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General Inaptitude

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Posts posted by General Inaptitude

  1. Thanks for the confirmation this will be fixed!


    It makes life a lot easier, especially when there are little bugs around that make a <server>  say things like "Your non responsiveness is interpreted as a hostile act". I was seriously hunting for a trolling Steam player/user!  ;D

  2. Hello,


    I was working on a command to output player information but ran into quite the snag trying to consume the PlayerId field property from the Player (server) object. However, I have tried everything I can think of, but it just will not work.


    Other fields on the player object seem to consume just fine from the code I just wrote @ https://github.com/Joeppie/AvorionAdminScripts/blob/master/playerinfolist.lua


    The following things do not work:


    /run print (Player().id.id)

    /run print (Player().id.name)


    error: 'attempt to index UserData value'


    for k, v in pairs(getmetatable(Player().id)) do
        print(k, type(v))

    error: table is nil.


    A 'normal' pairs construction  to try and consume the player.id fields also does not work.


    The following does work:


    /run print(Player().id)


    outputs 'PlayerId'


    I am unsure what to make of this, it might be that there are some things missing in the game code which expose the UserData PlayerId properly to the game?


    If this is a bug, it would be nice to fix, since right now admins have a hard time understanding which steam ID is associated with a player unless they look into the log file to see when people logged in to (attempt) to correlate steam IDs with user names.


    Steam nowadays allows you to delete your previous usernames, and Avorion does continue to use the original name someone has logged in with for the entire lifespan of the save file. This can mean that people can hide behind a different name.


    Thank you for your time, and thank you @ Rinart73 for helping diagnose this problem.

    - Inaptitude

  3. Greetings,


    I cannot go into detail for obvious reasons but I have found a severe exploit which allows me to rapidly acquire the maximum supported value for both credits and every single building resource within 2 minutes of joining a server.


    Here is a screenshot of the direct results of using this exploit on a server I joined 2-3 minutes beforehand: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1741963089


    I have fully recorded the reproduction of these steps and I can document these in a private message.


    Who should I contact exactly, or is a different means desired? My Steam addy is General Inaptitude, I am also a server admin with Chip Patton's Divine Reapers server.



  4. To anyone who may be encountering issues with this mod;


    We had some problems causing the wormhole alien to not properly get reinforcements, and had some errors in the console, which I fixed.

    Additionally, I made it so that xsotan and pirates do not persist after the player who triggered them leaves the system; this makes it less likely for entire factions to get obliterated, which is rather annoying for servers. (this has been done by adding this line for both the xostan and pirate scripts:


    +        ship:addScript("deleteonplayersleft.lua")

    as per this https://github.com/Joeppie/AvorionModFixes/commit/be7f5bad2b737e9ad9d148f292c86760836cf2be#diff-3594e92ee7276218e739b1dd51ef149c?w=0 commit.


    The fixes can be found here, the easiest way to get them into your game is to donwload a zip of the entire repo and write the content of the folder below to the scripts folder in Avorion.



    It is probably recommended that the author include these in an updated version of the mod, with non-persitent Xsotan/Pirates probably being optional :)



  5. We have just seen this in the XeroSpace Advanced - server:


    2017-12-19 16-26-05| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1158
    2017-12-19 16-26-06| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1270
    2017-12-19 16-26-06| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1466
    2017-12-19 16-26-06| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1438
    2017-12-19 16-26-06| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1494
    2017-12-19 16-26-07| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1494
    2017-12-19 16-26-07| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1186
    2017-12-19 16-26-07| uncritical but too large update in component: Shield, size: 1158


    We had about 20 players online, CPU use was ~40% (the way windows measures it, I believe)


    It is however modded and running among others: Unique Xsotan Artifacts, Better Docking, Bigger Threats, Out of Sector Production, Carrier Commander.

    (I fixed the problems in Bigger Threats here, as it is not currently maintained and had problems: https://github.com/Joeppie/AvorionModFixes/tree/master/BetterThreats_v1.1/scripts )

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