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Posts posted by ThunderDodge

  1. I want to give some messages to the player like:

    "Restart in x seconds, Minutes, Hours"


    That isn't possible with a external script. I would do it external, wjich is pretty easy, but then i don't have the messages.

    I mean, such a small script, wouldn't do much to server performance.



    Some other solution would be, you have set restarting times, like 3am, 6am, 12am, 2pm, 4pm....

    But i want to make it lua side, just because i always did that on my modification's in modable games.



  2. Hey,


    i would like to know why 'deferredCallback' does not work on serverside stuff ( "server.lua" ).

    I'd like to add my autorestart script, wich initializes, but 'deferredCallback' returns always '0'.

    The Script just works fine, when i attach it to a Player() or Entity().

    I already thought about a Object in the world, wich i can attach script to, that makes some serverside calculations. But thats not a smart solution.

    Does anyone know how to do it on the right way?


    I came up with some suggestion's for the Scripting-API:


    [serverside - Server functions]
    Galaxy():getSectos()		--returns table with all sectors [posX,posY,Seed]
    Galaxy():getSector( seed or pos )		-- returns a specified Sector, to attach scripts to it.
    Server():think()		-- executes every x seconds ( depends on server tickrate )
    Server():getUserGroup( player )   -- returns the name of the player's user group ( Moderator, Administrator... )
    Server():userGroupInfo( name )  -- returns table of privileges of the user group ( commands and stuff )
    Server():getPlayerPing( player )  -- returns the ping of the given player
    [Player functions]
    Player():ping()   - get the players ping
    [Entity functions]
    Entity():setPos( x, y, z )
    Entity():getPos()	-- Returns Vector or table with coordinates
    Entity():moveToSector( sector info (coordinates) )	-- Moves the entity in a different sector, that already exists
    Enity():setAngles( Angle vector )
    Entity():getAngles()	-- gets the angles of the entity



    If im wrong with something, please tell me.



  3. Hey JoJoxX,


    try to open this port range in your firewall:

    27000-27003 TCP/UDP


    Then start your server with following script ( server.bat ):

    bin\AvorionServer.exe --galaxy-name MyGalaxy --server-name MyServer --admin you --port 27000 --max-players 10 --public 1 --use-steam-networking 1


    If this don't work, feel free to contact me.

  4. Another idea is, that you can request a portable shipyard from a fraction. It takes some time until in warps right next to you ( 1 minute ).

    You can now edit your Ship without finding a repair -/ shiptyard.


    You cant request a portable ship, when you're in a fight or recently were in one.

    This would bring us a little more reality to the game.

    But you can still go find a stationary yard -/ repair dock, wich is still less expensive than the portable ones.

    ( partable station = the current edit system price's )


    Another thing:

    If you have a clan-base you can recruit portable repair station's or yards, or even build your own repair station's in your base.



    The Suggested feature:

    I mean, lets assume you're in a fight and cant back to a repair-dock to repair yourself. How would you repair yourself then?

    The Block's wont just go back in place after some time, that would be unrealstic and i wouldn't like it. ( like in Robocraft )



    So what do you think about my suggestion?

  5. Yeah, i'd like to mod too. But i cant get my files getting loaded, or i dont know how to call my function in the file.

    its something with "invokeClientFunction( Player( index ), "myFunction, myargs )".


    Let's assume i have my file in: data/scripts/player



    if onServer() then return end
    package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/player/?.lua"
    --require ("randomext")
    --require ("utility")
    --require ("stringutility")
    function writeText()
    displayChatMessage("You just ran ur script! YAY", "Script", 0) 


    Now i tried running my script with following entry in the chatbox:

    /run invokeClientFunction( Player( 1 ), "writeText" )


    returns = nothing



    Final questions ( i want to start scripting... ):

    How to we run Files -/ Function's

    Can one file be shared. So it be Client & Server at same?

    When we want to use other files function, do we need to "require" it?




    - My suggestions ( if possible ) -


    We have Server, Client & a Shared folder.


    Each file in this get auto-detected and imported to the game to his group ( Server, Client or Shared ).


    Lua scripts should get Autorefreshed. ( much easier to develop then )


    We can create global function just by defining them with "local" or nothing for global ( local function blah() ), so we can call it from each file we want without 'package.path = package.path .. ";data/scripts/player/?.lua" '. Or is it already possible???



    I really dont get into this scripting logic for the game.

    I've already scripted for some games, but this is something new to me.




    #### Another guy who asked almost the same ####


  6. Linux ( currently running on ) :

    Intel Core i7-2600


    HDD2x HDD 1,5 TB SATA


    HDD1x SSD 240 GB SATA


    RAM2x RAM 8192 MB DDR


    1Gig Network



    We wil move to:

    Intel Xeon E5-1650V2


    HDD2x HDD 2,0 TB SATA Enterprise


    RAM8x RAM 16384 MB DDR3 ECC reg.


    1Gig Network





    Logs will come


  7. I have a big server with ~ 26 Players and sometimes the server says in console:


    Warning can't keep up.

    skipping 6-300 frames


    then the server begins to lag and crash after a time.

    Please fix this.


    I dont know what causes the problem.

    It seems to occur, when many players travel to further sectors.

  8. Hey guys,


    we are "Imperial-Galaxy's" alias ( Gmod - Immortal-Gaming ), and we're happy to announce, that our server has just got online. We looking forward to present you very special custom scripts & mods as soon the game allow -/ is "really" ready for it.

    The Game itself if a very stable product, and we really enjoy it, but we like to share massive MP gameplay with you guys.


    ---- What we are planning ----

    ( All these things are up to the possibilities of the game )


    Clan-System ( if there's a GUI lib )

    Clan Wars - Sector takeover

    PVP System

    Metheor Storms ( if possible - scriptable )

    Environment System - Money, paychecks and stuff

    Job System - ( Galaxy Police and more... )

    EXP System

    Noob Protect system

    Teleportation for claimed sectors

    and much more...


    But also we will set up a Forum for you guys very soon.

    IG will host 2 types of servers: DE & EU


    For now we will make a international server, because there ain't much people playing this game yet.



    ---- Server Details ----


    Name: Imperial-Galaxy's





    If you have any suggestion for the server, don't hesitate to let us know.


    We're awaiting you guys, and have fun playing on our server :)

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