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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. Try a few steps: Update graphic driver Rename config file to anything else that it will not be loaded (C:\users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\settings.ini) Post client logs
  2. You said its an old galaxy. Did it work better earlier? Please try to reproduce in a new galaxy. Give us some informations about systems CPU and memory usage in the old and in a new galaxy. Try to turn down graphic settings (although /status looks like its not depending on graphic power). Please post your server.ini and server logs of the old and a new created galaxy (upload on pastebin).
  3. It is much smaller then a claimable. Look at the iron asteroid in the background, it is even bigger then the "claimable".
  4. Avorion itself does not do any backup. Do you use a server manager? If so, wich one? Some server managers may do automatic backups.
  5. Full disk may destroy savestates. Please rollback to your latest backup.
  6. It was not easily possible to load plans from plan folder before 0.18.2. Watch API Docs and changelog for Avorion 0.18.2 and install beta branch. Did not try this by myself yet and gotta go to work soon. May try it later.
  7. Parsing the client logs is very slow, just as the findstation mod was also very slow. I would prefer to do this via lua scripts and save results in a database wich is much faster and by saving all raw data from scripts you can do much more stuff with it. You could even do it on server side and create an ingame gui to show results. If you want to try that way though you may try on client side: os.open("clientlog 2018-07-24 20-36-52.txt", r) Replace the date by the latest logfile (not sure how you should get the right name). `os.open("filename", r)` on client side reads the Avorion folder in the userdata, on server side the game folder.
  8. I went threw the pages of this year and took out every suggestion regarding the API: Extend the EnergrySystem-API Alliance API request API to install upgrades, invokeFunction by script index Server Status API
  9. In any patch some time ago Timer().microseconds was removed from API. The lowest unit is now milliseconds, wich may be still too huge sometimes for performence improvements. Can you please give us back microseconds?
  10. Offtopic, please open a new thread or send a pm. Oh sure... well it is beacuase "volume" can be nil. Do this in the same function: function PlanGenerator.makeAsyncShipPlan(callback, values, faction, volume, styleName, material, sync) local seed = math.random(0xffffffff) if not material then material = PlanGenerator.selectMaterial(faction) end local code = [[ package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/lib/?.lua" package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/?.lua" local PlanGenerator = require ("plangenerator") function run(styleName, seed, volume, material, factionIndex, ...) local faction = Faction(factionIndex) if not volume then volume = Balancing_GetSectorShipVolume(faction:getHomeSectorCoordinates()); local deviation = Balancing_GetShipVolumeDeviation(); volume = volume * deviation end volume = volume * 2 -- ADD THIS LINE local style = PlanGenerator.selectShipStyle(faction, styleName) local plan = GeneratePlanFromStyle(style, Seed(seed), volume, 2000, 1, material) return plan, ... end ]] ..........
  11. Since you want these information on a website, saving it in sql database may be a good way. Not sure if it is good, its just the first google hit: https://keplerproject.github.io/luasql/manual.html Then you just have to save every trade in the database (Rinart gave good suggestions, ask again if you need more help there) and create a gui, either in lua, webbased or both, to access the data.
  12. Since nobody gave any wishes or suggestions I'll just continue this mod as I like it :P This means I will not add scaled Xsotan ships to it right now, but I'll do a whole rework and change this mod to a global galaxy balancing mod to configure the difficulty. It will add a new config file to your galaxy directory where you can change a lot of balancing stuff like npc ship size, damage, adding weapons to stations and lot of more stuff. It will also include a difficulty scaling inside the core wich is not restricted to the Xsotans only as it is in vanilla game, but also its not related to the players ship. Of course it will still contain the Wormhole Scout and the stronger Guardian. Ok these are the plans. If you have some suggestions for these feel free to answer on this topic.
  13. Good Idea. Well I'll turn this thread into such one and ask devs to make it sticky. Already got another request for scritping API: Galaxy().name is really missing. Also it would be great to get the path to the galaxy folder like Galaxy():getPath()
  14. Looks like a great idea. You could also include the player itself to the log: when he buy or sell something at any station its also getting logged. So you get a full trading report.
  15. When playing online every player got some sectors wich always be kept alive. The order wich sectors will be alive is hardcoded. It would be awesome for modders to be able to change the order. The reason is simple: When you got many stations in different sectors you do not need all the secors to be up because the production will be calculated when the sector gets restored from disk. But your salvage ship in another sector does not keep the sector alive, you have to calculate how many ships you need there to make its score bigger then the stations in other sectors. This is only one example, there are many situations where I wished I could modify it. Some examples what Im thinking of. Manually define the sector score. function getSectorUpkeepScore(Entities, Player) local score = 0 for _,entity in pairs(Entities) if entity.factionIndex == Player.index then if entity.hasScript("salvage.lua") then score = score + 5 end -- do some more stuff end end end Manually define the entities score function getEntityUpkeepScore(Entity, Player) -- Calculate entity score end Also it would be great to see wich sectors are alive. Player():getAliveSectors() -- or Server():getAliveSectors(playerIndex)
  16. Can you describe more clearly wich data you want to save? Is it every trade thats done with a station that you get a trading history? If so you should mod the tradingmanager.lua as Rinart73 mentioned. Or is it what goods your stations produces and consumes?
  17. You play with resolution 3440 x 1440. Can you reproduce this when playing full HD (1920 x 1080)? Did you update to latest display driver?
  18. Can you add server and client logs please? You may use https://pastebin.com/ to upload it.
  19. Im not sure whats causing this, but as you could see the main problem is network traffic when the servers or clients network gets overloaded. I gues this is the same. Btw: when 2 player and both launches 120 fighers, there is much more traffic for both clients compared tho one player with 120 fighters. That may be the issue there.
  20. Not related to the new design, but an issue in forum: Forwarding from http:// to https:// does add parameters to the forwarded URL, so you land on index.php when clicking a link with http. Links to this topic, with and without https: Link with https Link with http This results in many forum links that does not work anymore.
  21. This is not a claimable, its too small.
  22. Your code looks good to me, but only a test can give you the final answer if it works. I recommand testing with the admin panel in debug mode. You can enable debug mode in your test galaxy by editing server.ini in galaxy directory and change DevMode to true: DevMode=true
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