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Posts posted by Rinart73

  1. Do Reconstruction tokens cost only money?

    If yes, then is it possible to convert money into materials via buying tokens, destroying + salvaging ship, rebuild and repeat whole exploit again?

    Yes they do. But considering that all Salvaging lasers have < 100% efficiency, this makes sense to do only with Avorion and it will still be not very effective I think.

  2. The problem is that trading window uses "0, 5, 6" form - "Питательных батончиков". This is incorrect.

    If we're talking about plural form but without prepending it with an actual number, it will be "Питательные батончики".


    "15 Питательных батончиков" (That's how it looks when you transfer goods from ship to ship).

    "Питательные батончики - 15" (That's how it should be in the trading window).


    So please could you add some "general plural form"? Or use "1, 21, 31" form when it comes to Russian, because it's a valid "singular" form.

  3. UPD: I misunderstood how tokens work, here are updated steps:


    On difficulty that gives 1-2 tokens:

    1. Create ship.

    2. Die 1-2 times for free.

    3. Make another ship and just transfer all stuff to it.

    4. Repeat.


    On difficulty with 0 tokens:

    1. Fly towards Reconstruction site.

    2. Create a 1-block ship.

    3. Buy token for 1k.

    4. Apply schematics.

    5. Die.

    6. Make another 1-block ship.

    7. Buy token for it and just transfer all stuff to it.

    8. Repeat.


    There is nothing that keeps us 'attached' to a ship so we wouldn't want to just replace it with another.

    The problem is: unlike insurance system reconstruction, existing tokens don't force you to pay extra if you add blocks to your ship. Only next token price gets higher.

    Maybe it's possible to 'override' build mode, so if you bought a token, you pay 30% more for blocks, except for starting tokens.

  4. Avorion: 0.21.4


    "Planetary Trading Post" button in the "Spawn Station" tab of entitydbg.lua spawns station with no goods because function passes incorrect planet data.


    function onCreatePlanetaryTradingPostButtonPressed()
        -- code
        local planets = {specs:generatePlanets()}
        station:addScript("data/scripts/entity/merchants/planetarytradingpost.lua", planets)
        -- code


    1. It should pass only 1 planet, not table of planets.

    2. Not every sector has planets. Maybe just pass table with random but valid planet type since it determines trading goods?

  5. Currently when you destroy a civilian NPC ship, game on C++ side calculates relation loss for the owner NPC faction.

    And "sector/relationchanges.lua" uses completely different formula for calculating relations change for witnesses.


    Because of that if we have 2 100% allied NPC factions and we'll destroy Faction 1 civilian ship this happens:

    • Faction 1 (owner) - 21k-36k rep loss in the starting sector - seems completely random
    • Faction 2 (witness) - stable 32k rep loss in starting sector. Because it follows formula from "sector/relationchanges.lua"


    Please reveal C++ side formula for modders, some of us really need it.

  6. If you look at the documentation, you'll see that StatsBonuses enum has only these entries at this moment. There is no "mechanicsPerShip":











































    However, there was an old mod which added system that allowed to use "Robotic Crew". You could try to use some code from it to achieve what you want.

  7. It would be nice to be able to check if faction/entity is registered as enemy/friendly in the ShipAI.

    So, for example when you provoke Xsotan, they register your faction as enemy. And you can't effectively check if you provoked them.

    Something like:


  8. Can I ask what you updated/fixed? It was already working for me on the latest patch.

    1. Update 0.20 introduced additional security - server functions that are invoked from client side should be marked as "callable", otherwise it's not allowed to call them. Perhaps it worked for you because you have "ExplicitCallables=false" in your "server.ini" file.

    2. I also merged some other code changes that were made by devs (such as additional checks).

  9. 1.4.0 is out!

    • Fixed: Lowercase caching didn't work.
    • Fixed: When user favorited some good, removed it from ship and then closed a window, it caused a script error.
    • Fixed: 'Favorites system' was sometimes assigned to wrong goods or incorrectly displayed.
    • Fixed: Some other small bugs.
    • Improved: Updated to Avorion 0.21.x.

  10. Found a way to keep data on client side even after jumping in another sector.  :)



    • Added: New dependency - 'ClientData'. It's already included in the mod archive, just follow additional instruction in the 'Installation' section.
    • Improved: Now player tracking list is synced between all ships (drone too), stations and sectors within current game session.

  11. Starting from game version 0.23 mod is moved to the Steam Workshop.


    This mod was originally developed by shulrak. I really like it so I decided to continue his work.




    Needs to be installed on both client and server.

    Works on 0.21.x+.


    This mod adds a button in the top right corner that opens a window where you can find tabs with all stations and gates in sector. By clicking station/gate name you will target it.

    The third tab allows to add players in the 'tracking list'. Every time you'll reopen the window, mod will refresh player coordinates. Then you can select a player name and click 'Show on Galaxy Map' to center your map on their sector.



    1. Optionally install i18n - Internationalization if you want to use this mod in your language.


    2. Unpack the mod archive in your Avorion folder, not in a "data" folder.


    3. Open "data/scripts/entity/init.lua" and add the following code to the bottom of the file:

    if not entity.aiOwned and (entity.isShip or entity.isStation or entity.isDrone) then entity:addScriptOnce("mods/SectorOverview/scripts/entity/sectoroverview.lua") end -- MOD: SectorOverview


    4. (Version 0.5+) Open "data/scripts/player/init.lua" and add the following code to the bottom of the file:

    Player():addScriptOnce("mods/ClientData/scripts/player/client/clientdata.lua") --MOD: ClientData




    It is safe to uninstall, this mod can't corrupt your galaxy. Just remove the line you added during installation and folder "SectorOverview" folder from "mods".




    Config file is located in the "mods/SectorOverview/config" folder.

    Client settings:

    • WindowWidth (number) - controls UI window width.
    • WindowHeight (number) - controls UI window height.

    Server settings:

    • AllowPlayerCoordinates (true/false) - if this setting is false, server will not reveal player coordinates and the Players List tab on client side will be hidden.






    Help to Translate

    Currently supported languages: English, Russian. You can help to translate this mod:


    • Sector Overview
    • Station List
    • Gate List
    • Player List
    • Show the selected player on the galaxy map.
    • Add the selected player from the combo box to the list of tracked players.
    • Remove the selected player from the list of tracked players.
    • Add
    • Show on Galaxy Map






    • Added: New dependency - 'ClientData'. It's already included in the mod archive, just follow additional instruction in the 'Installation' section.
    • Improved: Now player tracking list is synced between all ships (drone too), stations and sectors within current game session.


    • Fixed: "'entity' is nil" when removing players from tracking list.


    • Fixed: Setting 'AllowPlayerCoordinates' to false prevented UI from updating.


    • Fixed: Gate list didn't work with languages other than English.
    • Added: With an optional dependency "i18n", mod UI can be translated (current translations: Russian)
    • Added: Config file where you can change window size and disable player coordinate fetching (can be useful on PvP servers).
    • Improved: Station list now shows translated station names.
    • Improved: Updated to Avorion 0.21.4.
    • Changed: Behaviour of the 'Player List' tab:
      * Player coordinates now being fetched immediately after adding them in the 'tracking list'.
      * 'Tracking list' is now synced between all ships and stations in the sector.
      * 'Show on Galaxy Map' button now just shows player sector instead of requesting coordinates.





    • Keep player tracking list after exiting into drone or moving to another sector.



  12. Spawn ship when the loading-screen disappears (by pressing space-bar, if configured).

    Wouldn't that be enough? Do you want a warp-in animation on top of that?


    Spawning ship when loading is finished/spacebar pressed will work too. I just don't know if this will require serious changes for devs to make. That's why I suggested toggling invincibility, since it is already possible.

    Plus as I said, loading and pressing spacebar happens on client and ship protection/spawn happens on server. So it's not that easy.

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