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Kane Hart

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Posts posted by Kane Hart

  1. I hope the buffs are for players and not AI.


    Right now the game is a bitch when it comes to fighting AI. You always fight them out gunned and massive ships or a fleet of cavemen AI.


    I also find weapons kind of weak. I feel like the player should be slightly more op then the AI when it comes to fights. I'm sure I'm not the only one but I end up going towards the center then watching AI/pirates go at it and loot them and then head backwards again to actually fight something I can handle always like one version material below me and it's kind of sad hehe.

  2. Damn no luck finding these yet though I did find a normal claim asteroid without the option to claim it but no ship or anything. I'm sure I install your mod right though was odd to have some files outside the data folder. The modfiles folder.


    Either way I'm looking forward to finding them in my LP Series over the next few days/weeks. I hope by then some the upcoming features are out too so it scales a bit better so I can't just buy best materials one for 100k.


    I also hope that you can't go past xanion outside the ring :)

  3. Yeah I agree your method is better but then again you have to sometimes put your shoes in theirs. I prefer your method but then 80% of people will have more issues with it sadly till modding gets a bit of a fix.


    That being said is the n-dps for example counting the cooldowns and such? Someone kept saying they did not think it did in the video and found it useless and did not want to lie in the comments with a reply on it hehe.

  4. Yup I think it's great. Everything will get adjusted overtime. I know the longest time I was so confused from weapon a to weapon b etc. I just put them on and watch how bad they were and then just went with whatever I felt was good.


  5. at the moment thats not possible in this way. i can suggst you the "out of sector" mod wich calculates the production while you are away.


    but koonshi said that hes working on it that sectors kepp beeing loaded if stations or ships are in them


    Yeah I know both. It's to bad we can't mod it in. As far as I know the out of sector does not simulate local trade to it? For example if I make a power plant would it get resources?

  6. I think one of the biggest sales pitch for this game was Co-Op and this game of course is young and early still in its life. But this game is nowhere near a Co-Op game. Almost everything punishes the user for Cooperative game play and ease of access.


    That being said we know someday there will be a patch to see people on the map and in the system. We also know the first big patch since release will be alliances. That being said I thought I throw in my opinions on what makes Co-Op not so desirable. Of course some of these things I will list have been confirmed for the future etc.



    This is not alliance suggestions just more 1 on 1 friends (Co-Op)

    [*]Seeing Friends on Galaxy Map

    [*]Seeing Friends in the sector with ease

    [*]Being able to pick up quests from stations and split the reward

    [*]Being able to have a better loot system with friends maybe even a roll system or something when it comes fighting, etc.

    [*]Being able to kill a boss, etc and both get rewarded with a drop rather then just the one person

    [*]Being able to trade not just mail things at close distances including crew, etc.



    I'm sure there is many things I have missed but my Co-Op series slowly turning into single player series due to the fact there is not much Co-Op in the game. The only actual unique Co-Op thing that sort of works is ship building on your mates ship and using their resources but even then not the best info screen for it.


    Thanks :)

  7. What? Your ship can warp no matter what it should always be a Min of 2 jumps... You can use the hyperdrive or whatever pc to increase it or like most people swap modules and jump really far.


    If you mean increase gate size then there is bigger gates out there.

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