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Posts posted by Ravien

  1. 1.) The first technical issue stems from the fact, that Turrets in particular have thee independent evaluation metrics - a Rarity tier, a Tech level and the Material. While all of them seem to have an effect, nobody really knows how to associate either of them with the turret's power, and as result of current random draws we end up with shitty Legendary and great Iron weapons at the same time . Developer team should get rid of either Tech Level, so that the Material and Rarity could provide an intuitive power ladder, or the Material distinction, which is an arbitrary limitation that produces nothing apart from the confusion.


    Some changes are also needed for the player/ship inventory to help manage it - instead of tiny buttons on the turret icons, we should have an ability to hold Shift and Ctrl for continuous and individual selection trough the sorted list and to use separate buttons on the sidebar to Favorite, Brand, Mail or Remove all the selected items.  I personally would also favor an option to toggle into a standard vertical list, instead of a tile layout, with the item icon and the outline of the primary stats (Size, Slots, Tech Level, DPS, Range and Accuracy/Efficiency), which would allow convenient selection and comparison and also being able to use these stats for sorting, rather than just few factors we have now.


    2.) The fact about superiority of Factory-made turrets over looted ones was a sore thumb for a quite a while now. I'm continuously arguing for the attention to this problem, and my point still stands: Turret Factories should only be able to produce Common-grade turrets, and players can improve that by providing the given faction with Technological commodities, which are consumed by Research Labs and improve the capability up to the Exotic (Or even up to Rare) tier and improve the quality of weapons that are equipped on that faction's ships. Turret Factories mainly should be used to create turret Blueprints, that can be placed into stations to reproduce them. This will put the value of looted and researched turrets where it belongs.


    Research Lab should output the turrets based on their own average tech level, regardless of its position in the galaxy.


    3.) Algorithm for generation of entities has to be expanded upon eventually, before Avorion gets officially released. It has to strictly avoid generating blocks below a certain margin in size, which only inflate the block count without producing any significant stats and are extremely hard to salvage, resulting in the excess of dropped loot items. All types of edge blocks should be used to shape the entity segments, and there are great number of possible variations for the generator to pick. Generator seed must not produce enormous 3-4 kilometer long metal sticks, but instead follow golden mean rule to avoid absurd ship proportions. As players get closer to the core, ships should feature thicker armor coverage, lower hull/functional block ratio and Integrity fields to keep enemies reasonably difficult across the progression path.


    4.) I would like for the Turret Control System modules to have perks for the turret to, but I much more concerned with the current state of balance and mechanics of the particular weapons. Variety of weapons is severely limited by the existence of obvious favorites and ambiguous systems, that render about a half of the weapons and tools useless. Other than that, I'm not in gripes with the RNG as such, as long as it allows the player to manifest upon the lucky find and make practical use of it, instead of choosing between using dozens of completely different turrets and mass-producing superior variants with an abundance of Credits alone...


    It feels like the topic drives my thoughts into a kaleidoscope of all the little problems I see within the game, and I've already said plenty, so I rather leave it with that.


    Such great points and I agree with much of it. Fix the system, no need to scrap it completely. RNG is an important part of the game.

  2. I think a level of randomness is good, especially for this game which literally started as a random ship generator.


    However, I think the RNG aspects should be toned down a little so you get more consistency. There's a few problems that plague the RNG aspect of the game. Right now it's a total gamble whether that new legendary turret you found will actually be better than your uncommon one. Factory built turrets are far better than looted or bought ones (especially since you can make a set of them all the same). It should feel exciting to find a rarer turret and players should have the ability to somehow duplicate turrets they do find so they can have a matching set of turrets.


    You can research all your junk loot at a research station close to the core but it's a bit too random, especially with turrets.

  3. We really need a big Turret Factory upgrade with seeds and customizable size. I'm sick of only seeing/making one-slot weapons in the Titanium Belt, it makes for ridiculous Sortartes ("And that's the main gun... which is just as big at the point defense. Great >:(.". And when I'm going to the Trinium Reaches I'll start really needing coax.


    You're in for a treat when the beta build goes live...


    Do you want a spinal railgun? Cause you can have a spinal railgun. Or a gigantic laser of doooooooom. :D

  4. Oh no, sorry to hear about your hard drive. :(


    The galaxy save isn't a single file, it's a folder with a bunch of different files inside it. The default location for it is in Users/YourUserName/AppData/Roaming/Avorion/galaxies


    Unfortunately I do not know which files contain which things.


    If you're looking for your ship blueprints, those will be saved in the ships folder in the same directory path as above and end in .xml

    If you can recover those then at least you won't lose your ship designs.

  5. Damage is listed as 4x20, for example.


    Damage per second calculates in all of the relevant damage stats, including multiple barrels.


    So a quad barreled gun that does 4x20 damage, and 200 damage/s, will deal 80 total damage each volley, while doing a total of 200 damage a second.


    You don't need to adjust the damage/s tooltip unless you're factoring in overheating or energy usage, but then it gets complicated.

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