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Posts posted by McFurious

  1. Was probably deeper in space than I should have been and I was about to leave when I found a scrap yard and a couple factions decided to have a huge battle so I stuck around to watch the fireworks. And also pick up the scraps...






    This turned out to be a bad idea because a stray shot took out my whole ship and all my stuff in ONE HIT.  :'(


    All my blues, golds, and a purple NSTK item... Can you go back to the system you died in and get your stuff back? 

  2. Just started playing yesterday and today I found one of these.  :o





    Took me about 15 straight minutes to mine about half of it and then a bunch of pirates showed up. My ship was fragile and it's two chainguns were barely chipping their paint so I had to abort the mission. I still got away ~12k titanium so my ship is about to get beefed up. I marked the sector so as soon as I find some bigger guns I'm going back there to slaughter all of them.

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