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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. OFFLINE Galaxy Gamers Hello, I would like to introduce you to Galaxy Gamers and our Avorion server. We are a german speaking gaming community with root server and TS. Homepage with forum coming soon. Today we created a new modded beta galaxy to invite you to our universe. Feel free to join us. Please be fair to each other, also we want to be beginner friendly, so just ask if you have a question. You can get the rules on our ts server (german). Server Intel i7 7700K 32gb memory 500gb SSD TS: galaxy-gamers.de Avorion Server: Please be sure to have the current modpack (watch below). Avorion settings Difficulty: Insane Collision damage: 50% 15 Slots (may be increased) Same start sector: no (an Admin could teleport you in the startsector of your friend) Additional sectors per player: 5 (may be inscreased or decreased, depending on server load) PVP protection outside the core and also for offline players everywhere Modifications We are using a lot of mods and custom modifications on our server. A complete documentation of our modpack (german) and the modpack itself can be downloaded on our TS (and soon on homepage). There is a complete Goods- and Factorylist of our modified economy on https://avofactory.scrap-yard.org. To enable the Galaxy-Gamers modifications you have to register/login and chose our modpack on settings page. Some of the mods we use Complex3s Out of sector production DockBuilder ExtraminesM AutoResearch MineCorp GuardianScout CarrierCommander Getting started TS: galaxy-gamers.de Avorion Server: We are using the Avorion beta. Please activate beta for Avorion in Steam. Download the modpack on ts channel "Downloads & Modpack". If you need help for these steps please contact an Admin.
  2. I think so, i did not test it to control fighters of other ships yet. Until this mod can not launch fighters I will not add support for this. But since this works fine using vanilla ship commands it is not really needed ;)
  3. This mod is for ordering the figheters of the ship, you currently control. To control fighter of another ship you should use a ship command, not a carrier command.
  4. This is really looking awesome, thanks :) But it seems you used an outdated SectorGenerator.lua, it does not contain fighter factory wich was added in 0.14 to this file.
  5. New version 0.6.2. Fixed weapon range issue on bosses.
  6. There is an issue in installation instructions of ShipScriptLoader mod for server.lua file: local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/AvorionBoilerPlate/scripts/server/server') this line should instead be like this: local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/ShipScriptLoader/scripts/server/server') Then it will work.
  7. This mod is currently outdated cause Nexus is not active anymore. A current version of this mod is published in this topic.
  8. Did you install ShipScriptLoader Mod correctly? If you did, please post the contents of following files: Avorion/mods/ShipScriptLoader/config/ShipScriptLoader.lua Avorion/data/scripts/server/server.lua There may be something wrong. You do not need to build a new ship or change the ship to initialise the mod, ShipScriptLoader fixed that issue.
  9. Hmm I like this idea... add a new property to every turret: turretSlots It may be possible to combine up to 10 turrets of the same type at turret factory. F.e merging a laser with 5k damage with another with 4k damage, the result has 9k damage and uses 2 turret slots. Size increases, range, turning speed and so on is average between all combined weapons. It would solve the problem that very huge ships with high dps uses weapons that look too small. Ok enaugh offtopic, this belongs to Suggestions forum.
  10. That should it be. Did more tests: [*]Have a small wreckage few km away of your ship [*]Have... lets say 2 fighter squads of mining fighters -> required pilots 24 [*]Let mining fighters mine the wreckage (just gives them anything to do they will not finish, so you get time for testing) [*]Select one of your fighters and when its near the wreckage type /destroy [*]Be sure the pilot ejected [*]Another fighter will pick up the pilot [*]Call all fighters (23 cause you killed one) back into hangar [*]Required pilots still 24, for only 23 fighters. I think its the same issue that pumps required fighters even higer into billions.
  11. In steamforum we currently talk about fighting the guardian wich may have caused this issue. May it be that fighters pick up ejected pilots from killed fighters and this triggers the issue? Can anybody confirm?
  12. This was a bug, sorry. Updated to version 0.3.1 that fixed it.
  13. CarrierCommander With CarrierCommander you can send commands to your fighters to salvage, mine or kill enemies. This mod moved to another topic: http://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,4268.0.html Laserzwei did a lot of changes and compatibility fixes to this mod, before I found the time to do so. This is why I gave this project to him, Im sure it will be maintained very well. Thanks Laserzwei :) Warning This mod is currently not compatible with alliance ships. Only use for your own ships! Note I did not create this mod. It is originally created by Nexus, modified by Dirtyredz and me. Since Nexus seems not to be active in Avorion anymore I wanted to keep his project alive and did a relaunch. For more information watch Authors section below. How to use It only works for launched fighters, so you should set your fighters to defence state, then send commands by the new interface on the right-top side of your screen. You can use one military, and one civil command at the same time. Military fighters will only listen to military commands, civil fighters will only listen to civil commands. That means if you order them to salvage, all launched salvage- and mining-fighter will start to salvage, you should only launch the proper civil fighter for the current action. Since there are only 3 commands yet you can always use Attack enemies and either Mine or Salvage. The Attack enemies command uses priorities to decide, wich enemy should be attacked at first. By default the order from high to low priority is this: ships, wormhole guardian, stations, fighters. You can also decide, if stations and/or fighters should be attacked by this command or being not touched. These settings can be changed in `/mods/CarrierCommander/config/CarrierCommanderConfig.lua`. Prerequisites This mod requires an external resource: ShipScriptLoader Please follow the installation instructions of ShipScriptLoader before you install CarrierCommander. Installation instructions - Download the mod ShipScriptLoader by Dirtyredz and follow its installation instructions. This is required to load CarrierCommander. If you are already using it you may skip this step. Note There is an issue in installation instructions of ShipScriptLoader. These are the lines you should add to server.lua: local s, b = pcall(require, 'mods/ShipScriptLoader/scripts/server/server') if s then if b.onPlayerLogIn then local a = onPlayerLogIn; onPlayerLogIn = function(c) a(c); b.onPlayerLogIn(c); end end end - Open file `Avorion/mods/ShipScriptLoader/config/ShipScriptLoader.lua` - Before the last line containing `return Config` add this: Config.Add("mods/CarrierCommander/scripts/entity/CarrierCommander.lua") - Copy the directory `mods` contained in the CarrierCommander .zip file into the game directory `Avorion` Info If you have problems to get this mod working please send me a pm and describe whats exactly happening or not happening. Also send me all contents of the files /data/scripts/server/server.lua and /mods/ShipScriptLoader/config/ShipScriptLoader.lua. Only with these informations i could help you to find out whats wrong. Authors - Nexus - creator and original publisher of this mod - thanks for your great work - Dirtyredz - improved code and moved modfiles into `Avorion/mods` directory - Hammelpilaw - added the new command `attack enemies` to the mod Version history 0.3.1 - Fixed an issue in salvaging command 0.3.0 - release
  14. Easy to test: if ship starts moving and trading when you press the button, then it works :)
  15. Usely this would be the way to add an command for all users. But since i never added commands for all users to our server im not sure about this. We also use haulgoods mod. But I added a haulgoods button to the ship commands gui, wich is much more comfortable for users, but the installation instructions for this are outdated. If you want to do this: Replace the /entity/craftorders.lua with the attached file (make a backup before, I just copy/pasted code without testing). This should add the command to gui. craftorders.zip
  16. You can do this easily. Open file /entity/ai/haulgoods.lua in any text editor (f.e. notepad++). You should change lines 326-330: if (stock["fromprice"] > stock["toprice"]) then -- Would run a loss (this takes into account 0 prices for player factories) debug_msg("Route is not profitable for buying at " .. stock["fromprice"] .. " and selling at " .. stock["toprice"]) return end Change this to --if (stock["fromprice"] > stock["toprice"]) --then -- Would run a loss (this takes into account 0 prices for player factories) --debug_msg("Route is not profitable for buying at " .. stock["fromprice"] .. " and selling at " .. stock["toprice"]) --return --end Then the mod does not skip routes that give a negative profit. Be aware that it also sells every of your stuff to all npc stations in the sector. I did not test it, if you get any issues just answere here.
  17. I agree. But not only starting, even more the endgame difficulty is much too low. This is not the first topic about this. But it is planned: watch the official Avorion roadmap.
  18. Someone said a bugged fighter adds exactly 65536 pilots to the ship, wich is 2^16. On our server another one said he had 4 billions of pilots. Maybe it was 4.294.967.296 wich would be 2^32 (but cant say for sure). Maybe this helps finding the issue.
  19. Just released version 0.6.1 wich has some more bugfixes and is finally working now :) If you find any more issues please let me know.
  20. But if you got a strong ship you can salvage crazy much avorion. When you salvage the current increased boss you can get about 5mio or even more sometimes... so when you make it about 10 or 20 times taller (wich i also could kill with my current ship) you earn too much avorion. Sadly there is no way to make it stronger without making him even bigger (please tell me if im wrong) without make him drop more avo. What exactly do you mean by guardian with strong salvagers? Ps.: fix is coming soon, currently doing last tests :)
  21. It is still bugged sorry, maybe i will find the time to fix it today, but cant promise yet. When you killed the Guardian you can not spawn another one. Only the Scout drops a beacon to spawn the Guardian, so it does not grow even stronger. In default settings it got about 20-30 mio hull and shields i think (not sure how much exactly) and 1mio omicron. You can make it as strong as you want by modifying the config file. But the idea to even bigger ones sounds interesting... Maybe i will think about it, how to implement something like this without adding too much avo and items to the galaxy, endless chain kills would be op in this way.
  22. This is really missing yet. I think it should be relatively easy, maybe i will do it anytime.
  23. I think at least one or more of your fighters are bugged. Figure out wich one and destroy it, then it may work again.
  24. We also have this problem on our server. Can't say whats causing this issue though...
  25. The idea isnt bad, but would mean lot of work for admins to move topics when mods stable version gets released. So it would be better not to do this imo... it would not work. Creating a new topic when mod gets stable makes all older discussions from beta version abandoned... not the nice way too i think.
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