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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. productionsindex.lua - Toxic Waste Parlor: Every factory MUST have ingredients, results and garbages. You can leave fields blank.
  2. This mod is currently outdated cause Nexus is not active anymore. A current version of this mod is published in this topic. This is why it breaks your game. Use the updated mod.
  3. Hammelpilaw


    Ah just posted this in another topic (did not see this before). Nice to see it fixed soon :)
  4. Hotfix got published, but it is still buggy. Buying more ranking officers does not update the morale of your ship, it still drops. You need to restart the server to get it updateted. Also the level of ranking officers is not included in these calculations. If you got level 3 ranking officers, you do not need as much as you needed level1 ranking officers. But moral although drops if you do not have as much of them, as you would need if they were level 1. The amount of generals is calculated by the amount of normal ships crew (like fe. engineers). But it should only be calculated by the current amount of commanders, cause the required amount varies by the level of all ranking officers.
  5. The oil rig is a factory, that can be built by a founding ship. Shouldnt it be a mine that can only be built on claimable asteroids?
  6. Better performance in building mode, thats great, thanks. Found an issue in stationfounder.lua while fixing our modpack: biotope did not get plants as consumed good.
  7. Oh sorry, my answer about SectorGenerator.lua was wrong. Did not have much time before going to work. In the folder /scripts/sectors are all types of sectors (every .lua file is one type of sector). If a sector may contain consumers, trading posts, turret factory and so on, they are created in the sectors generator script.F.e. in factoryfield.lua are turret- and fighterfactory created, and also resourcetrader: -- create a turret factory if math.random() < 0.33 then generator:createTurretFactory(faction) end if math.random() < 0.33 then generator:createFighterFactory(faction) end if math.random() < 0.5 then generator:createStation(faction, "merchants/resourcetrader.lua"); end This makes npc have a turret factory with a propability of 0.33 in such a sector. But when you add new stations to to productionsindex.lua, you do not need to add them anywhere else. The game automaticly creates factories from all stations in productionsindex.lua. If you have more questions feel free to ask.
  8. Please post all contents of these files: ship script loader config file server.lua (the game ones, not the new one added by loader)
  9. These are no working examples. You have to add this to the very bottom of server.lua: -- Custom scripts local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/ShipScriptLoader/scripts/server/server') if s then if b.onPlayerLogIn then local a = onPlayerLogIn; onPlayerLogIn = function(c) a(c); b.onPlayerLogIn(c); end end end
  10. Hammelpilaw

    News: Dev Progress

    Great thing you finally add coal and raw oil mines to the vanilla game :) But please do not forget diamonds and bio gas mines/factories. Performance improvements for ship editor also sounds really awesome.
  11. Im afraid there are more changes required. I remember modifiyng some modfiles too because some functions of scripting API changed. But feel free to fix it ofc :)
  12. You also need to add it to sector generator to randomly generate it to npc sectors. You could also add it to stationfounder.lua to make it buildable for players. For our modpack I created a recycling factory that consumes toxic waste. For doing this you only have to modify productionsindex.lua. If you use the complex mod you can also add this factory into your complex (wich is not possible for a consumer).
  13. Order the station to attack enemies. This should do it.
  14. Thanks for the info. Until I fix this please use the mod only for own fighters, this does not cause any problems.
  15. Yes it works. No changes to this mod required for Avorion update 0.15.
  16. This is exactly the way, the mod works. When a player enters an empty sector (where no other player is in), it simulates all production and consumptions of all factories and consumers, and adds goods to trading posts. Even better were a callback function (wich does not exist in script API) like "OnSectorActivate" and "OnSectorDeactivate". Maybe this should be added to the API.
  17. We are using Laserzweis modified version of this mod on current beta. I will post the updated version here when I find some time to peckage it.
  18. SortedFoundstationMenu This mod makes the found station menu sorted alphabeticly. It is working multilingual. If you have any issues in other fonts (f.e. cyrillic, chinese) please let me know. Note Only compatible with Avorion 0.15 or higher. Installing Copy the contents of directory `Avorion` contained in the .zip file into the game directory `Avorion`. Compatibility to other mods This mod modifies stationfounder.lua. If you use the complex mod by Laserzwei please open file `mods/SortedFoundstationMenu/scripts/entity/stationfounder.lua` and uncomment the lines 543 and 544 by removing the leading `--`.Install Complex mod first, then SortedFoundstationMenu. Other mods wich use a modified stationfounder.lua are not supported by default, but support could manually be created. Version history 0.1.2 - Added support for Avorion 0.16.2 0.1.1 - Added support for Avorion 0.15.7 0.1.0 - Release SortedFoundstationMenu-0.1.1.zip SortedFoundstationMenu-0.1.2.zip
  19. When you use a modded economy to make trading much more interesting, stations (or complexes when you use complex mod) can get much more profitable. Then it is not needed to reduce crew costs wich happened in the update. Maybe add a multiplier for crew costs to server setting?
  20. The latest Avorion update contains a lot of changes to the whole economy, so the factory calculator is updated to Avorion 0.15 beta. A temporary database for Avorion 0.14 stable branch is still available until 0.15 gets stable. Please let me know if you find any issues in the production chains.
  21. Did you set the galaxy to be public? In the galaxy folder open the file server.ini and cahnge the settings like this: isPublic=true isAuthenticated=true useSteam=true
  22. Seems you were blocked by the server. Can you send us the server log? Ive never seen a similar error, so I dont know whats happening.
  23. Ah thats great :P ;D This update is really huge but also looks really great. Thanks.
  24. They should stop as soon as their current target dies or despawns. Did not thest this though cause if this does not work it is an Avorion issue.
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