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Posts posted by TrixX

  1. Ignoring aesthetics, effectiveness is basically defined by efficiency in application of the required task. For instance a combat oriented ship maybe incredibly inefficient at dealing with trading and vice versa.


    As a result effectiveness is necessitated by what task is at hand. I have ships for all round use that aren't spectacular at anything but good at everything and can accommodate different tasks such as trading and combat and salvaging and mining etc...


    Currently I'm experimenting with TESLA's latest two creations which are probably two of the best looking designs I've seen but for me personally were pretty under-equipped module wise from a size perspective of the ship, both are perfectly functional, but I felt should have better shields and power generation as well better flight handling as both rotate too slow for my tastes. After reworking the smaller of the two (Duke?) I gained 50% more shields 100% more engine thrust, 100% more counter-thrust and a much better ship overall. Fully armoured too instead of


    From a general perspective though I find many ships fall into the same traps, lack of engines/inertia dampening, lack of thrusters and lack of gyro's from a handling perspective. For most ships I aim for a minimum of 100m/s2 and at least 1.0 Rad on Yaw, Pitch and Roll. Without that getting on target is slower and you'll spend more time waiting to target your enemy or rock.


    Combat wise, don't underestimate Armour, Railguns are scary if you don't have it and will penetrate many blocks deep if you fail to use it or the Railgun's take your shields down. Shields are also a cheap form of defence, I'd rather stack more shields than add stone to a ship as the shields come with little weight gain and can regen whereas the stone doesn't do much other than block lightning and slow your ship down a lot.


    Learning the quirks of the building mode is essential for this game, as getting 6GW extra shielding on a 4 slot ship is a HUGE difference at that level with just correct use of the blocks.


    Oh and there are only certain modules that benefit from Material Type. Otherwise use Trinium as it's the lightest weight.

  2. Seeing as peeps (ok one dude, possibly...) were interested in seeing a couple of my ships I'll start uploading a few pics and maybe a few XML's over time.


    Starting off I must admit I found some of the Homeworld ships on here and thought wow, this is how detailed the editor can be and so went to it. I'm definitely not the best at making ships, but I am having a lot of fun with making them and usually my goal is to make the ship handle well enough for me to enjoy flying it and looking aesthetically close to the source material.


    First up is a Cruiser about half the size of the amazing Hiigaran Battlecruiser by Maffin. Stats though allow it to handle incredibly well for its size and also has an insane level of shielding for it's size. Probably could reduce shields by half and use that space for something else. Doesn't have a massive crew requirement for a ship this powerful either.














  3. I must admit I've moved away from straight snaps and mostly use framework parts to layer together to make groups I can copy paste into the recesses I want. Much more efficient time wise (make 1 part, paste 5 times accurately and boom). Still hard to get the most out of some spaces within a ship though.

  4. Well isn't that a coincidence :)


    Saw your name and thought nah must be a copycat or something, but DAMN it's actually the guy behind it! Been watching that mod for years!


    Well I must admit my creations lack a lot of the flair of some of the talented guys/gals around here, but mostly I aim to pack in as much as possible into the smallest frame I can. Currently working on semi-recreations of some of the Yaodu mod ships from the Homeworld mod. Not releasing them though as they get a bit antsy with copies and so on. Hopefully I'll try my hand at a few of my own creations soon though.

  5. 1. Do you want to configure a turret's stats (as in Damage, Range, etc.)?

    2. Do you want to create more of the same turret (so your ships look less random)?

    3. Do you want to adjust the size of turrets?

    4. Do you want to change the appearance of turrets?

    Oddly 1 is not that important to me, the Turret Factories provide that ability well enough already.


    I am interested in 2/3/4 though. All three would help with making ship designs more cohesive and with the incredible ship remakes from Homeworld, BSG, Star Wars etcetera, it'd go a long way to getting those ships looking right.


    I would add a number 5 though, a request to have configurable colours for the weapons. So you can recreate those Turbo Lasers from Star Wars or those Blue Beam Lasers from Homeworld...

  6. After wasting countless hours trying to find an Ammunition S/M/L Factory S/M/L/XL/XXL and having little to no luck (only one I found had Ammunition S and L but no M which I needed!) for QoL reasons we really need a search function for the sector map.


    Trying to find things at the moment is painfully hard! Makes trading and crafting quite frustrating.


    OH and as an aside losing 40K rep for having Explosive Charges onboard (trying to craft weapons) is damn annoying. At least let me buy the dangerous goods permit!

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