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Posts posted by rmooney01

  1. I've had that happen. Had to restart the server. Sometimes my AI ships won't follow orders at all and I have to restart the server to get them back in line.


    i followed the ship and it seems like it just spinning around itself and around an iron asteroid but not mining it. something to do with it? also i saw my account all the time and it not changed even once for an hour. except for what i have mined.

  2. I agree with that tweak to the AI. Also, how about the faction of the offending ship also grants you some $ or status with them  to say sorry... As well if you have a stray shot, the same... You can loose a little status with them or pay a small fine equal to the damage. Sound good?

  3. You can build a protector gunship to protect the miners. All you have to do is enter the miner, hit the I key and go to the fleet tab select your protector, hit F key and order it to escort. Then exit the miner, select it with middle mouse and order it to mine. I was running 4 miners in my sector and raked in iron and titanium. But have since found that the cost of paying the captains, I'm better off with only 2 miners......

  4. I tried the following and was able to get a faster start:


    Start in drone and mine enough iron to build a ship. If you can find titanium at your start, it helps.


    Build a ship near the station thatvsells turrets and upgrades. Put a captain and crew in. If there are no captains, find a station that has one and get it put in. Only put the miner turrets on your ship. Get out into your drone, select your ship and hit F. Tell it to mine. Then, go with it and mine with the drone till you have enough iron to sell and build a decent ship...


    Worked well for me.

  5. Can't dispute any facts listed on the game mechanics. I have not paid it any attention. On the rest, to each their own.


    Personally I'm spending too much time mining and exploring to find new stations to notice or care how the enemy is spawned or how they like to craft their ships. Still getting to the point where I can build miners and have fighters etc....


    On the example of enemy having hangers when their ships are built of iron and titanium.... How do you know this? I'm honestly asking, not being smug. When I destroy and salvage is the only way I could think of to know what they are made up of. If that is the case, don't we have to have a salvage beam that can break down certain types of resources? I've only got a titanium salvager and probably have not gotten to a sector with anything higher than titanium stuff.....


    Anyway, sorry your not digging the game anymore, keep an eye on it. Maybe some of those things will change.

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