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Kane Hart

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Posts posted by Kane Hart

  1. So you tested it and it randomly selects the tracks? So you can add 100 songs in and they will work overtime? I tried finding scripting reference to any of the audio but never really found any within the current scripts.


    I thought be cool to call a special song up during a scripted event or something. I might not be looking for it correctly though.

  2. I'm personally tired of the docking system. It's not just that the Docks break but also some stations just never have them or at least they are sort of there blinking but are not working. The bigger I build the harder it is to use.


    I love to have something like the traveling merchant where I can just trade within the range of the station.


    Thanks :)



    Mod is Complete thanks to NexusNull:


  3. I'll chime in and say, that it's a neat idea, but with point 5 in Kane Hart's post. Optional.


    I enjoy jumping right in the game, immediately to build and play, before heading out. Don't want to have to find/park at shipyards all the time.


    Yeah I'm a big fan of options. People should not be forced to play one style. For example ugly box ships because someone wanted to break parts off in PvP :P

  4. Sadly I'm getting a nasty stall out again without any kind of logs of the crash but I noticed both logs within 1 sec of the lockup a new sector was generating and we know complex sectors and such can easily take 1 second to generate so it might be connected but sadly it does not offer anything decent.






    Steam networking was connected and working just fine.

  5. Seeing as a system doesn't even exist until you visit it and it's generated, clearing the "Entire galaxy" is literally clearing the currently loaded sectors. Which, as they're already loaded, running a script that iterates through each one to clear the wrecks across the server isn't going to do much at all -- seeing as the server will already be keeping those sectors in memory. As long as you don't do something stupid, like try to clean all the sectors in one single process and instead iterate through them, say one every 250 microseconds, it'll not even be noticeable on performance.


    I might be wrong but scripts don't have the power to shutdown a system and default is 300 seconds though can be changed via a config. The idea is just silly. Better off doing a clean script when someone enters the system or leaves the system.


    My point was the idea of doing the entire galaxy seem a bit off.

  6. He's not asking what the point of wreckage is, or why it's there, or about its performance, or caring about your server stats. He's asking how it can be done to remove it.


    I personally don't know, because I haven't really tried modding any scripts. Just studying them -- I would think that due to the way wrecks are handled, it's probably very easily done. Wrecks are, if I am remembering right, treated as an entity anyway. You could write a script that finds all of these entities in a given sector and remove them from play. Attac hthe script to the player entity, or something, and you could set it up so that the player can run a command like /clean or something -- hell maybe even have it run the function when a player warps to a new sector, or loads into another one.


    Thanks for speaking for him and not understanding. I was trying point out he stated "Clear the complete Galaxy from the Wrackages on Server Restart"


    A person could easily explore 100's of systems in 1 sitting. Would you like to weigh in the performance issues let alone the technical issues of having to load 100's and 100's of systems?

  7. Hey dudes ^^


    Have someone a script to Clear the complete Galaxy from the Wrackages on Server Restart or something ?


    This would be possible and not possible in some ways.


    Server stats of mine:

    23 players online, in 21 sectors

    413 players registered

    997 factions registered

    65 sectors in memory, 18995 sectors in total



    You imagine trying to load 19,000 sectors and clear their wreckage.


    I guess you could do it when a player leaves but the whole point of wreckage is to salvage and have it float around. There is entire systems with 1000's of ships and the fps/performance is great.


    Hey friend, I think 60k is great but I also think the faction system via faction wars is wrong. I opened up temporarydefender.lua and found that they give 85k? just to side with someone meaning that you can get well past friendly instantly. So what I'm thinking of doing is setting mine to about 25k instead.


    Not sure how bad that will go since I can't really script and I'm pretty sure that replaces the rep rather then gives 25k meaning that if I had 30k with them it will reset. But either way it seems better then having instant friendly.


    Any suggestions?


    If you mean adding 25k rep, you could change this line under the declarePeace() function:

        Galaxy():setFactionRelations(faction, player, 85000)


        Galaxy():changeFactionRelations(faction, player, 25000)


    Haven't tested, but let me know if it works!


    Thank you friend. I woke up to an error (for the warlord clearing missions)

    could not execute function 'updateServer' in '"data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua"':
    data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua:78: attempt to index global 'r' (a nil value)
    stack traceback:
            data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua:78: in function 'awardRep'
            data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua:42: in function <data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua:32>
    Setting script "data/scripts/player/missions/clearsector.lua" to invalid.


    I will try that change soon btw ty :)

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