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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. As far as I remember there will be something to make it easier to give your own fleets in other sectors orders in upcoming patch on beta branch.
  2. Oh yes, a mod manager would be great. For the meantime I recommand to create your own modpack. If you need to reinstall Avorion you can just copy/paste your modpack into Avorion directory and everything is fine.
  3. I installed the latest version, but it does not seem to add any resource to resource depot. Also I couldnt find anything in code where adding resources is done. Function ResourceDepot.onRestoredFromDisk set a few variables, prints out the result, but does not add anything? Or am I blind?
  4. You could also replace the whole function like this: function DockAI.flyToDock(ship, station) return true end This would skip the whole docking process. Ok we don't really want it, but the point is, you can do a lot of stuff there.
  5. Yes, thats why there are 2 files. One for ai, one for players.
  6. I sent you the file. Mistakely I said it is client sided, but I also modified a server function. Could be changed to be cleint side only, but the performance would reduce though.
  7. It needs to be installed on both sides because the event is started as a mission wich needs the client side. If you would change the event it may be possible to make it working on server side only. F.e. you could add an Event wich randomly spawns the Dreadnought just like xsotan attacks.
  8. Did you use the version Laserzwei posted at Reply 14? The original mod version is not compatible with 0.15.
  9. The changes I posted does not modify the beams. When an AI controlled ships is trying to dock and beams are active, the ship will be docked and stop beams as soon as function Entity():isDocked(object) returns true. Just tested and can confirm it works for ai. I can't say if it helps to avoid these stucking issues and if it affects cargo fighter. On Galaxy Gamers server all players and ai ships are docked when distance is below 0.6km. What I can say is, I have never seen a stucked AI ship since we use this. We already used this fix before the docking system got upgraded.
  10. Quoting myself, but this happened more after i posted, the inconsistency i mean. Factions personality traits never change, as far as i know. I have no idea what triggers a faction to not give rep on Xsotan or pirate kills. The exact same faction sometimes do give rep and sometimes don't. Maybe a bug if this is true... can't say. Edit: if it is a bug, you should be able to reproduce, then i can be fixed.
  11. I think so, but never proved it. But... what else should it be? Should be the faction personality.
  12. At some factions you do not get factions points for killing Xsotan ships. Very rare, but sometimes you don't even get faction points for killing pirates. When you kill pirate attackers you always recieve faction points for killing the fleet.
  13. You may want to take a look into data/scripts/entity/ai/dock.lua and data/scripts/lib/player.lua and watch for function calls isDocked(). The function Entity():isDocked(object) returns true if Entity() is docked object. You could replace it by Entity():getNearestDistance(object) < 100 to be able to interact when distance is less then 100m. Example for dock.lua: if DockAI.dockStage == 2 then -- once the ship is at the dock, wait --if station:isDocked(ship) then if station:getNearestDistance(ship) < 55 then ai:setPassive() return true else -- tractor beams are active return false, true end end
  14. Nice mod. It would perfectly fit to what we are using on Galaxy Gamers server. I added a textfield to choose how many weapons to build. It also works on client side only. Just let me know if you wanna include this in your mod, and ill give you my code.
  15. Every turret factory less then 75 sectors from core should be Avorion, so there should be some in most galaxies. You can also build an own turret factory. Try to build some near core (like 1:1) for max tier weapons. With a little luck at seed rolls you can get weapons with incredible dps.
  16. Mah forget stupid questions... tried to compare 2 script folders of the same Avorion version, and wondered why I can't see any difference... :o
  17. Great, thanks for the update. Is it possible to add the out of sector simulation mannually to already existing stations via script? Or is this hardcoded? Id also like to understand, how exactly it works and wich factories are affected, but could not find anything in scripts folder. Thanks. Edit: If not, is it possible to find out in scripts, if a station already has out of sector simulation?
  18. I agree, im very excited to get it. @Hellatze: I hope there will come a day you will stop being angry. A lot of your posts are nonconstructive... also in other topics.
  19. If solarpanels only worked when at least one side is not covered, then it had to be the same for engine, thruster and so on. But I would not like it... A solution could be to change solarpanels, make energy only dependent by volume, not by surface: Technically it would make them absolutely senseless, but who uses it anyways for producing power? Imo the most important thing that they exist is visually (f.e. solar power plant need it). Maybe buff it a lil to make you able to produce a tittle energy when you just started a new game and only have iron (iron does not have generators). Ps.: you can manually set the block size to any value (like 0.001) by typing it into block size window. No need to scale the ship.
  20. Every player can keep up a specified amount of sectors. How much sectors is defined in server config. In offline games default setting is 500, on servers default setting is 5, but always can be changed by the admin. Wich sectors are alive is depending on what you have in these sectors. A ships counts 1, a station 3. The sectors with most points are kept up (up to the maximum sectors per player setting). Thats why you even could have galaxy wide trading routes. But when you send your ship into an offline sector, it will stop. Doing anything. I would like to have access to sector activation in Script API ;D
  21. Already thought about that, but never had time to do this. Also I think it should be a completely new mod instead of changing this one. Very great idea though. I thought about Anno-like trading routes, wich can be configured. There is only one problem when you use out of sector production mod: An AI controlled ship would not trigger the oosp production, cause oosp mod is only attached to the player.
  22. The recharge bonus must be negative to imcrease shield recharge rate, but it is positive on vanilla upgrades. But if this value gets too low, your shields get bugged, or at least they look like they were bugged. Edit: as far as I remember the total value of all equipped upgrades must be higher then -1 (wich would mean -100% recharge time -> instant recharge), or shields get bugged or at least seems bugged like i said before.
  23. The script functions Entity():AddCargo() and Entity():removeCargo() causes lot of network traffic between the server and the owner of Entity(). This is no Problem when these functions are executed once, but when they are executed like 50 or 100 times at the same moment they cause huge traffic, wich may be unnecessary. This also happens when you are not in the same sector then related entity. When you have a bad connection you may get huge lags when these functions are called often. Is this an issue or is the traffic really required?
  24. Koonschi, please give us onSectorActivate() and onSectorDeactivate() callbacks ;D
  25. Oh yes I see. However, to me it seems this part could be improved. A station can theoreticly have negative prices for creating and updating. Both should be fixed, not just the upgrade cost. It could be like this (untested): function getDiff(production) -- calculate the difference between the value of ingredients and results local ingredientValue = 0 local resultValue = 0 for _, ingredient in pairs(production.ingredients) do local good = goods[ingredient.name] ingredientValue = ingredientValue + good.price * ingredient.amount end for _, result in pairs(production.results) do local good = goods[result.name] resultValue = resultValue + good.price * result.amount end return resultValue - ingredientValue end function getFactoryCost(production) local diff = getDiff(production) if diff < 0 then diff = 0 end local costs = 3000000 -- 3 mio minimum for a factory costs = costs + diff * 4500 return costs end function getFactoryUpgradeCost(production, size) local diff = getDiff(production) if diff < 1 then diff = 1 end local costs = diff * 1000 * size return costs end
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