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Posts posted by deredere

  1. I actually beg to disagree on the AI upgrade being useless - for automated Defense stations that use Fighters as their means of attack/defense, it's very useful.



    Put a defense post there with Fighter Production AND the AI module and it'll be able to indefinitely replenish its DPS and not need to worry about being restaffed with pilots to man them.



    Also, the absolute value for Cargo isn't THAT useless either. I use them on my 4-5 slot Loop-Command Miners. As well as the Brotherhood upgrade and my much-farmed Bottan upgrade.


    Granted, I only use said miners in Iron/Titanium/Naonite space since those resources are way less common in post-barrier space, it's not wholly without use as-is.


    Sorry, you're not allowed to disagree with me. Please reformat and resubmit your post.

  2. 1. First of all, the change to charge lasers has effectively made energy storage blocks useless. It's not difficult at all to engineer a ship that can boost all the way across a sector on spare generator capacity alone, especially if you replace energy storage with generation or add an energy boost upgrade.


    My suggestion to fix this would be to add beam cannons (y'all played Freespace, right? There's no way you didn't) that do absurd damage and consume absurd energy to fire but do not have a heat cycle, or only have a heat cycle as a soft cap on building a giant generator/beam cannon death machine. Another suggestion would be to allow us to dump energy storage into shields (at presumably a bad rate of return).

    But do whatcha want.


    2. While we're on the subject, lasers. They're totally useless now, even overpowered ones are only good to roleplay the Federation.

    My suggestion would be to combine point defense and regular lasers to have a point defense weapon that can engage ships if necessary.



    3. Also, absolute value cargo upgrades. These things are super depressing. The +400 cargo on a legendary one is a completely useless amount and when you research a bunch of +% and get a +#, it's like christmas was cancelled. +400 cargo could be marginally useful on a very small ship, but small ships have better uses for their upgrade slots. It's also far more effective to just staple a cargo box on in the ship editor for as long as you need it.


    My suggestion to fix this would be a 10x buff. 4000 cargo would still not impress a big cargo ship, but it would be great for a small one.



    4. The AI artefact is just not worth a slot, and is wildly out of alignment with the extreme utility of the other artefacts.


    Suggestion: Make it a captain and a level 5 (three units) general in addition to replacing pilots/gunners. This is much cooler and being able to put a large battleship into commission with nothing but untrained crew would be very useful.


    5. Boarding anything besides a cargo ship/station

    Is a massive waste of resources. With the debuff to maximum health that comes after a boarding, there's no way to recover the full value of the monies and materials used to build it. If you don't need the cargo, or there is no cargo, shooting it and salvaging it is 600-800% more effective in terms of recovered resources than boarding and decommissioning it.

    The only one scenario where boarding a non-cargo ship might not be retarded is if it had some amazing turrets, which you can't know unless you let it shoot you, and that's still not a good way to determine accuracy etc.


    Suggestion: Allow the full value to be recovered by deleting it in the builder, or via a decommission option. This is not a huge advantage over simply salvaging it, but in the case of large stations or things using materials you need more of, it can be worth the tens of thousands of credits you'll pay for all the dead grunts.




  3. This is a problem with all non-factory stations. I'm up a billion in about an hour from tens of thousands of displays, grav generators, and mining robots from one shipyard and two mines.


    Suddenly that production chain I set up to make 200 million worth of targeting systems doesn't seem so great.


    My suggestion would be to make the goods untouchable to players and allow selling of goods to the stations at +100%.


    Maybe decommissioning the station could dump the goods, which in many cases would still be worth exploiting, but not grievously so.

  4. Caught it in progress here: k92nszV.jpg


    Once again, the parent ship of this fighter squadron has been ordered to follow me and nothing else. I'm doing nothing but moving. Me and the parent ship are the only two ships I have in the system.


    They're plasma fighters.


    This is a hostile system, the allied fleet attacked right after I arrived.


    Also, I've now observed this same behavior in 25.2, it doesn't seem to be just .26.



  5. In an allied sector, the fighter squadron of an AI-controlled ship that had been ordered to follow/protect the ship I was in repeatedly attacked allied ships. I am not sure if it was just the fighters or if the parent ship was attacking too. This happened twice in 30 minutes. The first time they caused about 12k of reputation damage before desisting, which I assumed to have been a unfortunate targeting problem because of a pirate attack moments before.


    The second time they persisted all the way from +100000 to war. I am not sure what precipitated the second incident.


    I believe this is the log in question: https://pastebin.com/6P0FxpTd

    Server log: https://pastebin.com/VuHtuSBT


    System specs:


  6. Thank you for the response, and I do understand that this is not much in the way of a bug report. I will attempt to make a real one after this.


    The possibility that I'm mistaken and that there was some hostile something I didn't see directly behind the ally ship(s), for the 20 or 30 seconds it took that squadron to get me from ally to war, is there.


    There's also the possibility that I had a mod or unusual setting that produced this behavior.  All I have is UI changes and extended scrapyard times, but it's not impossible.


    But I just don't have confidence that there will never be a time in the future where I won't want to punch a baby because of unfair reputation changes, especially now that it's impossible to sell naonite or asteroids to get back to admired.

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