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Kane Hart

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Everything posted by Kane Hart

  1. I have a feeling the UI Does not scale. The user who brought it to my attention is 1.61% of steam users a small number. But I decided to try the 2nd most common that is 1366x768 at almost 25% of all steam users and came up with the following: Users on Steam with 1366x768 Res 24.76% Examples 1366x768: https://i.imgur.com/18c08nx.png https://i.imgur.com/c6juFbu.png Users on Steam with 1280x720 Res 1.61% Examples 1280x720: https://i.imgur.com/IvzGGCS.png https://i.imgur.com/zt3lz3C.png There might be other issues too but I thought these windows are the biggest I knew and gave a great example.
  2. Few more questions having a blast :) If you guys hate questions tell me I could ask for life and I'm hoping to put my education to use and help answers others in the future the more I learn :) First off I want to say I'm having a blast what this game offers is quite incredible. I found a Casino today and when I saw that I was like I have to learn Lua. I thought how amazing would it be to make a small script where I add a new dialog option to just Casino's and it lets you gamble play basic little games like slot or blackjack even via text nothing visual at least to start with would be amazing and fun. It got me thinking that this game I already edited some Lua files for fun and how it works is great and I have a feeling if we can get more people into modding overtime this game will turn into something entirely different overtime made by the community. There is GTA gta San Andreas RPG Servers with 1000 people online on a single server just because people can mod and add RPG elements within the game and just thinking damn just imagine what people can do overtime on Avorion. I really hope we as a community can really show the world what this game can do and what its about the thought of it keeps giving me bad sleep at night just thinking the future of it :) 1) If you are sick of answering questions then please don't answer. This more like research for me and only asking because people seem so willing to talk about stuff. 2) Are the mining lasers you start with all kind of random? I got these on my starting ship but they are so bad I just end up going back into my drone ship: https://i.imgur.com/aE1CIai.png They are insane power usage and they seem to overheat? 3) Is this the heat level of the weapons / mining laser? https://i.imgur.com/B2Z8K4q.png I just noticed this for the first time with these lasers that seem to kill my power haha. Overtime I found some new turrets and they were laser based I guess and had heat bar but they did not pass their cap and they seem to work much better in a sense so maybe it's a bug with those mining lasers I had. 4) Is there a way to tell what a XML Ship will cost resource wise? For example when I import one in that I don't have the resources for it just cries about Credits. Is it just based on credits or is it both credits and resources but credits are first on the list? It be kind of nice to have some sort of info screen on your current ships value in resource / cost but also blueprints that you check out before importing them in the load menu. 5) Is there a way to rename my ship :)? I called it Day 1 for example can I name it to Day 2? It seems blueprint name is effected by this as well. 6) What is this module :) https://i.imgur.com/WhPx50f.png I saw it on a travelling merchant quite expensive hehe I love it :) 7) So this upgrade says 105% https://i.imgur.com/veiD971.png is the a 5% improvement or a 105%? Some games start at 100% because they might do power reduction of say 90% meaning you save 10% so I'm a bit confused on how this game does the math :) Hope this makes sense :) 8) I saw my system get attack by another faction. I understand if you see 2 factions going at it and shoot one you can ally with the other instant. Outside of that can a faction take over space? Can that space grow? Can the factions influences radius on the map change? 9) Is the player inventory (the one that holds modules / turrets) unlimited? 10) Is crew performance capped at a certain amount? I tried putting in a lot of mechanics on a small ship from 1 to 2 it went from 100% to 130% but a adding 2-3 more it stayed at 130%. 11) I also noticed and something I'm learning but you can recruit qualified workers directly. Do they offer a bonus to the percent as well or do they offer something special? 12) What is the most crew someone has legit required or needed? If my math is right 1 general is 360 Crew and that is really sweet. Has anyone had multiple generals and over 360? Crew? 13) is the boarding party stuff in? Should I worry about not having security on my ship? How is it done by teleportation? Just a bit worried :) 14) I noticed at least command wise I been having trouble with spaces for example if it's a command to Kick myself it be normally /kick Kane Hart but instead it will kick Kane. Not sure if there is advice there thanks :) If you guys have tips or advice I love to hear it. I like learning a lot and I'm going to try to start learning a bit of Lua. It's being used more and more even as a scripting language you can make games with it now there is some decent elementary engines that support it and maybe someday I can make some really good mods for the game :) Bonus picture of my accidentally smashing into another ship at silly speeds haha.
  3. Just a suggestion I wanted to learn about importing / exporting ships and such. So I'm testing it out with community created ships and sadly I just gained my shield Achievement. It would be nice if creative mode is selected you can't earn Achievements.
  4. Hey guys and girls. I finally started my Let's Play Series. I was a bit over hyped and tired last night and learning / had a ton of questions so I decided to learn a bit of the basics (1 hour of play) before I moved onto creating / starting my Let's Play Series. I hope you enjoy it my main goal is to try to help attract new players to the game overtime and maybe even run a decent server for people down the road if enough people are interested. Episode 1: n44KrM5qaD0
  5. Yeah from the demo to the actual game batteries have been touched 1-2 times at least. There are generators and Batteries now not sure if there was in the demo but they had quite a buff to them.
  6. If you like I can test out one the XML blueprints for you and see if it works :)
  7. Yeah it might be time for me to go back to playing then trying to learn lua and just go around editing things hehe.
  8. Thank you so much for the help. Was so refreshing to wake up with all the advice. I can confirm I was derping and both /whitelist --name/id name/id --add works fine as adding it to the whitelist. I will just use ID of course. Though when you do add the ID it just says "User '' added to whitelist" so it does throw you off but it does work. I double checked /save /stop and it was all in the whitelist :) I tried editing the accessListMode= via the ini and could not get it to work. I tried whitelist and Whitelist vs what was listed was Blacklist. I might be doing it wrong but it did not seem to make a difference. I can confirm at least for me if I activate the whitelist via the game and reboot using /save /stop the whitelist has to be activated again even with ID's via the text on reboot. So there might be some bugs in that area anyways but it seems to work as long as I remember to renable it. Thanks so much again for all the answers this been fun learning to get the linux server up and running and seems to work great :)
  9. I remember not knowing how to do this as well in the demo version in the full version it will actually tell you during the tutorial now :) Also keep in mind the Demo version is about 3k Revisions behind and the full version is quite amazing and really well improved. It will be out on steam on the 23rd :)
  10. I think Mac is Unix based kernel system? The game already had Linux builds and might actually be able to work on Mac tbh. I don't also have a mac to test on but mac has terminal mode and the works. Idk if they can run these same kind of linux build binaries from scratch. Wine is Wine is actually originally for just Linux but I think works on Linux, mac, and BSD, etc. It allows you to run DX9 or something like that on those OS with a little bit of a performance hit and bugs and not everything works perfectly. I think a lot of Linux users for example would use Wine to play say World of Warcraft. I might be wrong on some of this and I'm sorry :)
  11. Sounds good. Just making sure you know but it seems that you do :) For anyone who might google this just set SS to 2x you should be fine FPS wise :)
  12. Having a blast I actually afked for 5 minutes and lost my ship haha but it only gave me more determination to do better. This is for the actual game not demo :) I'm having a blast and I'm a bit of a nerd and so a lot my first questions might be elementary but my server questions will be a bit more in depth. Game Questions: 1) What is a field generator? It sounded like shields but not? I put a couple on and covered my ship but second I got shot I never saw it work nor did I see anything flash or anything special. 2) So it seems once you are done using a component you should merge them when building your ship? It seems that placing small blocks around does not really offer much of a bonus but once I merge it seems to do a lot more. Love more advice on when to use merging and not. 3) I tried doing a basic ore trading mission it was I think 108 Iron ore but did not have a enough cargo space. Is it the exact ratio? As in 108 ore = 108 cargo? 4) Is there a good way to find certain ores? the system I started in has 1500 ores and only found I think 4 titanium. I bet there is more but hard to find so not sure if there is a way to some how scan them and track them down hehe. 5) So once I'm done the tutorial it becomes more of a sandbox I mean it's a sandbox you can do anything hehe. But any tips of what I should consider doing would be good. I actually love fighting pirates and PvE in fact I loved it so much I just kept upgrading my ship to fight them though I always took damage to my ship. Shields would help but I assume their not till way later in the game. 6) On the map there is 4 Icons I assume it's Asteroids, Ships, and Stations? What is the 4th one :)? 7) I hear a lot about salvaging when googling it and you need a license. I been killing pirates with the local faction though I don't own a salvage laser I shoot/mine them to death and loot them and sometimes keep shooting the wreckage. Is this meant for these kind of things or special types of salvage? Does salvaging lasers make a massive difference when going for wreckage vs just mining/shooting it? 8) I noticed a sectorUpdateTimeLimit=300 and this shuts the zones down after 5 Minutes and then another one with emptySectorUpdateInterval=0.5. So who is Empty a player or any AI? is there a way to set to unlimited (assuming server reboot?) or just set a high number? I assume this allows my AI Ships to continue to run? 9) After speaking about Question 6) I hear you can setup your own stations like a mining facility and something else? Will these stop after the 300 default seconds as well if you leave the system? Does this mean stations in a sense no matter what are useless if so? 10) this maybe a bug but with shaders high and super sampling at 4x near certain stations with the light textures kind of blinks none stop and drops my fps a ton. 2x or less is fine. Server Questions: 1) I'm having issues adding people to the whitelist is it using the 64bit steam ID? I think I might of got it to work on rebooting the server and adding them to the whitelist text file but not during the run. I tried to do /whitelist --activate then /whitelist --id 76561197983004951 and it seem to only create a blank not the users id I tried the --name kanehart and also does not add to the list. https://i.imgur.com/VA0qWuE.png - and with /save then /stop the file is still 0 in size. 2) Is there a way to activate the whitelist on launch via the command line? I saw --use-steam-networking but it did not work and I have a feeling it's not going to work with the next question I have 3). 3) I noticed I get "[s_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed." I'm of course running a dedicated server so normally I would not have it tied to an account or have any kind of steam API running for it. Should steam API not be included with the server? What features would I be missing out of it? 4) If assuming the Steam API is not working can people fake their steam ID then and join peoples server? 5) Can another player see another player? I right now set sameStartSector=false and tested it out it seems to scatter the players but only a few sectors as most it seems. Just worried that new players might get harassed by other players really easy or maybe that is not a problem? Might as well ask can 2 friends add each other some how and then see each other and their progress in the game or on the map? 6) Anyway to disable PvP maybe collision and laser/fire damage between 2 players? 7) any kind of server tools to keep an eye on players as in maybe a way to see a leaderboard of players stats, etc? I have a feeling people overtime might cheat and find ways to cheat and when they do it will be easy to monitor them overall via some sort of command or in game panel that can be enable to show their overall stats maybe their assets, playtime, etc. I hope I'm not asking too many questions in fact I might have many more overtime so I thought I keep this as the big ask all questions thread haha. I want to provide a better understanding when playing and sharing it with others and I also am highly consider server maybe public but trying to aim for more whitelist and feel a bit more safe. Thanks you :)
  13. So I seem to have hit 2 issues. One if I have Shaders on High and SS to 4x I drop to 20 fps when near constructs. Ships or stations it does not seem to matter. Second seems to be really nasty Z-fighting I been getting overtime. This video is a better example of it: Both on my end seem very repeatable on single player or a server and new games of course using r7250. Nvidia is also default settings I double checked make sure I had no forced options. System: Windows 10 64bit Intel i7-4770K @ 3.50 Ghz ASUS Maximus VI Hero Motherboard Corsair AX860I 860W Power Supply 32 GB of Ram GeForce GTX 1070 OC 500 Gig SSD
  14. Oh wow thanks for sharing the process :)
  15. Sounds good and thank you for the info. Glad to hear workshop support. I found out our ships are in xml format so I was hoping that be a thing down the road :)
  16. I touched a tiny bit of the front page but since I'm a brand new player I know next to nothing. But I would love if all the members who have time who have edited a wiki before be willing to help out. Don't be scared we can always reverse changes as their all stored and it's a great learning experience. http://wiki.avorion.net/ It will mean a lot to all the new players that will come to Avorion in its future :)
  17. Wow.. I might have to check these out overtime. I know mine will all look like boxes.
  18. I'm sure this might be lower on the burner but I'm a bit of a nerd and already digging through 226 lua files. This actually looks more open then Factorio I guess you had written the game from the start with modding in mind rather then slowly convert code over to lua. This looks quite amazing. I'm actually wondering even for starters how it works on Dedicated servers? Does the client download the lua scripts or do server side scripts work but client needed ones will require the client to download it from a third party source? Any info you can share on modding will be amazing. I'm sure once we find a few nerds out there modding will be in full swing :)
  19. Thanks it's quite amazing. I'm going to still throw up the demo video I warned people from the start to the end of it about it being almost 3000 revisions behind when I started. So I think it's safe to still share it. I had such an amazing reaction from it something I have not had for a long time.
  20. Just wanted to say the demo was such a great idea. I will throw it up on creations later but I actually had a really good time and blast. From what I can tell the demo is actually 3k revisions behind too so that is pretty sweet to see that a lot of work has been done since the compile of it. Just wanted to say thanks for the demo it's what set my heart on Factorio and my community as well and I think it's going to make a big impact on Avorion overtime as well.
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