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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. You can controll the values of the upgrades. But not by commands. Example - hyperspace reach amount: reach = math.max(0, getInt(rarity.value, rarity.value * 2.5)) + 1 if you change this to reach = (math.max(0, getInt(rarity.value, rarity.value * 2.5)) + 1) * 10 the total reach is multiplied by 10. Or you do: rech = 20 Then ALL upgrades that got the reach bonus, have a bonus 20. Doesnt matter wich rarity. Then you could add a custom module with the values you want to have. Btw... sometimes you talk about turrets, sometimes about upgrade. I dont understand at all wich one you want to modify. For getting your own turrets you should use a turret spawning modded command.
  2. Hyperspace cooldown is depending on your ships volume or mass. I do not know wich one though... The only way to reduce it is using hyperspace upgrade wich give a bonus on cooldown like "Hyperspace cooldown -20%". If you use many of these you can reach 0 sec cooldown.
  3. Ah I thought loading/unloading a sector would trigger oosp to set ticks/timers. Just watched the code and saw I was wrong... That means activating sectors with player factories would also double productions if i'm right?
  4. Max range for interacting is 2km. This should solve it, otherwise send logfiles please.
  5. The production of the current version looks bugged to me. Also there is an error in my server log (wich has nothing to do with too high productions). Shorted server log (send me a pm if you need the whole logfile): I jumped out of the sector -435:133 at 21:41:57. About 5 minutes later i jumped in again, in that time the alu mine S should produce about 40 alu (4 processes per minute (15 sec per process) * 2 (size S factory) * 5 minutes = 40 goods), but it added almost 80 goods to it, wich fits to the logged 36 processes * 2. Maybe the size S multiplier is added twice in the calculation? Did not test with a higher sized factory yet.
  6. Looks to me like you are hosting this on your own pc behind a router? Or on a dedicated server? If you are using a connection with router for the server you need to forward the Avorion ports to the server: 27000 TCP and UDP 27003, 27020, 27021 UDP Watch Avo wiki for more information. I hope this can help.
  7. The scripts in this directory are required to load a system upgrade (so you could not use an upgrade without its script). The seed gets generated when the upgrade is generated the first time, the values of the upgrade are always regenerated by the script, using the seed to calculate always the same values. By editing values in the scripts you can also modify upgrades you already have. To make an own upgrade you could try to copy an existing and replace values, names and icons by your own ones (thats how I would do it). If you want your upgrade to drop from enemies and get sold by equipment docks, you need to add your own script in /data/scripts/lib/upgradegenerator.lua like this: ............. UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/shieldbooster.lua", 1) UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/tradingoverview.lua", 1) UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/velocitybypass.lua", 1) UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/energytoshieldconverter.lua", 1) UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/valuablesdetector.lua", 1) UpgradeGenerator.add("data/scripts/systems/yourcustomscript.lua", 1) The last line is the line you need to add, change "yourcustomscript" to the name of your script. Do not change any existing line. If you want to create these upgrades only by commands you could try to modify the admin commands package and add your upgrade to it.
  8. Nice to see you restarted this great project. To include NPC consumers (equipmentdocks and so on) is a also a very good thing, thanks. I agree to Devious to make this configurable. To simulate player productions too does not hurt, we are doing this on our server since 0.12 came out (I merged the mod to the current version by myself) and it works fine. How about complex support for this mod? Is there any chance to get this?
  9. Wow great ;D Thank you very much for updating this mod.
  10. Thanks Splutty for the great mod. I got some ideas to improve its ai without lot of trouble: When I watched people on our server using this mod, I noticed some problems when the mod is handling many stations (about 30 in this case). Ships often transport a few goods (about 100 or even less) while other stations stuck at 25k produced goods or are low on required goods. The first thing I did is to set a minimum of 1000 traded goods to be a valid route. This improved things a little, but did not solve it at all. The only solution would be to add a priority to all valid routes, calculated by the relation of available and max goods of both stations of each route. So I started to implement this into .../entity/ai/haulgoods.lua. After assigning the priority I just had to sort the haulgoods table by the priority. Only tested this with ~5 stations yet, but it seemed to work great, so I will try this on our server soon. But no warrenty yet, i need more testing until I really know if it helps. Mybe you'd like to add these ideas to the mod when my tests are finished? Imo it could be a great improvement for using this mod with many stations, if it works like I expect.
  11. A little late, but maybe it still helps anybody... Use the attached file for Avorion 0.12.7. For other versions you should verify the compatibilty though. The file is outdated since 0.13, I removed it from this post.
  12. Thanks for the informations Ny. It's a great game, and I rudimentary understand how hard it is to make this possible with such a small team of developers. Thanks for all the work :) I'm excited to see the roadmap.
  13. I think Avorion actually requires a good connection to work fine... at least my poor 6mbit connection seems to be enaugh, but I don't know how much is required. Does Avorion work fine in offline mode on same pc?
  14. It is beacause of the fixed spelling of zinc, mod needs to be updated. But you can also easily do by yourself until mod gets updated: Open the modfile with any texteditor like notepad and replace all "Cink" entries by "Zinc", then it will work again.
  15. Oh... I forgot to add the attachment, sry. Download the fix at reply #94.
  16. There are a lot of changes for Avorion scripts in files the mod is using. I highly recommand not to use the original version by Nexus anymore because it should cause other issues beside not working mod! Because NexusNull does not seem to be active in Avorion anymore I'll offer a modified version wich works for Avo 0.12.x to keep his great project alive, thanks Nexus :) But still remember: Howto: Install original mod version 1.4 Install the update attached in this reply Update for Avorion 0.14: MineCorp.1.4_modified-1.1.zip MineCorp.1.4_modified.zip MineCorp.1.4_modified-1.1.zip
  17. It is working fine on our server. But I do not remember if I needed to update the mod for version 0.12. Will check this after work.
  18. If you ask for feedback: very great mod, always used it on version 0.11 ;) Good thing the developer added this to vanilla game. But the point actually was if it is still working. I just replied to the question... I did not want to talk bad about it.
  19. A similar function was added to vanilla game in version 0.12 on the galaxy map. Why do you still need this mod? It got a much higher server load then the vanilla search.
  20. NPC Traders deliver goods. But always only about 300 pieces, you should not wait for them to deliver what you need for production. When you use weapons on your station, you need a captain and set order to "attack enemies".
  21. This one did not do it, sorry. Version 1.2 should work fine. If you find any issue just let me know (reply #58).
  22. To answer the question, if anybody else got the same problem: When you are in an alliance ship, all ships founded at shipyard are alli ships :)
  23. Bugfixes: Fixed an issue that caused an error when trying to found a special factory with an alli ship. This will work now. Changed alert that the ship needs to have 500k volume to 200k, because these stations can be founded with 200k volume or more. Download this mod in reply #58 in this topic.
  24. Avorion singleplayer tries to connect to localhost, but connections seems to get blocked. Maybe a firewall blocks connections? Allow connections of client and server exe. Does it work when you connect to a server? Watch system requirements: Avorion requires Windows 7 or higher. It does not say it cant work on Viasta, but there is no official support for it. Maybe thats the reason.
  25. Extract the content of "disableFactionWars-1.0" directory into Avorion server folder. One file in a subdirectory of "data" should be overwritten if you did well.
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