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Everything posted by Hammelpilaw

  1. I agree. Is it better now? :) Much better now, thanks. Please also watch the other suggestions I gave regarding the new look :)
  2. 2 more things wich could be better looking: There is a headline in a huge box with blue background at every reply, wich always tells the same and wastes space. I think this should be smaller and maybe less highlighted. Code tag is hard to read: The code tag is dark color on dark background, hard to read.
  3. Got this mod in my modpack, it works fine. Did some changes at all, so I don't remember what exactly is incompatible in the original version by w00zla. I may package it as a standalone mod by time and publish here in this topic. Although I did not plan to do long term support for this mod, so if someone wanna have the fixed code to provide support for future Avorion versions please send me a message.
  4. New version 0.3.2 Fixed an issue wich may broke the mod on linux. Should work on all OS now. Also I added a small roadmap.
  5. Nice to hear that :) Please be aware that i just figured out a bug on the MilitaryMissions mod today wich seems to depend on OS. It could break the mod. Will upload a fix tomorrow. -> Fixed
  6. It looks good, much better then the old one. In some cases the profile image got a background color wich doesnt look really good if you have a profile image with transparency.
  7. It should work though. Please post your logs and config.
  8. I can not reproduce this issue with Mod Version 1.6 by Laserzwei: https://www.avorion.net/forum/index.php/topic,1607.msg24677.html#msg24677 Well I just watched your code... you are not using the latest version of this mod by Laserzwei wich fixed the issue you currently may have. Please use the version from link above. If you can reproduce the issue with this version please let me know, but it should work. At least you got a version that didnt work for lot of server owners wich endet up in crashes.
  9. Can you post the complete client logfile? Wich Avorion version are you using? In a very fast test it seemed to work in latest Avorion 0.17.1. Well I did not test enaugh to cause a random crash... but how you know its related to this mod? Could you also reproduce this in a fresh galaxy? Please tell what steps you did to cause the crash. If it only happen in an old galaxy it may be a savegame issue, not an issue in the mod.
  10. Updated mod to version 0.3.0 - Added support for being used as plugin for MilitaryMissions mod.- Bugfixes
  11. MilitaryMissions To me it was always frustrating that missions from military outpost was hard coded in the Merchant script, or to say it in easy words: adding new missions to military outpost is not very nice in vanilla game. So I created a mod wich makes you able to add new missions to military outpost as plugins. That's what this mod basicly does. As an example plugin this mod contains the old but gold modded mission "Pirate Warlord" by Theoman02. Also it is possible to add the mod XsotanDreadnought as a plugin for this mod. Installation Extract contents of the Avorion directory in zip file into your local Avorion directory. Add the following code to the very bottom of the file `data/scripts/entity/merchants/militaryoutpost.lua`: if not pcall(require, 'mods.MilitaryMissions.scripts.entity.merchants.militaryoutpost') then print('Mod: MilitaryMissions, failed to extend militaryoutpost.lua!') end Optional: Configuration Take a look into the file `mods/MilitaryMissions/config/MilitaryMissionsConfig.lua`. There some settings in the Config section to balance the pirate warlord mission. Optional: Activate XsotanDreadnought If you are using the XsotanDreadnought mod you can use it as plugin for the military outpost. Just open the config file (path above). Find the XsotanDreadnought settings in Missions section and remove the leading "--". The comments in the file will help you. Requires XsotanDreadnought 0.3.0 or higher! Add new missions To add a new mission you need 2 files: `yourmission.lua` and `yourmissionBulletin.lua`. Replace "yourmission" by the mission name. It does not matter where you place these files, but you should keep file structure. I recommand to create a new mod directory: `mods/yourmission/scripts/player/missions/`. Add the path to the bulletin file below the "Custom missions below" comment. The syntax is like this: {bulletin = "mods/yourmission/scripts/player/missions/yourmissionBulletin"}, Important is not to change any signs of that line, only the path and name of your file. Also you must NOT add the .lua part of the filename. Hint: for testing enable dev mode of your test galaxy - this makes bulletin update every 5 seconds. Optional: Configuration for missions For this step you should watch config file. All vanilla missions, the Pirate Warlord and XsotanDreadnought are already configured correctly. bulletin = script to bulletin file without lua ending. Required! You can set optional configurations for every mission: probability = % chance that outposts offer this missin. Values: 0-100. Leave blank to use 100% maxDistance = The mission will not be offered when distance to core is below this. Leave blank for not limiting. Example for using optional values (50% chance to find, max distance from core 250): {bulletin = "mods/yourmission/scripts/player/missions/yourmissionBulletin", probability = 50, maxDistance = 250}, Create a new mission Guide for craeting new missions may come sooner or later. You may use Pirate Warlord Plugin as axample. Taking a look into some vanilla missions or events may also help. The XsotanDreadnought can also help, but because it is both, random event and a mission in one script, it's too complicated to be a good example. Compatibility This mod overwrites the script of the military outpost, so it should not be compatible with any mod that overwrites the same file. If you already got a modded mission for military outpost you may publish a plugin for this mod to add it to the game. Credits The mod itself, and especially the included mission "Pirate Warlord" uses some code snippets from "Pirate Warlord" mod by Theoman02. This mission was designed and coded by Theoman02. I converted it to be a plugin for this mod and and updated for current Avorion version. Version History Roadmap Make this mod independent from military outpost, so that it can be added to any type of station. Each station can have its own mission types. This would highly improve compatibility and flexibility of the mod. MilitaryMissions-0.3.4.zip
  12. There is a simple issue in pirategenerator.lua script in function addPirateEquipment(). This function got the parameters "craft" and "title". But in line 163 there is a wrong variable name used: ShipUtility.addBossAntiTorpedoEquipment(boss) The variable "boss" is nil, it should be "craft" instead. This never happens in vanilla game because this line will never be executed in vanilla scripts. Please fix though.
  13. These bad allocs are really annoying... once I had this too on a Server. It seemed to be related to entities in any way, so i set a fighter limit wich helped a lot. Log does not say anything helpful?
  14. Updated mod to provide compatibility for Avorion 0.17.1 r11753.
  15. And another update. Very good work to add the automatic reporting and then so much bugfixing. Thanks koon.
  16. Well didnt you answer the question by yourself? ;) Server():isOnline(player.index) This should return true if player is online. Or did I misunderstand the question?
  17. Updated to version 0.6.5 - Upgraded mod to provide compatibility to Avorion 0.17.1 - Did improvements to range settings, but still does not work very well. Watch known issues for more information
  18. Updated mod to version 0.2.1. - Improved config file - Added torpedoes (configurable) and anti torpedoe equipment - Improved weapon range of the Dreadnought
  19. Updated mod to be compatible to Avorion 0.17.1.
  20. The new stats bonus ShieldImpenetrable available in 0.17.1 is a great idea, but I think it should be possible, add a float value for it (between 0 and 1) wich reduces the chance of shield penetration. When a shot would penetrates the shields and you got a value of 0.5 on it, it reduces the chance of shield penetration by 50%. Just enabling/disabling it looks too boring and too easy to me. Even when the Shield Reinforcer upgrade does not change it would be awesome if I could mod it like described above.
  21. Most definitely yes, this is one of the reasons why it took longer than expected to make. Awesome :) Would love to have the same for upgrades.
  22. The range is a known issue. Since combat update this mod needs a rework, wich is definitely planned (same for the Wormhole scout mod). Both mods has not been reworked since lot of things changed in Avorion during last patches. Good idea to make all settings configurable for inside and outside core, will do this in next update. Thanks.
  23. Already thought about this, but for most bosses it does not work, cause the boss spawns when the first player enters the sector. For some bosses it would be fine though.
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