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Posts posted by Rinart73

  1. File "data\scripts\systems\miningsystem.lua" - line 101:

    renderer:renderEntityArrow(tuple.asteroid, 30, 10, 250, tuple.material.color)


    In the Docs look at the class "UIRenderer":

    renderEntityArrow(Entity entity, float width, float length, float visibilityThreshold, Color color, var distanceFromCenter, var layer)

  2. Avorion: 0.23 - Exploit is still there.

    Even though Exodus Key was reworked and now can be sold for only 2500, exploit still exists. You can get thousands of them via script editing (invoke function many times) and just sell a whole pack.

    Server doesn't even check if player has a key. And clientside checks are weak.


    My suggestion: When script drops exodus key, set a variable for a player with current server "online_time" + 1 day. And check it when player is trying to get another key. All other checks (inventory, nearby ships) are too weak.

  3. Avorion: 0.23

    Full hull repair with no cost exploit - Still exists.


    Crew hiring exploit is still there too - server doesn't check if station has enough crew to hire.

    Can be fixed by editing "crewboard.lua" file, "CrewBoard.hireCrew" function.

    Replace this line:

    local pair = availableCrew[i]

    with these:

    if i < 1 then return end
    local pair = availableCrew[i]
    if not pair then return end
    num = math.min(tonumber(num), pair.number)
    if num <= 0 then return end

  4. Version: 0.22.2


    "data/scripts/lib/SectorGenerator.lua" - Errors in following functions:

    SectorGenerator:createSmallAsteroid(translation, size, resources, material)
    SectorGenerator:createBigAsteroidEx(position, size, resources)

    Following line:

    if resources ~= 0 then

    should be replaced with

    if resources then

    because "resources" is a boolean variable. Otherwise, even asteroids without resources will have "isObviouslyMineable = true".

  5. Ok, people reported problems - miners couldn't find asteroids, so I tried to fix this and update the mod to 0.22.2. I haven't tested it though.

    • Fixed asteroids not having 'isObviouslyMineable' property (only for new asteroids).
    • Updated to 0.22.2, merged vanilla changes.
    • Fixed vanilla error when it checks "if resources ~= 0 then" instead of "if resources then"
    • Repackaged the mod - just unpack the contents in the "Avorion" folder.



  6. In my opinion planets shouldn't be explorable, we don't need an ability to walk on them e.t.c.

    However it would be nice if planets (and also sun / other sector visual parameters) could affect sector stats - bright stars could increase energy production for all ships in sector, black holes would increase hyperspace recharge time, some planets would produce events / quests e.t.c

    And for the sense of immersion, planets could have random generated stats:  name, faction (if they're habitable) e.t.c

  7. Wait for an open beta 0.23.

    What you currently see In the workshop are mods that work on closed beta. They're for modders - we're checking that everything in the modding update works fine, learning and updating our mods.

  8. This even works for stations, some people use this behavior to move asteroids between sectors.

    That's fine, although stations really should have an option to go static or just inertia dampeners support.

    But when I tried to create a mod that would allow to found gates I realised that two gates teleported each other. At the same time o_o.

  9. Needs to be installed on server side.

    Works on 0.21.x+.


    Several people reported that during the battle ships sometimes pick up Stolen Scrap metals, even though they have the "Don't pick up stolen cargo" setting on.

    This mod should help with this issue by instantly transforming picked up Stolen Scrap metals into "unstolen" versions.



    1. Unpack the mod archive in your Avorion folder (not in the "data" folder).

    2. Open "data/scripts/entity/init.lua" and add the following code to the bottom of the file:

    if entity.isShip or entity.isStation then



    It should be safe to uninstall. Just remove the lines you added during installation and folder "StolenScrapFix" folder from "mods".


  10. Tried on 0.21.4, but probably will work on any version.

    [*]Spawn 2 gates that lead in different sectors on top of each other.

    [*]They both disappear from the sector because they're being transported into each other target sectors.


    Please make so gates, ancient gates and wormholes can't transfer each other.

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