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Everything posted by Dirtyredz

  1. I've made a change to the way the tabs are shown. You now need to be logged into the web interface to see those pages. Also how long have you had the interface installed and the server online? By default the maps update every 6 hours or 12 deepening on the version that you first installed. Of course the server needs to be online during those scheduled updates to the maps
  2. I didn't want to say you had, just wanted to say it to Geisterrabe as he thought it would cause lags. Btw... wich issues did the renaming of zink cause? I could not find a related topic to this. Well since the issue is due to a galaxy being transitioned from the 12.4 branch. There's not much to report. There is no bug if you start a new galaxy on 12.5 and ssdi be koon already started that he won't be worrying about transitioning galaxy saves inside the beta branch
  3. Try this by your own: find a sector with faction wars wich causes huge lags. Then download the galaxy and try offline. The lags will be gone. But why when its not the network? When we run other games beside Avorion on our server, the other games get performance problems too when someone jumps into a faction war. perhaps your server is having issues, to say that the its the games fault because of your test, is not conclusive enough to validate your theory. My server doesn't have any network lagging issues and we run multiple servers on the same machine. What we have noticed is Client lag due to higher ping rates. Remember a player can experience lag seperatly from what the server and others on the server are experiencing. Are you measuring server load? bandwidth? player count? cpu usage? memory usage? latency? and when i say measuring are you logging all this data and comparing it against several situations across a long period of time? To take one situation, then change the environment and say the problem is this, is not conclusive. I know on my part we keep tracking data on almost all of these plus more for over the past 3 months, with active loging over the past 10 days. all of which is graphed out into a web page for comparison. Im not trying to say everything your saying is wrong, nor me 100% right. im just saying we have to be open minded and accept the fact that it could be 1 or the other or maybe a combination of both.
  4. Dieser Fehler dürfte dann eigentlich keine Lags verursachen. I did not say it was causing lag, i said the error in the screenshot was related to koons update of Cink to Zinc.
  5. That error is related to the most recent patch 12.5 r8687, its becuase Koon updated all refrences of the word "Cink" to the proper english spelling of "Zinc" this caused wide spread issues, for multiple mods as well as some vanilla situations where a CinK Mine and Traders, still had Cink in there inventories.
  6. Yeah made it for our mp server specifically. we had hoards of players setting up in neutral zones, to the point that the neutral zones were so packed they were causing severe lag. much better in our opinion to force them to setup outside the core and jump in and farm when they need to. Ive got plans to continue developing for this game, most of my time goes into my server manager and my server. If you have any ideas for any of my mods, let me know in there respective forums. Maybe i can add those features with some configs or what now to allow you to style it to what ya need.
  7. it deletes initfactionwars.lua from the sector. Its a permanent change which we dont do, just wanted to list it for everyone. Secondly if you dont stop the script prior to the loop inside the script it will use more resources them if you were to stop it prior. Now those resources are probably so small to barely mention but good practice to stop prior to loop if your not going to be using the script anyways. Unfortunately your missing the fact that the server will throttle down update ticks on sectors with no players in it. which means lower ticks = less lag. Also to further show that network speed doesn't effect lag, The Rusty server is actually running 2 Avorion servers on the same machine simultaneously, and lag on one server DOES NOT effect the other server. As Koon himself has said its all about the update to tick for each script, per sector. If a sector takes to long to calculate its shit, it will slow down the entire server. removing all players from a faction wars sector will force the server to throttle that sector down to only a few ticks per second depending on your server config.
  8. This would be great, as there are many lua modules that modders can take advantage of.
  9. Yeah my discord is Dirtyredz #4371 I found a bug in the latest patch for apache so i can fix that by pushing the fix up to the next update, but lets talk and make sure everything working correctly, ill be available all day
  10. Unfortunetly adding more cpu wont increase the performance of the server see: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3448.0.html this will not disable xsotan or pirates
  11. This belongs in the bugs sections
  12. This does work, as ive used something similiar on my server. However wouldn't this be better: function InitFactionWar.tryStartBattle() terminate() ... end or if you wish to undu this change in the future: function InitFactionWar.tryStartBattle() do return end ... end the first option removes the script from the sector, freeing up both resources and stopping further calculation the second option only stops further calculation P.S. Thank you for posting this I know allot of people have complained about this exact issue. Personally I just never thought to post anything for it.
  13. You have two options available to you, follow the instructions up to unpacking the manager code, and then manually editing manager-config.ini to match your current server settup. Or going through the standard installation process, setting the options to your current galaxy setting. Currently a few variables still depend on the serverfiles for the game to be located in ~/serverfiles/data witch is where the steam installer puts them and the galaxies being located in ~/.avorion/galaxies/GALAXYNAME i think if those are the same for your setup then adapting the manager to work with an existing galaxies is no issue, as long as you give the same galaxy name to the manager-config.ini Ill see about further expanding the config options to include these directory location in future patches, I'm curious if this works for you and your setup. let me know more please. I want to make this manager as adaptive as possible for all Avorion server managers.
  14. 1.1.6 Moved player count/list to server log Added cronjob to refresh server log every 30seconds Moved home chat to server log Added toggle to console page to switch between console.log and server.log Moved ServerINI and ManagerConfig Descriptions to ServerConfigController ./manager stop now uses server log instead of console log Added server log location option in PHPConfig Updated UpdateManager.sh to not reset or delete previous options in config file_put_contents Updated ApacheInstaller to reflect IP address Added Profile Parser page, witch parses through profiling_stats.txt Added mpm_itk support to ApacheInstall
  15. My dedicated server manager does not have the specific features your looking for yet, but they are planned. However it has a huge number of other features you might find usefull, check it out: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3507.0.html
  16. When building an unarmed turret at a turret factory, with the rarity type of "Exceptional" building the turret would not produce a turret matching the turret tooltip shown in the turret factory ui. after spending a couple hours looking at the "turretfactory.lua" ive narrowed it down to only unarmed turrets, and that the local additions = math.max(ingredient.minimum - ingredient.default, math.min(ingredient.maximum - ingredient.default, ingredient.amount - ingredient.default)) in the `makeTurret()` function was producing a negative value, pushed the `value = value + ingredient.statDelta * additions` to produce lower dps then expected. to fix this temporarily I have added a small if statment to recalc the `additions` variable to match the `ingredients.amount` local additions = math.max(ingredient.minimum - ingredient.default, math.min(ingredient.maximum - ingredient.default, ingredient.amount - ingredient.default)) --Dirtyredz | David McClain, Temporary fix for unamred turrets at the turret factory. if weaponType == WeaponType.MiningLaser or weaponType == WeaponType.SalvagingLaser then additions = ingredient.amount end I hope this helps anyone with the same issue, as well as helps you Koon narrow the issue down. Thxs again.
  17. I too have seen this, the stations are so close they are usually hitting each other, causing both stations to vibrate.
  18. OK so on our main server i found only one backup files jumps.dat our second server had 40 backups: 39: sectors backups 1: jumps.dat I have provided all in a folder on my Dropbox. Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/yezg2m5v2mz7kk1/AABPMoBbJp3g80yVf5qq6x5Pa?dl=0 For now I am porting the Server.log into my web interface, hopefully we can get the console back soon. Thanks again Koon keep up the good work.
  19. Title says it all after a player logs in for the first time after the update, this log appears multiple times: Error converting database from 0.1 to 0.2: Found a table name that has an index to a non-existing entity: 3, table: 3_3b09f44f-b634-496f-93aa-95573f9b365b_BlockPlan; skipping. after this error, all future console print outs cease. ill give an example: BEFORE ERROR: /status 0 players online, in 0 sectors 13 players in memory, 323 registered 3 factions in memory, 1539 registered 1 sectors in memory, 27142 sectors in total Memory used by scripts: 81.3MB avg. server load: 1.6% avg. update: 1 ms max. update: 17 ms min. update: 0 ms Printed profiling stats to "/home/avorion/serverfiles/profiling_stats.txt" AFTER: /status Only the command typed into the console appears in the log
  20. This is a heavily populated modded server. This crash seems to randomly happen after updating to version 12.2 2017-06-20 17-11-03| Received signal SIGSEGV 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0xc0ffff 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x7f280e05c4b0 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x7f280e1745ee 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x7f280e9dec90 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x7f280e9df36c 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0xb48189 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x68f6e6 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x683190 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x684111 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x684ac1 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x65a0bd 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-03| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x66200a 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-04| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x7f280e047830 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-04| addr2line -i -e /home/avorion/serverfiles/bin/AvorionServer 0x657479 2>&1 2017-06-20 17-11-04| backtrace() returned 15 addresses 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #1 bin/AvorionServer(_ZN2ut14printBacktraceEv+0xf) [0xc0ffff] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #2 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x354b0) [0x7f280e05c4b0] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #3 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(+0x14d5ee) [0x7f280e1745ee] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #4 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(_ZNSs4_Rep8_M_cloneERKSaIcEm+0x40) [0x7f280e9dec90] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #5 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6(_ZNSsC1ERKSs+0x5c) [0x7f280e9df36c] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #6 bin/AvorionServer(_ZN6Script19getExecutionContextERKSs+0x9) [0xb48189] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #7 bin/AvorionServer(ZN18GameCallbackSender12safeCallbackIIRiEEEvRKSsDpOT+0x186) [0x68f6e6] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #8 bin/AvorionServer(_ZN6Server25updatePlayerCommunicatorsEf+0x880) [0x683190] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #9 bin/AvorionServer(_ZN6Server6updateEf+0xb81) [0x684111] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #10 bin/AvorionServer(_ZN6Server8mainLoopEv+0xb1) [0x684ac1] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #11 bin/AvorionServer(_Z5fmainiPPc+0x282d) [0x65a0bd] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #12 bin/AvorionServer(main+0x1a) [0x66200a] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #13 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xf0) [0x7f280e047830] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| [bt] #14 bin/AvorionServer() [0x657479] 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| sh: addr2line: command not found 2017-06-20 17-11-04| Received signal SIGSEGV 2017-06-20 17-11-04| Received signal SIGABRT
  21. Feel free to visit my forum post located in the mods directory: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,3507.0.html It offers many features that server owners and players alike want.
  22. So I was recently shown a bug on our server that has a huge problem of potentially duplicating credits. I say potentially because when i reproduced the bug i did not get extra credits but still had a bug associated with it. The bug is a player recieved a turret from salvaging/destroying a ship (this part is unkown), anyways when selling the turret to a station the credit amount showned as 0. As you can see in the image the credit amount is zero, now when selling the turret this happened, Look on the right: as you can see a weird interaction with the credits happened. Now you can buyback the item to reverse the effect: The difference is when I reproduced the bug I got my credits back however when the original player did this, he was moving very quickly selling multiple turrets and in the end noticed that he had MAX Credits(as you can see in the first image) Which brings attention to the other minor bug that the top left display does not go as high as the max credits can. I was able to reproduce this bug by the player simply sending me the affected turrets and allowing me to sell the turrets, which suggests the bug is associated with the turret and not the sector/faction/player
  23. Dirty Server Manager The Unofficial Avorion Linux Server Current Version: [ALPHA] 1.2.3 This is a project dedicated to server deployment, management, and exposing features to the client. Questions? Concerns? Join the Dirty Server Manager discord for help: https://discord.gg/52YZMPt First and fore most this is a script to manager the server: Deploy the server through an easy installation process Optional feature for crash detection. Optional feature for Automatic server restarts at midnight and noon server time. Store logs for player chat and server status. Generate status banner image, if web interface is activated can be posted to forums or used as a signature. Commands to update the avorion server to the latest branch, including beta branch Command to easily send commands to the console. Command to access the console directly. Commands to start/stop/restart the server. Command to start/stop the web interface (when using php server). Message Of The Day Timed broadcasts to the server And much more! Second, the script also deploys a web interface: A status screen display logged in players, player count, past 24 hours chat log, and status banners Multiple graphs display the status of the game server and the physical server: Server Load Graph Online Players Graph avg/min/max updates Graph players/sectors/factions in memory Graph Server CPU usage Graph Server Memory Graph [*]A Console page, where you can send and read the console. [*]A Mail Form used to send mail from the interface(server) to the player. [*]Configuration page to adjust the web interface option and to view the server.ini and manager options [*]Page to view data on all the Factions in the galaxy [*]Page to view every player that has ever joined the server, their resources, time played, last seen, and more [*]Page to view and parse the Pfogiling file generated by avorion, shows the slowes sector. [*]MAPS to view the Discovered Sectors and a map to view all the faction owned sectors. These maps are interactive(Zoom-able and sector tooltip) [*]Pages to handle web interface account management [*]An about page displaying FAQ and Change log of the project example: Web Interface Screenshots: The Web Interface can be launched via php's built in webserver or via apache Ive included the PHP webserver as the default and an apache installation script for easy setup and deployment. The PHP Webserver does not support ssl, but the apache installation script has the option to self generate an ssl certificate(you ofcourse can use your own verified certificate) The script has been developed and tested at length on a Ubuntu 16.04 Server, aswell as tested on a Debian and Centos server I have installation guides for only Ubuntu and debian atm, centos to come soon. INSTALLATION Step 1: Verify or install these dependencies: lib32gcc1, tmux (V2.0+), php7.0, php7.0-gd sudo apt-get -y update sudo apt-get -y install lib32gcc1 tmux php7.0 php7.0-gd Step 2: Create a new user for avorion to run on. (Do not use root) sudo adduser avorion sudo su - avorion Step 3: Download the manager wget -O DirtyServerManager.tar.gz avorion.dirtyredz.com Step 4: Unpack the tar file tar -xvf DirtyServerManager.tar.gz Step 5: Steamcmd and avorion server Installation ./manager install Step 6: After a succesful server installation you can start the server ./manager start Step 7: [Optional] To start the web interface run this commands ./manager start-web This command will start the PHP-web-server, this server is unable to handle ssl requests. Ultimatly the php server is not as robust as an apache server, that is why I include an apache settup below. Alternativly: [Optional] Apache settup for those who wish to take advantage of SSL(https) ONLY WORKS for DEBIAN and UBUNTU su root 'or another user with sudo access' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0 cd /home/avorion sudo ./manager apache_install Regardless of which server you choose, the site will be accessed via: http://YOUR-IP-ADDRESS:The_Web_Port Step 8: After all is done and working properly be sure to secure your firewall with the appropriate commands. Remember to open ports for the game as well as the web interface These are the default ports you will need to open: tcp/27000 udp/27000 udp/27003 udp/27020 -Steam tcp/27020 -Steam udp/27021 -Steam tcp/27021 -Steam tcp/8080 -web interface default tcp/443 -If using apche/ssl Unfortunately I do not provide any commands or any scripts to setup your firewall, this you will have to do manually or risk your server being exposed. Check help for more commands: ./manager help To update your manager and web interface use command from the directory the manager is located: avorion-manager/UpdateManager.sh FAQ: Q: How do I see server's console and use commands? A: Attach to it with ./manager attach. Q: How do I safely detach from server's console? A: Press Ctrl+B and then D. Q: I have a "steamclient.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" error! A: Copy steamclient.so from serverfiles/linux64 to server's root(serverfiles/). For default configuration: cd serverfiles cp linux64/steamclient.so . Q: Installation/update is stuck in a loop! A: Press Ctrl+C to stop it, then check for errors. If you can't solve them try posting them here. Credit: I want to give some credit to Aki for his original work here: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php?topic=642.0 Aki provided me with a base script to start with and allowed me to focus on adding features. CONFIGURATION There are 2 configuration files, manager-config.ini PHPConfig.ini manager-config.ini is generated from the installation process, be sure to have the server shutdown prior to changing values inside this configuration as many features depend on these values. PHPConfig.ini is installed with all the other files, and has defaults to what I feel is the best approach. There are many options: Displaying custom content on the home page disabling/enabling features for the web interface Setting role restrictions for features and pages, all pages and most features have control access to be public or a required account holder to be signed in. Default file paths. I haven't experimented much with changing these. be warned! GITHUB This project is being maintained on github, feel free to add an issue or create a reply here on the forums. https://github.com/dirtyredz/Dirty-Server-Manager ALPHA Again i want to remind everyone this is an alpha release, there are still bugs and features of which I intend adding. This web interface has been running on the RUSTY Server for the past 2 months and our player base has enjoyed its benefits, aswell have our moderators. Im looking forward to your constructive criticism and ideas for features. Ill do my best to fix any issues you might have. TODO https://github.com/dirtyredz/Dirty-Server-Manager/issues Donate Wanna show your appreciation? http://dirtyredz.com/donate Become a patron: https://www.patreon.com/Dirtyredz MY OTHER MODS
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