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Posts posted by Kanna

  1. Any info on how anti fighter weapons will work? Will they be a seperate kind of turret so you can have more of them than normal weapons?


    I would prefer if they are normal turrets. Make the use of them a choice, not something you put on all ships for free.


    This is something i agree with. Fighters aren't the strongest to begin with, so making the anti fighter weapons separate from normal turrets would kind of make the fighters obsolete as they wouldnt be able to approach any enemy ships with these weapons anymore, while the main ship still takes the full force from the main weapons.


    1. why bother creating factory if robot are easily obtained trough trading post ? this destroying balance.


    3. the res didnt restock itself. so why bother creating this useless station ?


    also stop fanboying.


    Trading Posts dont have an infinite supply of robots, while you can create an near infinite supply by creating the production chain for robots. thats why you can bother creating the factories.


    as for resource depots: you can use them to "trade" resources with other players on multiplayer. just an example for a proper use as you can simply stuff your excess resources into them and others may buy them if they need them.


    Also try not to be offensive. Erik9631 didnt type anything that would make him "fanboying" like you said. he simply offered you the respective lines of the changelog, which stated the changes to the AI trading ships.


    maybe you should try to be more clear and what issues you are experiencing with the AI Trading ships, as "AFK" for an AI is simply the wrong term.

  3. First off all, sorry if its in the wrong section.


    I've built a rather big ship, but to make it not too big to handle properly i've used 2 decently sized computer cores made out of xanion to make my upgrade count jump from 9 to 11.

    after finishing my ship so far, i have a mass of 1.11 MT and a physical volume of 38.13 mill m³. (note the physical value!)


    These values show a hyperspace cooldown of 156.1 seconds on the build mode.


    now we get to the tricky part... when actually using the hyperspace drive, im getting a cooldown time of about 520 seconds. (yes almost 9 minutes!)

    if i remove only the computer cores it jumps back down to about 140 seconds on build mode and reality.


    my guess is, that either the hyperspace cooldown on build mode is calculated using the physical volume while the real cooldown is calculated using the virtual volume or the computer cores made out of xanion are causing a hidden issue.


    Either way it might be a good idea to actually make the effects of the computer cores visible to avoid confusion in case this is working as intended.


    Version is the latest Stable (0.11 r7783) and im playing on multiplayer.

    Edit: Logs show nothing in case questions arise.


    Edit 2: according to a friend who used trinium computer cores, it doesnt happen with these. this would mean there is an issue with the xanion cores i think.

  4. You have to do exactly the thing you didn't try yet: 3 legendary upgrades, or modules, as wiki says: "3 legendary modules". Don't mix turrets.


    yup, that was it... i feel sort of stupid. i actually sort of counted the turrets to modules, so ofc i would be confused there... but apparently i wasnt the only one, as my friends were surprised aswell. oh well.


    thanks for the help anyways.

  5. First off, this issue happened on 0.10.2, 0.10.5 and 0.11.x for me so far.


    i used any information i could get: forums, wiki, some other boards. they all stated that you need 3 legendary items in the research station, 1 of which can or has to be another XSTN-K artifact.


    my first try was with 2 artifacts, thats when i realized you may only have 1. my 2nd try was with 1 artifact and 1 legendary turret and 1 legendary upgrade. again it failed for some reason and i got a turret.


    ofc this continued when i tried it again with 2 legendary turrets and an artifact.


    just to try, i even used 4 legendary items together with 1 artifact, just to get another legendary turret out of it.


    my last try was 2 turrets and 1 upgrade. sadly i, once again, got a turret out of it. there has been no sight of the XSTN-K II artifact during my whole playtime.


    the one thing i didnt try yet was 3 legendary upgrades. but i fear it will have the same result. i will try the upgrade one in a bit when i actually get the stuff for it.


    in case even that fails, does anyone have an idea as for why im simply unable to get that artifact? i mean in a way its sort of game breaking, as it keeps me from passing the barrier, thus getting ogonite and avorion or reaching the center.


    thanks in advance. also i didnt see the need to provide any logs. in case im mistaken and you still want the logs, i will upload them right away.

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