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Posts posted by Naggerknife

  1. Thanks for providing the server hosting docs.


    I am following your instructions, but my winrar is telling me that the server installer zip on mediafire uploaded  2017-01-25 13:21:19 is corrupted. Is the zip file size really only 682 Bytes?? And it contains two files -- "avrion_installer.txt" and "Naggerknife's Server Installer.bat"


    Yah its small! Its just a custom ".bat file" setup to automate the install process. Its been downloaded over 1000 times so I'm assuming its working for most. If issue persists let me know.

  2. That's a common debug code not yet removed from log files. There working on server stability. Seems like if you have to many players on a server it cant handle it and just goes crazy. Its cause by people who are in sectors that have bugged ships or something like that. I recommend keeping population under 10 for good stability until he updates more.

  3. Hello


    Im 20 years old as of december last year, i'm an IT student so im not always available.

    i'm dutch so (gmt+1 or CET)

    Have ts, not always able to use it.


    Also, male :P


    Great! Join into teamspeak and come say hi.




    If I'm not there it's okay because I work as well and I know not everyone can play at same time.

  4. A little yes and no, factions have a basic territory where all sectors within it will belong to a faction. We can predict where the gate will go to, and thus can predict what faction the gate will belong to.


    Do you ever sleep? I feel like you are always online!! I have never seen such an active developer. Probabaly not human if I had to take a guess.

  5. Hello Everyone,


    I'm looking for some cool people to play this amazing game with. I have a small server up and I'm looking to recruit some mature people to explorer the game with me and some friends. I have a dedicated box so server up-time should be fine.


    Server is an East Coast Server.

    Must be able to use teamspeak.


    Message me if you are interested in joining.





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