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Posts posted by EndersGaming

  1. quick question, since intalling your mod every hidden mass sector has been completely empty. does your mod change something that would effect this or is it probably another issue. do i need to restart my galaxy. i will fresh install and see if it helps. thanks for any info


    Edit. did a fresh beta install and only installed this mod and when i started a new galaxy i had nothing in my starting sector, no asteroids, stations or anything. going to uninstall for now.

    Sorry to hear that, that probably means there is something broken in the new beta version. Next time you experience something like this don't just say something isn't working, post the error log. Without an error log I can guess the error. (I am not good at guessing)


    Is there anyway to make a script to have the stations added into the sectors without overwriting the sector generator.lua code or any other core game code. Because this can cause issues with updates and will force you to update this every time they come out with a new patch effecting the sector codes.

    Yes there is, you have to do it manually. You have to follow the instructions under "With other mods" in "Installation/Download". I am working on a way to make this easier for people installing my mod but so far not a lot of luck.

    No worries man, it was just a heads up not complaining at all(probably something i did wrong anyway). I'm a moron and am not even sure how to post an error log :D. Side note i love your trading reach mod that is very handy. Thanks again


    I've had the same problem.  I took a screenshot of the console.


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