveUI Menu. INSTALLATION 1. Download the zip file 2. Drag and Drop the contents into the /Avorion/ directory, File structure: /avorion |---->/data (do not place inside this directory) |---->/mods |---->/MoveUI 3. Place this line at the bottom of this file: data/scripts/entity/merchants/scrapyard.lua if not pcall(require, 'mods.MoveUI.scripts.entity.merchants.scrapyard') then print('Mod: MoveUI, failed to extend scrapyard.lua!') end 4. Place these two lines at the bottom of this file: data/scripts/server/server.lua local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/MoveUI/scripts/server/server') if s then if b.onPlayerLogIn then local a = onPlayerLogIn; onPlayerLogIn = function(c) a(c); b.onPlayerLogIn(c); end end else print(b); end Note I wanted to also notify other modders that this mod and all my future mods/patchs will be using this new file structure. After discussing it with several other modders including koonschi himself, its been agreed upon that a separate directory mimicing the main data directory will be the best approach. I encourage all modders to adopt this file structure as default, as its likely to became standard possible required for future mods, when avorion supports steam mods. Downloads MoveUI v2.2.1 Older Downloads Changelog 2.2.1 --Added 12/24 option for the Clock 2.2.0 --Support for 0.20 security update 2.1.1 --Fixed bug in PowerSystems --Changed how Clock UI gets current time 2.1.0 --Added PowerSystems UI --Added Notepad UI --Adjusted core moveui to use local data storage, increases client and server performance. --Decreased the amount of space used by FactionNotifier --Dynamic UI's now shrink and grow depending on the individual UI. 1.4.0 --Added Clock UI, Thxs DNightmare --Added FactionNotifier UI --Added ability to delete scrapyard licenses data from the UI --Removed Vanilla files from zip, follow installation instructions please 1.3.0 --Every UI now utilizes delayed server/client communication Will help tremendously with any high ping issues. This will also cause a 1-5 sec delay when activating Movement of the UI's --Added PVPSector, will show if a sector has pvp damaged Enabled/Disabled. --ScrapyardLicenses now has the option to Allow for Clicking to show the sector on the map. --ScrapyardLicenses now has the option to show both alliance/player licenses at the same time. --CargoNotifier now has the option to have the UI Flash --ObjectDetector now has the option to have the UI Flash 1.2.1 -Fixed Entity Creation bug error. 1.2.0 -Added ObjectDetector Special Thxs to dnightmare, we were apprently working on this at the same time. -Cleaned up the files, and added ExampleUI.lua to easily show others how its done. -Added tab support to the main MoveUI interface. -Each UI can now build its own tab inside the main MoveUI interface, allowing for more options and descriptions 1.1.0 -Added ScrapyardLicenses Special Thxs to dnightmare, for working with me and collaborating on how to get this to work. -ResourceUI now had valid currency format Special Thxs to dnightmare, for adding this in. -MoveUI should work with alliance ships now. GITHUB https://github.com/dirtyredz/MoveUI DONATE Wanna show your appreciation? http://dirtyredz.com/donate Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/Dirtyredz MY OTHER MODS MoveUI.v2.2.0.zip
  16. Im hoping to make some changes to this mod soon, like attaching the script to the entity instead of the player. making it possible to teleport anything, not just the players ship.
  17. Dirtyredz

    [MOD] /wormhole

    Check out: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3148.msg17089.html#msg17089 A modders resources designed to allow modders to create sscripts utulizing teleportation and wormholes
  18. For anyone not understanding how to settup rcon --rcon-ip --rcon-port 0000 --rcon-pasword supersecretpassword you can set these in the Command Line ie where you would start the server bin\AvorionServer.exe --galaxy-name RustyUniverse --rcon-ip --rcon-port 0000 --rcon-pasword supersecretpassword This can be done in the server.bat or manager-config.ini if your using the Dirty Server Manager
  19. Version 1.0.1 --Moved files to a new directory in prepration for steam supporting mods
  20. Awesome, looking forward to working with some of these scripting api changes. thxs for this, Rusty Servers were already enjoying a couple of these fixes vefore hand. But im glad its now available to the community. Glad to be of some assistance.
  21. Yeah, I foolishly forgot to update the value before i pushed the update.
  22. So ive finally solved this bug. The bug originates in /data/scripts/player/spawngaurdian.lua when the gaurdian is not spawned, and an Alliance vessel jumps in, the vanilla script will delete every Entity that is not a player. thats the issue, Alliances are not seen as players, so the script deletes the Alliance vessel. Here is the commented out vanilla code, and a replacement code to fix the issue. -- clear everything that's not player owned local entities = {sector:getEntities()} --[[for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if not entity.factionIndex or not Player(entity.factionIndex) then sector:deleteEntity(entity) end end]] --Dirtyredz|David McClain --Fix for alliance ships being deleted when entering 0,0 for _, entity in pairs(entities) do if not entity.factionIndex then sector:deleteEntity(entity) goto continue end local faction = Faction(entity.factionIndex) if not faction then sector:deleteEntity(entity) goto continue end if faction.isAIFaction then sector:deleteEntity(entity) end ::continue:: end like I said this snippit includes the vanilla code commented out its located at the bottom of the file mentioned above.
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